

Din sökning på "*" gav 532727 sökträffar

Determination of specific surface by the BET method

Abstract in French On peut déterminer la surface spécifique par des mesures d’adsorption des gaz ou des vapeurs d’après la théorie de Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, que l’on examine ici, de même que les techniques expérimentales disponibles: méthodes statiques (volumétriques ou gravimétriques) et dynamiques plus ou moins complexes. En s’aidant d’exemples, on discute l’application de la théorie de B.E.T. The theoretical background of the adsorption isotherm equation of Brunauer, Emmett and Teller is reviewed, together with the experimental techniques available for measuring physical adsorption of gases by solids. Examples are given to show how such measurements are used to determine the specific surface of constructional materials.

Tertiary phosphine abstraction from a platinum(II) coordination complex with SeCN-: Crystal and molecular structures of Se=PTA and [Se=PTA-Me]I center dot CH3OH

Reacting [PtCl(PTA)(3)]Cl (PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[,7)]decane) with KSeCN in aqueous or MeOH medium results in the abstraction of the PTA ligands to yield Se = PTA. The reaction also proceeds quantitatively by direct reaction of PTA and KSeCN in water or methanol. The methylated PTA ligand, [PTA-Me]I (1-methyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo[3.3. 1.1(3,7)]decane iodide),

Different roles for non-receptor tyrosine kinases in arachidonate release induced by zymosan and Staphylococcus aureus in macrophages

BACKGROUND: Yeast and bacteria elicit arachidonate release in macrophages, leading to the formation of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, important mediators of inflammation. Receptors recognising various microbes have been identified, but the signalling pathways are not entirely understood. Cytosolic phospholipase A2 is a major down-stream target and this enzyme is regulated by both phosphorylation

Note on covering monotone orthogonal polygons with star-shaped polygons

In 1986, Keil provided an O(n(2)) time algorithm for the problem of covering monotone orthogonal polygons with the minimum number of r-star-shaped orthogonal polygons. This was later improved to O(n) time and space by Gewali et al. in [L. Gewali, M. Keil, S.C. Ntafos, On covering orthogonal polygons with star-shaped polygons, Information Sciences 65 (1992) 45-63]. In this paper we simplify the lat

Effects of Rho kinase, prostacyclin and L-arginine on microvascular permeability and perfusion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cirkulationen i de minsta kärlen, de s.k. mikrovaskulära utbyteskärlen är viktig för vävnadens syre- och näringstillförsel. Mikrocirkulationen utgörs av de minsta artärerna, kapillärerna, och de minsta venerna. I kapillärerna och i de minsta venerna sker utbytet av näring, syre, samt koldi-oxid och andra metabola restprodukter. För fettlösliga ämnen som koldioxid och syThis thesis presents some effects of Rho kinase, prostacyclin (PGI2) and nitric oxide (NO) in relation to trauma and inflammation by evaluating their effects on microvascular perfusion and permeability in mouse brain and in cat skeletal muscle. PGI2 and NO are endogenous vasoactive substances produced by the endothelium. They are vasodilators with antiaggregatory/antiadhesive and permeability-redu

"Kristi ämbete" : Gunnar Rosendal och diskussionen om biskopsämbetet i Svenska kyrkan

The episcopate has been much debated in the twentieth century, both in the Church of Sweden and ecumenically. The purpose of the thesis is to study how it has been discussed within the Church of Sweden, using the priest and reformer Gunnar Rosendal (1897?1988) as point of departure. Methodologically speaking, a single individual is studied in order to shed light on a broad historical and ideologic

Mechanisms of phase behaviour and protein partitioning in detergent/polymer aqueous two-phase systems for purification of integral membrane proteins1

Detergent/polymer aqueous two-phase systems are studied as a fast, mild and efficient general separation method for isolation of labile integral membrane proteins. Mechanisms for phase behaviour and protein partitioning of both membrane-bound and hydrophilic proteins have been examined in a large number of detergent/polymer aqueous two-phase systems. Non-ionic detergents such as the Triton series

Young entrepreneurs, social capital and doi moi in Hanoi, Vietnam

Young entrepreneurs establishing enterprises in Hanoi, Vietnam, are faced with an economic environment very different from that of their parents' generation, as doi moi (renovation) introduced in 1986 creates an increasingly capitalist market economy. Drawing on field studies in Hanoi we consider whether such entrepreneurs are able to take advantage of social capital networks - namely, bonding, br

Risk stratification in cardiac surgery: Algorithms and applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inför hjärtkirurgi är bedömning av en patients individuella nytta av och risk vid en hjärtoperation en viktig komponent i utredningen inför operationen. En riskstratifiering innebär att patientens olika riskfaktorer (exempelvis sockersjuka, högt blodtryck, antal tidigare hjärtinfarkter, hjärtfunktion) vägs samman till en sannolikhets-bedömning av risken för en viss händThe aims of this research was to compare different risk score algorithms with regard to their validity to predict 30-day and one-year mortality after open-heart surgery, to evaluate if the preoperative risk stratification model EuroSCORE predicts the different components of resource utilization in cardiac surgery, and to systematically evaluate the accuracy and performance of artificial neural net

Ärans och hjältarnas tid - eller de bondska töntarnas epok?

This subject of this article is the discrepancy in 20th-century popular culture with regard to views on the Middle Ages. On the one hand, the medieval period has come to represent darkness, stupidity and, in the negative sense of the word, an old-fashioned attitude to life. On the other hand, the Middle Ages is often visualised as a positive antithesis to modernity, an age of heoric values, knight

Optimization of energy-window settings for scatter correction in quantitative In-111 imaging: Comparison of measurements and Monte Carlo simulations

Activity quantification in nuclear medicine imaging is highly desirable, particularly for dosimetry and biodistribution studies of radiopharmaceuticals. Quantitative In-111 imaging is increasingly important with the current interest in therapy using Y-90 radiolabeled antibodies. One of the major problems in quantification is scatter in the images, which leads to degradation of image quality. The a

Reversed planning graphs for relevance heuristics in AI planning

Most AI planning heuristics are reachability heuristics, in the sense that they estimate the minimum plan length from the initial state to a search state. Such heuristics are best suited for use in regression state-space planners, since a progression planner would have to reconstruct the heuristic function at each new search state. However, some domains (or problem instances within a certain domai

Discrete Methods used in Graph Theory and Linear Programming

The content of the thesis is divided into two parts; graph theory and linear programming. The main results in the first part concerns extremal graph theory. Here we want to determine the number of edges in a graph needed to ensure the existence of certain local structures. Upper and lower bounds are given for the number of edges in a graph to ensure triangles and quadrilaterals respectively, when

Post-gastrectomy osteopenia in the rat: bone structure is preserved by retaining 10%-30% of the oxyntic gland area.

Background: The acid-producing part of the rat stomach (fundus) is rich in endocrine cells, i.e. ECL cells and A-like cells. The ECL cells operate under gastrin control and manufacture histamine, the chromogranin-derived peptide pancreastatin and an unidentified peptide hormone. The A-like cells produce ghrelin, a newly discovered growth hormone-releasing hormone. Surgical removal of the entire gl