

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Grapes as an alternative crop for water saving

Fruit trees have a vast range of water needs. When it comes to Crop Water Requirement (CWR), grapes may be considered as a low water consumption crop. Thus, grapes can be a good alternative in arid and semiarid areas as compared to dates, citrus, and bananas that have higher CWR. Much water can be saved if agricultural management focuses on high-yield crops with low CWR. Therefore, changing existi

Sensory Aspects of Knee Injuries

Popular Abstract in Swedish En främre korsbandsskada i knäet betraktas allmänt som en ganska allvarlig knäskada med risk för kvarstående funktionsnedsättning. Sett över tiden finns även en ökad risk för artros, ”brosknedbrytning”, efter främre korsbandsskada. Traditionellt sett har man inom ortopedin främst diskuterat vikten av främre korsbandets mekaniskt stabiliserande funktion; en skada, rupturProprioceptive ability was estimated in different groups of patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury as well as in different groups of healthy uninjured individuals. In study I, patients with poor outcome of the ACL injury – i.e. persistent symptoms of instability – were compared with patients with few symptoms after ACL injury, as well as with a control group. The results showed that

The language of eating and drinking: a window on Orang Asli meaning-making

We make in this chapter a first probe into the lexical domain of eating and drinking as it is construed in the Aslian languages, a branch of the Austroasiatic language family spoken by a majority of the Orang Asli of the Malay Peninsula. Fundamental to human experience and representation, the domain of ingestion has received increased linguistic attention in recent years. Setting out from our own

Investigation of Carbohydrate Hydrolysing Enzymes in Applications for Characterisation and Synthesis of Carbohydrates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellulosa och stärkelse är naturligt förekommande polysackarider, som är uppbyggda av långa rader av flera tusen sammanbundna glukosmolekyler. De är biologiskt nedbrytbara, billiga och dessutom förnyelsebara, och används mycket som råvaror i läkemedels-, livsmedels-, textil-, pappers- och byggnadsindustrin. För att cellulosa och stärkelse ska kunna användas industrelltCellulose and starch are non-toxic, biodegradable and modifiable polymers. These properties have made them increasingly important in industrial products e. g. in pharmaceutical applications and in technical dispersions. By chemical modification of these polymers the physical and chemical properties of the polymer can be adjusted to suit a certain area of application. The characteristics of modifie

The UspA1 protein of Moraxella catarrhalis induces CEACAM-1-dependent apoptosis in alveolar epithelial cells.

Moraxella catarrhalis is a major cause of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. M. catarrhalis–specific UspA1 and the epithelial carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM1) were required to induce apoptosis. M. catarrhalis–induced apoptosis was significantly enhanced in HeLa cells stably transfected with CEACAM1, compared with HeLa cells

Europe in Post-Soviet Autobiographical Writing

In modern Russian history, the concept of Europe has served as a main reference point in the formation of Russian national identity. This has given rise to a series of dichotomies, such as European individualism versus Russian collectivism, materialism versus spirituality and rationality versus emotion. In Russia, the genre of autobiography, with its focus on personal experience and the individual

Instrumentation, Control and Automation in Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a biochemical process in nature. It has been used to decompose organic waste in order to reduce environmental pollution, and to destroy pathogenic microorganisms for the protection of human and animal health. The process itself produces methane, which can then be used as an energy source. The use of AD in an integrated resource recovery system is one of the most importa

Gestational Diabetes, screening, diagnosis and prognosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Graviditetsdiabetes (GD) är en sjukdom utan någon allmänt erkänd definition och vars prognos för kvinnan och hennes foster/barn är omdiskuterad. Därför har det från etisk synpunkt ifrågasatts om man verkligen ska försöka identifiera den. Rapporter har dock angivit ökad risk att få stora barn för tiden och ökad perinatal dödlighet vid graviditetsdiabetes samt att dessa kGestational diabetes (GD) is still a nonentity disease. There is no worldwide consensus how to define it or whether it is harmful to the woman or fetus. Therefore, from an ethical point of view, it is uncertain whether one should try to identify it. Since 1991, all pregnant women in Lund are offered a 75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 27 – 28 weeks of pregnancy. In Sweden, the definition o

Electro-viscoelastic Modeling of Electroactive Polymers

While traditionally treated separately, the research disciplines dealing with electromagnetic fields respectively continuum mechanics are naturally connected. Not only are the basic equations formulated in a similar way, but the presence of electromagnetic fields affect the balance equations of continuum mechanics and likewise, the presence of material continua affect the electromagnetic fields

Constructing a neural system for surface inspection

Visual quality assurance techniques focus on the detection and qualification of abnormal structures in the image of an object. The features of abnormality are extracted through image mining, whereupon classification is performed on characteristic combinations. Many techniques for feature extraction have been proposed, but the feed-forward neural network is seldom utilized despite its popularity in

Preparation and study of the reactivity of Sr-substituted alpha tricalcium phosphates

The substitution in varying amounts of strontium (Sr) for calcium in the alpha tricalcium phosphate (α TCP) structure was investigated. The effects on the reactivity towards the formation of hydroxypalatite on hydration were also studied. The prepared α-TCP and the fully hydrated α-TCP powders were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction and the CuKα1 radiation. It was found that the alpha for