Nobelpris – Vetenskap och Hälsa - 2025-03-17
Filtyp - 2025-03-17 - 2025-03-17
Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT18_27okt17_tledits Kurslitteratur MVEN16 (prel.) 2018-10-19 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT18 OBS! Vissa artiklar kan ändras/tillkomma under kursens gång! Kursböcker Boyce, T. and Lewis, J., eds. (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (OBS! om svårtillgänglig, tillhandahålles utvalda kapitel under kursens gång) Bulkeley, H. a - 2025-03-16 - 2025-03-16
Title: The key to the positive spiral - A study of musicians views of their practicing. The purpose with this paper is to make clear how continuous practicing on one element affects not just the specific part but also other things. Is it possible to find a positive spiral where everything can be better if you focus your practicing on one thing? Can this element if it is done daily in a qualitative
Efter Sovjetunionens upplösning har skyddet av minoriteters rättigheter fått ökad relevans i Europa. De flesta länderna i den central- och östeuropeiska regionen är nu EU-medlemmar, vilket med anledning av de många nationella minoriteter som är bosatta i området ställt nya krav på såväl EU som de nya medlemsstaterna. Minoritetsskydd har länge varit Europarådets gebit, men i den process som föregic
Course evaluation Course:Design of experimemts:MASC05 Evaluated on LTH: Yes Lecturer:Fredrik Olsson Number of students: 14 Grades: 5 VG, 6 G, 3 U Summary: Overall the students were satisfied although there were some technical issues due the distance education. Comments: The course work overall well. The problems that occured due to the Corona pandemic will be reoslved until next time. 1 Course eva - 2025-03-15 - 2025-03-16
When the Torrey Canyon ran aground in 1967, there was no international regime covering liability for oil pollution damage. This changed with the adoption of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention for Oil Pollution (CLC) and the 1971 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (Fund Convention). While torts are mainly fault based, th
The purpose of this essay was to examine how immigrants of the first generation experience the integration in to the swedish society from the six factors: identity, culture, language, codes, individualism/holism and network. Our questions were: What does integration mean to the immigrant? Does the immigrant feel integrated and what is it that contributes to the fact that she feels or not feels int - 2025-02-22
Professor emeritus Contact details Email: karsten [dot] astrom [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Sociology of Law Service point: 31 WebpageKarsten Åströms profile in Lund University research portalResearch AreasExpert Knowledge in CourtWelfare Regulation and ImplementationProfessions Applying LawAccess to justice Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, t - 2025-03-17