

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11251 sökträffar

Filantropi, socialt arbete och straff : hjälparbete med dömda 1800-2000

I det tidiga 1800-talet började man resonera kring hjälpinsatser åt fängelsefångar. I mitten av samma sekel började hjälpen och behandlingen skiljas ut från straffet, olika personer skötte olika uppgifter: Fångvaktarna skötte straffet och föreningar behandlingen. Föreningarna var ett komplement till fängelset vid cellfängelsereformen i mitten av 1800-talet I Sverige hade de bildats på statens init

Mi Lennhag

Doctoral Student Contact details Email: mi [dot] lennhag [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 70 950 93 23 Mobile: +46 70 950 93 23Organisation Department of Political Science Room number: 435 Service point: 35 WebpageMi Lennhags profile in Lund University research portalPolitical Science RESEARCH AND AREAS OF INTERESTThe Post-Soviet region and other states in Eastern and Central Europe (politic

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/mi-lennhag - 2025-01-11

Vad sätter man i handen på en nybörjare? - Om hur pianolärarens val av läromedel kan påverka elevernas lärande.

This study has been conducted in order to try to clarify how one as a piano teacher, by the choice of teaching material and method of teaching, can influence the process of learning. The study deals with novice teaching and more specifically first semester teaching. I have studied three books, their methods and how they take on the task of introducing music and piano playing to novice students. I

Gisn08 course evaluation summary 2019

Course Summary for ”Course name and course code” ht/ 2019 Course coordinator: Helena Elvén Eriksson (f.d. Borgqivst) Teachers in the course: Helena Elvén Eriksson (f.d. Borgqivst) and Zhangzhang Cai Number of students: 13 (but there are 11 from the year before and some of them were late with submissions). Therefore students registered from 2018 are also included here. Grade distribution: Fail/Pass

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sites/nateko.lu.se/files/2021-01/gisn08_course_evaluation_summary_2019.pdf - 2025-01-11

22 April 2021

From the Management This week the management group discussed the Research Quality Evaluation Project 2020 reports and prepared for the dialogues with the faculty in the autumn. Also discussed was the reporting on the assignment from the Dean of the Science Faculty, to further develop cooperation between the Faculty’s departments, and it will be presented to all staff in June. Well done everyone wh

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/staff-newsletters/22-april-2021 - 2025-01-09