Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11246 sökträffar
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Sahlin Using the relational theory of risk to understand 2021
Using the relational theory of risk to understand radon risk communication in a Swedish context Using the relational theory of risk to understand radon risk communication in a Swedish context ULLRIKA SAHLIN, CENTRE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE SCIENCES, LUND UNIVERSITY Members of the Pufendorf group, Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Boholm and Ragnar Löfstedt Should I be worried? Radon i vatten. Statens strål
Susanne Boethius
Researcher Contact details Email: susanne [dot] boethius [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 40Organisation Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageSusanne Boethius profile in Lund University research portalSusanne Boethius is a researcher at the Department of Sociology. Her research interests are interpersonal violence, violence against women, workplace innovation, job quality in hospital
https://www.soc.lu.se/en/susanne-boethius - 2025-01-09
Cesarean sectio
Den ökande sectiofrekvensen är en världsomfattande trend. En litteraturstudie har genomförts enligt Goodmans modell för att ur ett globalt perspektiv belysa orsakerna till den ökande sectiofrekvensen hos den gravida kvinnan, med fokus på icke-medicinskt obstetriska faktorer. I resultatet framkom tre huvudkategorier; samhällets perspektiv (socioekonomiska faktorer), kvinnans perspektiv (kvinnors up
Omorganisationer, kvalitet och arbetsmiljö i hemtjänsten under 1990-talet
Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett seminarium.
Auschwitz, autenticitet, kunskap
This essay reflects on issues surrounding the remembrance and teaching of the Holocaust. It was commissioned by the project Living History and the Swedish Prime Minister's Office.
Kan man snacka bort representativ demokrati?
List of Rights - Lund University Students' Rights and Responsibilities List of Rights - Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities APPROVED BY THE VICE-CHANCELLOR ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 ....................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................
Methods newsletter 2016 issue1 2
Methods Newsletter 2016 issue1.pdf JANUARY 2016 Methods & Methodology Faculty News What’s this? The Methods and Methodologies Project This project entails both a Graduate School (GS) and a Faculty of Social Sciences component, and both parts began in September 2015. Who am I? My background is one that is interdisciplinary, international, and mixed- and multi-method. I am a sociologist, but I als
https://www.graduateschool.sam.lu.se/sites/graduateschool.sam.lu.se/files/methods_newsletter_2016_issue1_2.pdf - 2025-01-09
Ngea20-course evaluation 2019
NGEA20 course evaluation 2019 Physical Geography LU Course Summary for ”Hydrology Introduction – NGEA20” vt 2019 Course coordinator: Andreas Persson Teachers in the course: Martin Berggren, Thomas Holst, Harry Lankreijer, Dan Metcalf, Andreas Persson, David Tenenbaum. Number of students: 16 registered students (12-13 were active during the course, 10 wrote the exam) Grade distribution: 1 UK, 2 G,
https://www.nateko.lu.se/sites/nateko.lu.se/files/2021-01/ngea20-course_evaluation_2019.pdf - 2025-01-09
Ngea20-vt19 kurssammanstallning
Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Course Summary for ”Hydrology Introduction – NGEA20” vt 2019 Course coordinator: Andreas Persson Teachers in the course: Martin Berggren, Thomas Holst, Harry Lankreijer, Dan Metcalf, Andreas Persson, David Tenenbaum. Number of students: 16 registered students (12-13 were active during the course, 10 wrote the exam) Grade distribution: 1 UK, 2 G, 7
https://www.nateko.lu.se/sites/nateko.lu.se/files/2021-01/ngea20-vt19_kurssammanstallning.pdf - 2025-01-09
Ngea21 course evaluation 2019
NGEA21 course evaluation 2019 Physical Geography LU Course Summary for ”NGEA21-The climate system” vt 2019 Course coordinator: Maj-Lena Linderson Teachers in the course: NGEA21, The climate system Number of students: 22 registered students Grade distribution: 4 UK, 7 G, 11 VG. Evaluation I. Summary of the course evaluation Number of survey responses: 12, of which is 55 % of the students Short summ
https://www.nateko.lu.se/sites/nateko.lu.se/files/2021-01/ngea21_course_evaluation_2019.pdf - 2025-01-09
Terrence Malick
Psykosociala insatser för personer med ätstörningar
“They told me I was going to have to eat 3500 calories a day…And I hated it…The way to get out was to go along with what they wanted, and after that it wasn’t too bad. I ate to get out. They were all very pleased and said how well I’d done. But as soon as I got out I got back to my routine. I lost all the weight they’d made me put on – and more.” (Duker & Slade, 2003, s. 71)Ätstörningar är all