

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11296 sökträffar

Schema mven18 vt 17 v.2

Prel.Schema MVEN018 - Klimatstrategiska metoder Vårterminen 2017 OBS Alla starttider med kvart utom tentamen! Kurstid: 20 mars – 04 juni 2017 Kursansvarig: Niklas Vareman Lärare: CW Christine Wamsler HT Henrik Tehler HH Henrik Hassel NV Niklas Vareman DH David Harnesk JJ Jonas Johansson JMP Jurate Miliute-Plepiene AP Andrius Plepys Salar: Sal ”Liganden” (D202), Biologihuset hus D, se karta Littera

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/schema_mven18_vt_17_v.2.pdf - 2025-01-10

2013: Finished PhD projects

Department of Human GeographyErik Jönsson     "Fields of Green and Gold: Territorial hunger, rural planning, and the political ecologies of high-end golf"Presentation: Fields of Green and Gold is a multiple case study analysing the placing and establishment of two large-scale, high-profile, upmarket golf developments with the aim of exploring a political ecology of high-end golf. The cases studied

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/research/research-projects/finished-phd-projects/2013-finished-phd-projects - 2025-01-09

Creating videos

In recent years, we have learned a lot about how video can enhance teaching. On these pages, you will find practical advice, inspiration, and reading tips about video as a pedagogical tool. See our calendar for webinars, workshops, and seminars on the topic of video. Different ways to use video in teachingHere you can read about different ways to use video in your teaching, when they are suitable,

https://www.education.lu.se/en/current-themes/creating-videos - 2025-01-09

Research funding news march 2015

PowerPoint-presentation CEC Research Funding News March 2015 Research Funding News at CEC – Special Issue on VR and FORMAS The year has started actively. In the CEC Lunch room last years publications has been taken down, and the abstracts from this years published articles are increasingly covering the wall. Do add your own publications when they arrive! This CEC Funding news includes special info

https://www.cec.lu.se/sites/cec.lu.se/files/research_funding_news_march_2015.pdf - 2025-01-10

Patientundervisning för flyktingar med diabetes typ 2

Att som flykting kunna tillvarata de möjligheter som sjukvården erbjuder är förknippat med flera svårigheter. Syftet med föreliggande explorativa studie var att utvärdera effekten av sjuksköterskeledd undervisning för flyktingar med diabetes typ 2. En retrospektiv analys genomfördes av 134 flyktingar som konsekutivt varit inskrivna på vårdcentralen Flyktinghälsan i Malmö under perioden 2007-2009.

Ll ksmb62 rev151126

LL_KSMB62_rev151126 Litteraturlista för Affärsutveckling i upplevelseekonomin, (KSMB62) 15 hp Litteraturlistan är fastställd av styrelsen för institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap 2013-11-26, senast reviderad 2015-11-26. Litteraturlistan börjar gälla 2016-01-01. Boswijk, Albert, Thijssen, Thomas & Peelen, Ed (2007). The experience economy: a new perspective. Amsterdam: Pearson

https://www.ses.lu.se/sites/ses.lu.se/files/ll_ksmb62_rev151126.pdf - 2025-01-10

Ll ksmc62 161116

LL_KSMC62_161116 Litteraturlista för Affärsutveckling i upplevelseekonomin, (KSMC62) 15 hp Litteraturlistan är fastställd av styrelsen för institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap 2016-11-16. Litteraturlistan börjar gälla 2017-01-01. Boswijk, Albert, Thijssen, Thomas & Peelen, Ed (2007). The experience economy: a new perspective. Amsterdam: Pearson Prentice Hall. [s 143-157. ISBN

https://www.ses.lu.se/sites/ses.lu.se/files/ll_ksmc62_161116.pdf - 2025-01-10

Lundnew programma eng1

SPAIN SWEDEN POLANDU.K. DENMARK SERBIA ITALY GERMANY WHAT IS UNISTEM DAY? Since 2009, UNISTEM DAY is a one-day meeting organized for high school students. This event solely dedicated to the dissemination and outreach of stem cell science and research provides an opportunity to foster learning, discovery and debate by involving students and teachers in a variety of activities. The event showcases c

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/sites/stemcellcenter.lu.se/files/lundnew_programma_eng1.pdf - 2025-01-10

Susanne Boethius

Researcher Contact details Email: susanne [dot] boethius [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 40Organisation Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageSusanne Boethius profile in Lund University research portalSusanne Boethius is a researcher at the Department of Sociology. Her research interests are interpersonal violence, violence against women, workplace innovation, job quality in hospital

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/susanne-boethius - 2025-01-10

Lena Karlsson

Docent | Senior lecturer | Deputy head of department Contact details Email: lena [dot] karlsson [at] iko [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Communication WebpageLena Karlssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Director of studies International office Senior lecturer Gender Studies Director of studies Faculty OfficeBackgroundIn 2001, I received my PhD in English

https://www.gender.lu.se/lena-karlsson - 2025-01-10

Methods newsletter 2016 issue1 2

Methods Newsletter 2016 issue1.pdf JANUARY 2016 Methods & 
 Methodology Faculty News What’s this? The Methods and Methodologies Project This project entails both a Graduate School (GS) and a Faculty of Social Sciences component, and both parts began in September 2015. Who am I? My background is one that is interdisciplinary, international, and mixed- and multi-method. I am a sociologist, but I als

https://www.graduateschool.sam.lu.se/sites/graduateschool.sam.lu.se/files/methods_newsletter_2016_issue1_2.pdf - 2025-01-10