

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11281 sökträffar

WINGS workshop on Lean Six Sigma

Published 5 May 2015 WINGS and the Career Center of the Faculty of Medicine invite you to a series of workshops targeted to prepare academics for a job in industry. Workshop 1: Lean Six Sigma Workshop 2: GMP/GLP WINGS_Lean invitation_wrokshops_lean_six_sigma.pdfThe workshops are targeted to academics in Life Science interested in acquiring more skills required by the industrial sector. The worksho

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/wings-workshop-lean-six-sigma - 2025-03-17

Slutrapport om Brexits effekter på forsknings- och innovationssamarbete

Published 15 June 2019 Vad kan effekterna för forsknings- och innovationssamarbete bli när Storbritannien träder ur Europeiska unionen och Brexit träder i kraft? Vetenskapsrådet och Vinnova har analyserat de förändrade förutsättningarna och rapporterat till regeringen löpande. Nu finns en slutrapport av deras gemensamma uppdrag. Läs mer och ladda ner rapporten här.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/slutrapport-om-brexits-effekter-pa-forsknings-och-innovationssamarbete - 2025-03-18

Workshop on citizen engagement in the climate-transition

Published 29 April 2024 The collaboration initiative Climate-neutral cities 2030 – Open Academy together with the City of Malmö arranges a workshop on the topic of citizen engagement. The program offers inspirational talks, researcher presentations, panels, and joint conversations. Welcome to join! When: 16 maj 2024, 10:30-16:00Where: STUDIO MeetingpointNordenskiöldsgatan 24, MalmöRegister your pa

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/workshop-citizen-engagement-climate-transition - 2025-03-18

Seminars at AHU in March

Published 1 March 2024 AHU (Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling) is the Division for Higher Education Development at Lund University. They offer courses in higher education pedagogy and support to teachers. Exploring Aspects of Oral Assessment!Welcome to this seminar where we'll explore the complexities and opportunities inherent in oral assessments, aiming to discuss practices for condu

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/article/seminars-ahu-march - 2025-03-17

Guidelines and principles for improved city-citizen cooperation for climate change adaptation

Published 19 August 2019 LUCSUS researchers present new guidelines and principles on how to improve climate change adaptation collaboration between, and for, citizens and municipalities. Municipalities and their residents are facing increasing challenges as a result of a changing climate. Floods, heat waves and storms are expected to increase in number and strength, while sea level rise and erosio

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/guidelines-and-principles-improved-city-citizen-cooperation-climate-change-adaptation - 2025-03-18

Astronom tar farväl av rymdteleskop som under lång tid kartlagt Vintergatan

Published 27 January 2025 Image Credit> ESA/ATG medialab, ESO/S. Brunier I drygt 30 år har astronomiprofessor Lennart Lindegren varit delaktig i arbetet med rymdteleskopet Gaia. Nyligen samlade instrumentet in sina sista observationer. Men teleskopets bidrag till forskningen kommer att leva kvar under lång tid. This news article is in Swedish.  It was originally published on www.naturvetenskap.lu.

https://www.astro.lu.se/article/astronom-tar-farval-av-rymdteleskop-som-under-lang-tid-kartlagt-vintergatan - 2025-03-17