

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2399 sökträffar

Larissa Langensee i ämnet klinisk medicin med inriktning neuropsykologi

10 juni 2024 09:00 | Disputation Avhandlingens titel: Building brains; What can we conclude about children's educational success by looking at their brain structure, cognitive abilities, and socioeconomic background?Avhandlingen i LUCRISHuvudhandledare: docent Johan MårtenssonOpponent: docent Kristoffer Månsson, Stockholm Ordförande vid disputationen: gästprofessor Åsa Hammar  Disputationen är til

https://www.medicin.lu.se/evenemang/larissa-langensee-i-amnet-klinisk-medicin-med-inriktning-neuropsykologi - 2025-03-10

EXODIAB webinar

16 May 2025 14:00 to 15:00 | Seminar Join the EXODIAB webinars for lectures in diabetes research at Lund University and Uppsala University. The webinars are arranged by EXODIAB (Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden), a joint strategic research initiative in the diabetes area by Lund University and Uppsala University.These webinars are aimed at diabetes researchers within EXODIAB and diabetes

https://www.ludc.lu.se/calendar/exodiab-webinar-2 - 2025-03-10

A couple of days before

Inform your students about the following: About the exam What happens when the exam starts, how long before are they expected to log in? Be sure to communicate the exact date and time and what happens if they do not arrive on time. If they need to have a valid ID document available to be able to confirm their identity during the exam. If they are to be present in a place with well-functioning wifi

https://www.education.lu.se/en/teaching-tips/digital-examination/build-and-conduct-assessment/inform-your-students/couple-days - 2025-03-09

Hakima Karidar i ämnet hälsovetenskap med inriktning omvårdnad

26 november 2024 13:00 | Disputation Avhandlingens titel: Professional Support for Children with a Seriously Ill or Deceased Parent in Specialised Palliative Care and their Encounters in a Bereavement Support Programme  Avhandling i LUCRISHuvudhandledare: docent Stinne GlasdamOpponent: associate professor Ingrid J Hogstad, Molde  Ordförande vid disputationen: docent Sigrid Stjernswärd Disputatione

https://www.medicin.lu.se/evenemang/hakima-karidar-i-amnet-halsovetenskap-med-inriktning-omvardnad - 2025-03-10

Ida Rosqvist i ämnet klinisk medicin med inriktning logopedi

17 maj 2024 13:15 | Disputation Avhandlingens titel: Vocabulary development in the early school years. Association with demographic factors, formal schooling and summer vacation, and the effects of a teacher Continuing Professional Development program.Avhandlingen i LUCRISHuvudhandledare: docent Kristina HanssonOpponent: docent Jenni Alisaari, StockholmOrdförande vid disputationen: docent Jonas Br

https://www.medicin.lu.se/evenemang/ida-rosqvist-i-amnet-klinisk-medicin-med-inriktning-logopedi - 2025-03-10

Rose-Marie Lindkvist i ämnet medicinsk vetenskap

17 maj 2024 08:30 | Disputation Avhandlingens titel: Brief Admission by Self-referral for individuals with self-harm at risk for suicide. Experiences among users, staff, and relatives, and a health-economic evaluation.Avhandlingen i LUCRISHuvudhandledare: docent Sofie WestlingOpponent: professor Britt-Marie Lindgren, UmeåOrdförande vid disputationen: docent Mats LindströmDisputationen är tillgängl

https://www.medicin.lu.se/evenemang/rose-marie-lindkvist-i-amnet-medicinsk-vetenskap - 2025-03-10