

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2327 sökträffar

Tillgänglighetstisdag: Bias a threat to equal opportunities and academic values med Tomas Brage

29 april 2025 12:15 till 13:00 | Inspirationslunch Foto som visar en närbild på två solrosor i motljus. Välkommen till april månads Tillgänglighetstisdag med Tomas Brage: "At Lund University we are currently working with a "Humla" project, where we look for methods and resources to mitigate different forms of bias. In this presentation we discuss both cognitive and systemic bias, their effects on

https://www.education.lu.se/evenemang/tillganglighetstisdag-bias-threat-equal-opportunities-and-academic-values-med-tomas-brage - 2025-02-05

Gerontology – Multidisciplinary and Integrative Perspectives on Aging

Upcoming course spring 2025, University of Gothenburg Are you a PhD student with an interest in the field of aging and health? Welcome to apply for the postgraduate course “Gerontology – Multidisciplinary and Integrative Perspectives on Aging”! The course is offered during the spring of 2025 and is hosted by the Department of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg, in collaboration with the Ce

https://sweah.lu.se/en/sweah-core-curriculum/gerontology-multidisciplinary-and-integrative-perspectives-aging - 2025-02-05

Human Rights Lunch Online: The Sovereign Human Being: Carl Schmitt, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Responsible Decision-Making.

21 February 2025 12:15 to 13:00 | Public online seminar Valentin Jeutner, Faculty of Law, will talk about the central themes inhis book "The Sovereign Human Being: Carl Schmitt, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Responsible Decision-Making. The book argues that sovereign is anyone who makes decisions and that anyone who makes decisions is responsible for those decisions. The book develops these two argument

https://www.humanrights.lu.se/calendar/human-rights-lunch-online-sovereign-human-being-carl-schmitt-dietrich-bonhoeffer-and-responsible - 2025-02-05

The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

March 27-June 12, 2024, 7.5 credits Instructor Professor Karl Gustafsson, Stockholm UniversityThe course provides PhD students with skills that are useful when writing and publishing peer reviewed journal articles. It covers aspects of the article writing and publishing process, including how to identify suitable journals, how to develop and clarify the argument and contribution of a paper, how to

https://www.graduateschoolasianstudies.lu.se/activities/phd-courses/craft-writing-and-publishing-peer-reviewed-journal-articles - 2025-02-05

Human Rights Lunch Online: The Sovereign Human Being: Carl Schmitt, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Responsible Decision-Making.

21 February 2025 12:15 to 13:00 | Seminar Valentin Jeutner, Faculty of Law, will talk about the central themes inhis book "The Sovereign Human Being: Carl Schmitt, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Responsible Decision-Making. The book argues that sovereign is anyone who makes decisions and that anyone who makes decisions is responsible for those decisions. The book develops these two arguments by comparing

https://www.staff.lu.se/calendar/human-rights-lunch-online-sovereign-human-being-carl-schmitt-dietrich-bonhoeffer-and-responsible - 2025-02-06

Lärande för Hållbarhet: Lärosätenas roll

26 november 2024 09:00 till 10:00 | Seminarium Välkommen till ett webbinarium om lärosätenas roll i omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle! I det här webbinariet bjuder vi in till diskussion om transformativ förändring av högre utbildning - på alla nivåer. Hur ser transformativ förändring ut på lärosätesnivå? Inom utbildningsutbudet? I klassrummet? På individnivå? Vi lyfter blicken mot lärosäten

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/evenemang/larande-hallbarhet-larosatenas-roll - 2025-02-06


The IT department is responsible for Malmö Academy of Music's IT environment and supports employees and students. If you have questions about the IT environment or want to report an error, use Helpdesk. Eduroam (wifi) Eduroam is an encrypted network which is used at several universities and colleges around the world. Students from other universities and colleges who have Eduroam can log in when th

https://www.mhm.lu.se/internt/reception-eng/it - 2025-02-05


Våra studievägledare kan ge råd och stöd när det gäller en lång rad frågor som kan uppstå före, under och efter studietiden inom ämnena statsvetenskap, freds- och konfliktvetenskap och underrättelseanalys. Tips och svar på studievägledningens Canvassida! Här hittar du information om:  pedagogiskt stöd, datum för uppsamlingstentor, anmälan till kurser inom ditt program, studieuppehåll, studieavbrot

https://www.svet.lu.se/utbildning/studieinformation/studievagledningen - 2025-02-05