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Bibliotekets resurser på distans

Var hittar jag det material jag behöver för min kurs?Du söker efter böcker i bibliotekskatalogen LUBcat eller i LUBsearch, för att se om de finns som e-bok eller tryckt. I LUBsearch kan du även söka efter bland annat vetenskapliga artiklar.Läs mer om hur du hittar material härVad behöver jag för att använda bibliotekets resurser hemifrån?Du loggar in med ditt studentkonto för att komma åt våra dat

https://www.sambib.lu.se/soka/bibliotekets-resurser-pa-distans - 2025-02-05

Felicia Hedetoft

Doktorand Kontaktinformation E-post: felicia [dot] hedetoft [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Sociologi Hämtställe: 31 WebbplatsFelicia Hedetofts profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalHuvudsakliga forskningsområdenIndividers och hushålls anpassning till klimatförändringarIcke-mänskligt aktörskaps roll i förståelsen av hållbarhetsfrågorEtnografiska metoderNuvarande forskningMitt doktoran

https://www.soc.lu.se/felicia-hedetoft - 2025-02-07

Seminar October 9, 2020: Complexities of Integration Studies

ASG DeMIIS seminar ”In his Christmas speech 2017, the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven claimed that the integration of immigrants into the Swedish society had been working poorly for a long time. The statement is just one manifestation of the ways the term integration is adopted when addressing immigrants and their settlement in countries of reception. In many countries of the world, it is use

https://www.pi.lu.se/advanced-study-groups/demiis/seminar-october-9-2020-complexities-integration-studies - 2025-02-05

Mäta ljudets hastighet

Årskurs: 7-9, Gymnasiet Ämnesområde: Ljud och vågor, Våglära och optik I det här experimentet mäter vi ljudets hastighet på två olika sätt. Dels med hjälp av en filmkamera, dels med hjälp av ett gratis ljudprogram, en mikrofon och ett papprör. Ljudets hastighet varierar i olika medium och kan även variera i samma medium. Ljud rör sig exempelvis fortare i luft som är varm och fuktig än om luften är

https://www.nrcf.lu.se/lararresurser/lararresurser-fran-o/m-o/mata-ljudets-hastighet - 2025-02-05

Distance resources

Where do I find the material I need for my course?Search in the library catalogue LUBcat or in LUBsearch to find books, e-books and articles.Read more about how to find materials hereWhat do I need in order to use the library resources at home?You use your student account to access our databases, e-books and articles from home.Academic writing and reference management?This webpage guides you conce

https://www.sambib.lu.se/en/find/distance-resources - 2025-02-05


David Hobbs, Lund Observatory, DinnerLennart Lindegren, Lund Observatory, DinnerAlex Mustill, Lund Observatory, DinnerPaul McMillan, University of Leicester, DinnerÓscar Jiménez Arranz, Lund Observatory, DinnerRoss Church, Lund Observatory, NoIsabella Henum, Lund Observatory, DinnerNatsuki Funakoshi, University College London, DinnerShubham Mamgain, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP),

https://www.astro.lu.se/GaiaNIR/Computation/participants - 2025-02-05

At the examination - and after

At the start of the exam At the start of the exam, make sure that the students have information about the following: When and how to get in touch with the examiner or responsible teacher if there are questions about the exam. How they can get in touch with the responsible teacher or exam guard if something unforeseen should happen, for example in the event of a technical fault or any other unfores

https://www.education.lu.se/en/teaching-tips/digital-examination/build-and-conduct-assessment/inform-your-students/examination-and-after - 2025-02-05

Anmälan till LU Lands frukostseminarium #5

Foto: Michael Erhardsson/Mostphotos När samhället behöver privat mark – att väga olika intressen Beslut vid markexploatering är ofta konfliktdrabbade, och inte sällan ställs samhälleliga mål mot privata intressen. Planering och utbyggnad av infrastruktur är ett område där det finns stort behov av avvägningar mellan olika intressen. Här ställs ofta vinster för resenärer, transportsektorn eller klim

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/formular/anmalan-till-lu-lands-frukostseminarium-5 - 2025-02-05

Anmälan till LU Land frukostseminarium #10: Finansiering av naturvårdsåtgärder - är skev fördelning ett problem?

Foto: Juliana Dänhardt I arbetet med naturvårdsåtgärder är finansieringen ofta avgörande för hur mycket som blir gjort, även kommunalt. Men hur ser den kommunala naturvårdsfinansieringen ut, och hur skiljer den sig mellan olika kommuner? Vi tar avstamp i resultaten från två nyligen genomförda studier - en enkätstudie bland kommunanställda tjänstemän i Skåne och en nationell utvärdering av LONA-stö

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/formular/anmalan-till-lu-land-frukostseminarium-10-finansiering-av-naturvardsatgarder-ar-skev-fordelning-ett - 2025-02-05

Unsafe Passage: Gender Based Violence on Migration Routes 

9 april 2025 12:15 till 13:15 | Seminarium In this event, part of the EU Law Discussion Group Seminar Series Spring 2025, Julie Frie (University of Zurich) will be presenting PhD research on ‘Unsafe Passage: Gender Based Violence on Migration Routes’.The seminar starts at 12.15, respecting an academic quarter, and involves 20-30 minutes of presentation, followed by 15-30 minutes of discussion. For

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/unsafe-passage-gender-based-violence-migration-routes - 2025-02-05

Development Lunch Seminar: Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana

27 mars 2025 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to a Development Lunch Seminar with Gertrude Aputiik (University of Ghana). "Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana"About the Development Lunch SeminarsThe Development Research Lunch is a bi-weekly research seminar for all scholars interested in development research, broadly defined. The series is a collabora

https://www.sam.lu.se/evenemang/development-lunch-seminar-collective-tenure-arrangements-gender-and-agricultural-investments-ghana - 2025-02-05

Development Lunch Seminar: Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana

27 mars 2025 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to a Development Lunch Seminar with Gertrude Aputiik (University of Ghana). "Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana"About the Development Lunch SeminarsThe Development Research Lunch is a bi-weekly research seminar for all scholars interested in development research, broadly defined. The series is a collabora

https://www.svet.lu.se/internt/evenemang/development-lunch-seminar-collective-tenure-arrangements-gender-and-agricultural-investments-ghana - 2025-02-05

Development Lunch Seminar: Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana

27 mars 2025 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to a Development Lunch Seminar with Gertrude Aputiik (University of Ghana). "Collective Tenure Arrangements, Gender, and Agricultural Investments in Ghana"About the Development Lunch SeminarsThe Development Research Lunch is a bi-weekly research seminar for all scholars interested in development research, broadly defined. The series is a collabora

https://www.svet.lu.se/evenemang/development-lunch-seminar-collective-tenure-arrangements-gender-and-agricultural-investments-ghana - 2025-02-06

IT support, facility management

Support and services in the Ecology building. IT support for employees at CEC Contact the Biology helpdesk for:  Computer loans  Orders Student and staff service Technology problems in papercut printers Adding people to Z folders Et cetera Biology's IT service is responsible for technology and hardware and if Jan Johansson (Janne) is available, he will take the case as he is the principal responsi

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/it-support-facility-management - 2025-02-05

SI-PASS leader development activities

Network with fellow SI-PASS leaders across Europe. The SI-PASS leader development activities focus on contininuing professional development for SI-PASS student leaders. These sessions offer a chance to network with SI-PASS leaders from across Europe and are a way to exchange ideas, experiences, best practice and challenges in a relaxed setting. The sessions are hosted by the European Centre for SI

https://www.si-pass.lu.se/student-si-pass-leader/si-pass-leader-development-activities - 2025-02-05

Room assessment

Here you will find information of what a room assessment is and how to book a room assessment with a LU Accommodation staff member. What is a room assessment? A room assessment is a meeting between the tenant and a staff member of LU Accommodation. The staff member offer cleaning instructions as well as tips on how to prepare your room for your departure. The aim of this procedure is to assess the

https://www.luaccommodation.lu.se/student-accommodation/moving-out/room-assessment - 2025-02-05

Tips for application writing

Are you struggling to writing an application for a call on sustainable development? Do not despair! Below we have summarised 9 tips for you of things to think about, to facilitate the writing process. Video on nine tips for writing research applications for calls on sustainable development and Agenda 2030. 9 tips for writing applications for calls on sustainable development and Agenda 2030 Sustain

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/researchers/tips-application-writing - 2025-02-05

Lotus Case Seminar: Dissenting Opinions and Procedure

7 april 2025 14:00 till 16:45 | Seminarium The Lotus Project marks the centenary of the collision between the S.S. Lotus and the S.S. Bozkurt on 2 August 1926 and the subsequent case between France and Turkey before the Permanent Court of International Justice.The latest version of the seminar schedule can be accessed here.More information about the Lotus project can be found here: https://lotus-1

https://www.jur.lu.se/evenemang/lotus-case-seminar-dissenting-opinions-and-procedure - 2025-02-05