

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2529 sökträffar

Svenska som andraspråk: Fortsättningskurs II

Note that this course requires basic eligibility in Swedish (Svenska 3/Svenska som andraspråk 3 or Tisus). If you are looking for beginner's courses in Swedish, they are called Swedish as a foreign languages/Svenska som främmande språk. Kurserna i ämnet Svenska som andraspråk vid Lunds universitet riktar sig i första hand till dig som undervisar eller vill undervisa svenska för invandra

Stöd till unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa - Ulrika Liljeholms forskning

4 december 2024 13:00 till 16:30 | Seminarium Välkommen till ett seminarium om stöd till unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa - presentation av Ulrika Liljeholms forskning. Under eftermiddagen den 4 december anordnar CEPI ett seminarium dedikerat åt Ulrika Liljeholms forskning om stöd till unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa i deras karriärutveckling och övergång till arbete och studier. Ulrikas arbetskamrater

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/stod-till-unga-vuxna-med-psykisk-ohalsa-ulrika-liljeholms-forskning - 2025-03-12

Mötesplats Rydberg - Discussion on political governance

28 maj 2024 15:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium On Mötesplats Rydberg May 28:Discussion on political governanceA talk with Inger Enkvist, Professor Emerita at the Language and Literature Centre, Lund University.Hybrid meetingPlease feel very welcome to join us on site in the Rydberg lecture hall at 15.15. Fika (coffee & cookie) is served from 15.00. You can also join Mötesplats Rydberg online via the me

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/motesplats-rydberg-discussion-political-governance - 2025-03-12

Human Rights Lunch Online: Connect with the Profile Area Human Rights

31 januari 2025 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to this online seminar, to connect with the Profile Area Human Rights to explore how we can work together to advance innovative and interdisciplinary research, education, and partnerships on Human Rights at Lund University in collaboration with our partners RWI and The Swedish Institute for Human Rights! The management team will introduce the P

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-connect-profile-area-human-rights - 2025-03-12

From matters to waves: Unfolding an an-archaeology of the postnatural through new ecologies

3 september 2024 13:00 till 14:15 | Seminarium By Gabriel Alonso, founder of the Institute for Postnatural Studies. In collaboration with Agenda 2030. In what ways can new ecological perspectives redefine our relationship with the environment? What philosophical questions arise from the notion that nature and culture are deeply intertwined? How does the concept of postnature challenge the binary c

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/matters-waves-unfolding-archaeology-postnatural-through-new-ecologies - 2025-03-12

Human Rights Lunch Online: Work-related stress and ill health - on the relationship between special exposure to stress and ethnicity, skin color, and religion

28 mars 2025 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Martin Wolgast and Sima Nurali Wolgast, both from the Department of Psychology, will present their report for the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise on special exposure to work-related stress and ill health based on ethnicity, skin color, and religion. They will share insights from literature on this relationship in Sweden and internationally,

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-work-related-stress-and-ill-health-relationship-between-special-exposure - 2025-03-12

Internationell rätt med juridikdidaktik

Kursinnehållet är uppdelat i tre delar. Den första delen handlar om hur den nationella rätten i Sverige påverkas av att vi blir allt mer internationella, med fokus på EU-rättens genomslag och påverkan, den internationella privaträtten samt grunderna i komparativ rätt. Den andra delen handlar om folkrätt och innefattar en översikt över folkrättens framväxt, utveckling, uppbyggnad och källor, liksom

Mötesplats Rydberg - The SCALE-UP Active-Learning Pedagogy

11 mars 2025 15:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium The SCALE-UP Active-Learning Pedagogy- Collaborative activities for a student-centered learning environmentWith Gerald Feldman, Department of Physics, George Washington University, Washington, DC USA.AbstractThe time-honored conventional lecture (“teaching by telling”) has been shown to be ineffective for science classes. Collaborative group learning envi

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/motesplats-rydberg-scale-active-learning-pedagogy - 2025-03-12

IT-tjänster, support och driftinfo

Lunds universitet erbjuder ett antal elektroniska tjänster och resurser för att underlätta ditt arbete som student. StudentkontoNär du registreras som student vid Lunds universitet får du ett studentkonto, som bland annat ger dig tillgång till flera tjänster och program.Studentkonto – ditt IT-konto på universitetetProgramvaraUniversitetet erbjuder gratis nedladdning och licenser till många datorpr

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/it-tjanster-support-och-driftinfo - 2025-03-12

Lecture by Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect

6 februari 2024 15:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium "From Einstein and Bell to quantum technologies: Entanglement in action"With Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Université Paris-Saclay and École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.Professor Alain Aspect is one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, awarded for experiments with entangled photons, establishing

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/lecture-nobel-laureate-alain-aspect - 2025-03-12

Human Rights Lunch Online: Human rights of older persons in long-term care

25 oktober 2024 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to Human Rights Lunch Online where you can get new insights from the field of human rights research while enjoying your lunch! The two LU profile areas Human Rights and Proactive Ageing will team up together with The Swedish Institute for Human Rights. Brittis Edman, project leader, will present the latest report of The Swedish Institute for Hu

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-human-rights-older-persons-long-term-care - 2025-03-12

Human Rights Lunch Online

5 april 2024 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Human Rights Lunch Online is a new digital meeting place initiated by the Lund University Human Rights Profile Area. During Human Rights Lunch Online members from the profile area present their ongoing research and you can enjoy your lunch while getting new insights from the field of human rights research. Join us for the first session of Human Rights Lun

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online - 2025-03-12

Human Rights Lunch Online: Human Rights and Socio-economic ineqality

6 december 2024 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Human Rights Lunch Online is a digital meeting place initiated by the Lund University Human Rights Profile Area. During Human Rights Lunch Online members from the profile area present their ongoing research and you can enjoy your lunch while getting new insights from the field of human rights research. Emelie Rohne Till, Department of Economic History,

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-human-rights-and-socio-economic-ineqality - 2025-03-12

Meet three recent PhD graduates

12 mars 2025 15:00 till 17:00 | Föreläsning Jonathan Krämer, Yeonju Jung, Shen Qing At this event, three recent PhD graduates will share their experiences. They come from different disciplines and universities but their theses focus on some aspects of East and South-East Asian societies. The PhD graduates will discuss, among other things, their choice of thesis topic, area vs discipline challenges

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/meet-three-recent-phd-graduates - 2025-03-12