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Hygroscopic Growth of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles and Its Relation to Nucleation Scavenging in Clouds

Aerosol particles in the atmosphere are important in several aspects. Some major aerosol constituents that are deposited in ecosystems are acidic or fertilisers and some minor or trace constituents are toxic. Aerosol particles are also involved in the earth’s radiation balance, both directly by scattering the sunlight and indirectly by influencing the clouds. All these effects are influenced by th

A low-complexity method for distributed clocking on digital ASICs

A low-complexity method using synchronous wrappers is proposed to simplify communication between modules using unsynchronized clocks. To test the method, it is implemented together with a divider and an FFT co-processor. The divider with synchronous wrapper and local clock generator, delivering a 500 MHz clock, is synthesized and verified using post-synthesis simulations for a 0.18 μm 1.8 V CMOS t

Feminin manlighet? Katolska missionärer i Norden

This article deals with the construction of manliness and male ideals within Nordic Catholicism at the end of the 19th century. In the first par the conflict around the so-called Arctic Apostolic Prefecture erected in the 1850s is analysed in a gender perspective, the second part deals with the Nordic mission of the Italian Barnabites, a male congregation erected in the 16th century. Special atten

Case-control studies on risk factors for myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av en tillämpad och en teoretisk del. I den tillämpade delen studeras tänkbara riskfaktorer för blodsjukdomarna myeloisk leukemi (ML) och myelodysplastiska syndrom (MDS). Den teoretiska delen tar upp några metodproblem som kan uppstå i epidemiologiska undersökningar som utnyttjar databaser innehållande uppgifter om andelen personer i olika yrkesgCase-control studies comprising telephone interviews for 333 cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 226 cases of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML), 330 cases of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and matched controls were conducted. Information had to be obtained from next-of-kin much more often for cases (85%) than for controls (18%). Tobacco smoking was associated

Criminal Act, Criminal Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen undersöker vissa allmänna och särskilda problem beträffande straffsystemens roll, funktioner och struktur. Efter en inledande presentation av de ideologiska och metodologiska frågorna diskuteras hur olika folkrättsliga och nationalrättsliga jurisdiktionsprinciper kan rättfärdigas. Rekvisiten i en brottsdefinition analyseras sedan, med tyngdpunkten på det teThis book presents a study on general and specific problems concerning the role, functions and structure of criminal justice systems. After a presentation of some ideological and methodological issues, the justifications for different principles of criminal jurisdiction are discussed, both in the perspective of public international law and municipal law. The constituent elements of criminal offenc

Building Frame Semantics Resources for Scandinavian and Baltic Languages

Annotated data with role-semantic information are becoming an ever more important resource for many semantic systems. They form the core element to develop large coverage, high-performance, and reusable semantic parsers, classifiers as well as applications that include lexicography, term and information extraction, semantic processing of the web, text-to-scene conversion systems, etc. Existing exa

Costs in the ecology and evolution of the vertebrate immune system

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots att vi har ett mycket sofistikerat immunförsvar är infektionssjukdomar ett stort problem för alla flercelliga organismer. Varför har vi inte under evolutionens gång lyckats finna ett sätt att överlista virus, bakterier och andra parasiter? En förklaring är att immunförsvaret är kostsamt, dvs att ett kraftfullt immunförsvar inte bara ger fördelar i form av ökat skyA central assumption of theories of the ecology and evolution of immunological defence is that defence has not only benefits (in the form of resistance against parasites), but also costs. The aim of my studies was to investigate the nature and magnitude of costs of the vertebrate immune system, and to examine some of the consequences of these costs. First, I investigated the energetic cost of the