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Nonlamellar lipid liquid crystalline model surfaces for biofunctional studies

Nonlamellar lipid liquid crystalline (LC) bulk phases and dispersions show promise as functional nanostructured materials for potential use as controlled release matrices e. g. in pharmaceuticals. Herein, methods for preparing and characterizing thin films of lipid liquid crystalline phases on solid surfaces are presented. The thickness, hydration phase structure and surface topography of spin-coa

Changes in ability, perceived difficulty and use of assistive devices in everyday life: a 4-year follow-up study in people with late effects of polio

Background - There are numbers of persons living in the community with late effects of polio, of which many develop new symptoms, but the course of progression is unclear. Objectives - To assess changes after 4 years in ability and perceived difficulty in persons with late effects of polio. Material and methods - Community dwelling persons from a polio clinic. Information was gathered by questionn

Online Journalism and Civic Cosmopolitanism: Professional vs. participatory ideals

Web-based civic participation in democracies, especially in the sprawling domain of alternative politics, continues to grow. In this paper I explore the intersection of two trajectories of such participation: one that takes the form of journalism (broadly understood) and the other that is transnational in character. Participatory journalism unavoidably evokes normative issues that professional jou

Regulation of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Late L1 mRNA Splicing

Popular Abstract in English Each year an estimated 530 000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed and more than 275 000 women die from cervical cancer worldwide (2). Cervical cancer is caused by sexually-acquired infections with a subset of human papillomavirus (HPV) (359, 360). HPV is the most common viral infection of the anogenital tract (2). Almost all sexually active individuals will be iHuman papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause almost half of the human cancers that are attributable to viruses. HPV type 16 is the most carcinogenic type among the HPVs and is detected in 50% of all cervical cancers. HPV-16 infects epithelial cells and HPV-16 gene expression is tightly linked to the differentiation stage of the infected cells. Early HPV-16 genes are expressed in basal layers of the epithel

Co-Morbidity between Early-Onset Leukemia and Type 1 Diabetes - Suggestive of a Shared Viral Etiology?

Background: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are common early-onset malignancies. Their causes are largely unknown but infectious etiology has been implicated. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease for which infectious triggers of disease onset have been sought and increasing pointing to enteroviruses. Based on our previous results on co-morbidity betwee

MMP7 Expression in Colorectal Tumours of Different Stages

Background/Aim: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in cancer biology. Expression of MMP7 (matrilysin) in colorectal cancer is associated with metastatic disease even though it is expressed in most tumour states. In the present study, our purpose was to analyze MMP7 in bowel and lymph nodes of different tumour stages and to evaluate its expression as a cancer biomarker. Patients and Meth

What a hawkmoth remembers after hibernation depends on innate preferences and conditioning situation

Nectar-feeding insects find flowers by 2 means, innate preferences and learned associations. When insects that hibernate as imagos (i.e., adults) start foraging after a long winter break, what guides them to new nectar rewards? Are innate preferences kept over such a long period? And are learned associations useful after long breaks? In a series of experiments I show here that, depending on previo

Lactic acid bacterial symbionts from the honeybee: Characteristics and applications in wound management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det senaste decenniet har resistansen mot antibiotika ökat enormt och visat sig vara ett stort problem för många människor runt om hela världen. Överanvändning av antibiotika i maten, jordbruket och den farmaceutiska industrin har resulterat i en epidemi av infektioner som är resistenta mot nuvarande antibiotika och blir allt svårare att behandla. I och med att människoAntibiotic resistance is now a large threat with worldwide agreement that we will fall into a post-antibiotic era unless there is suitable treatment alternatives discovered. In recent years, chronic wounds have become a major burden on society and treatment is complicated. Honey has been widely used as a topical treatment for wounds yet there is much discourse between studies examining its effect

The Widening Gap - A Swedish Perspective

Transition problems from secondary to tertiary level in mathematics have been a recurrent issue in Sweden. This paper summarises the development during the last decades. Results from two recent research studies that illuminate the transition problem are presented. The first one, based on empirical data from a major Swedish technical university, characterises the widening gap, in content and in app

Mutations in Cytoplasmic Loops of the KCNQ1 Channel and the Risk of Life-Threatening Events Implications for Mutation-Specific Response to beta-Blocker Therapy in Type 1 Long-QT Syndrome

Background-beta-Adrenergic stimulation is the main trigger for cardiac events in type 1 long-QT syndrome (LQT1). We evaluated a possible association between ion channel response to beta-adrenergic stimulation and clinical response to beta-blocker therapy according to mutation location. Methods and Results-The study sample comprised 860 patients with genetically confirmed mutations in the KCNQ1 cha

Computational Study of the Lowest Triplet State of Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complexes Used in Artificial Photosynthesis.

The potential energy surfaces of the first excited triplet state of some ruthenium polypyridyl complexes were investigated by means of density functional theory. Focus was placed on the interaction between the geometrical changes accompanying the photoactivity of these complexes when used as antenna complexes in artificial photosynthesis and dye-sensitized solar cells and the accompanying changes

Subspace-Based Linear Multi-Step Predictors in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

A major challenge for a person with diabetes is to adapt insulin dosage regimens and food intake to keep blood glucose within tolerable limits during daily life activities. The early knowledge about the effects of inputs on glycemia would provide the patients with invaluable information for appropriate on-the-spot decision making concerning the management of the disease. Against this background, i

Striving to be prepared for the painful: Management strategies following a family member's diagnosis of advanced cancer.

BACKGROUND: Cancer has consequences not only for the sick person but also for those who have a close relationship with that person. Greater knowledge about how family members manage the situation in the period immediately following the diagnosis means greater opportunity to provide the best possible support for the family. The purpose of this study was to explore management strategies that family

The Role of Energy Quality in Shaping Long-Term Energy Intensity in Europe

On the European aggregate level there is an inverted-U curve for long-term energy intensity. In the 19th century aggregate European energy intensity rose, followed by a declining trend during the 20th century. This article discusses the possible explanations for the declining trend during the 20th century and explores the role of energy quality as expressed in energy prices. For the first time a c

A Methodological Description of a Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Hospital-Based Care and Hospital-Based Home Care when a Child is Newly Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To describe the study design of a randomised controlled trial with the aim of comparing two different regimes for children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes; hospital-based care and hospital-based home care. BACKGROUND: Procedures for hospital admission and sojourn in connection with diagnose vary greatly worldwide and the existing evidence is insufficient to allow for any c

Bystander cell death and stress response is inhibited by the radical scavenger α(1)-microglobulin in irradiated cell cultures.

Alpha-particle irradiation of cells damages not only the irradiated cells but also nontargeted bystander cells. It has been proposed that the bystander effect is caused by oxidants and free radicals generated by the radiation. Recent studies have shown that α(1)-microglobulin protects against cell damage caused by oxidants and free radicals. Using a novel experimental system that allows irradiatio

Hospital and outpatient clinic utilization among older people in the 3-5 years following the initiation of continuing care: a longitudinal cohort study

Background: Few studies have investigated the subsequent rate of hospital and outpatient clinic utilization in those who receive continuing care and have documented frequent usage over one year. Such knowledge may be helpful in identifying those who would benefit from preventive interventions. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the subsequent rate of hospital and outpatient clini