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Embodying Morality: Girl's Socialization in a North Vietnamese Commune

This study argues that Vietnamese girls' socialization is inseparable from the symbolic and biological meaning of female and male bodies. Socialization is not so much about "sex" (i.e. biological sex) or "gender" (i.e. social/symbolic sex) as it is about "body". This argument is elaborated theoretically with regard to contemporary research on the body and empirically with respect to a local north

On the lateral organisation of the thylakoid membrane

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt liv på jorden bygger på fotosyntesen. Det är den process där växterna fångar upp solljuset och gör om det till kemisk energi. Med den energin producerar de syret i luften och kolhydrater för sin egen tillväxt, med kol från luftens koldioxid. Djuren äter kolhydraterna och förbränner dem med hjälp av luftens syre, samtidigt som de andas ut koldioxid. På detta sätt leIn this work the lateral heterogeneity of the thylakoid membrane was investigated by quantifying the amount of photosystem I (PSI), photosystem II (PSII) and some PSII complexes and PSII proteins in different domains of the thylakoid. Grana, grana core, grana margins and stroma lamellae + end fractions were obtained by sonication and separation in a non-detergent, aqueous polymer two-phase system

Temperature-dependent structure and function of group A streptococcal M proteins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp A streptokocker, på latin Streptococcus pyogenes, är bakterier som kan infektera människan. Halsfluss är den vanligaste och mest kända åkomman, men de orsakar också andra sjukdomstillstånd som svinkoppor och scharlakansfeber. I dagspressen kallas grupp A streptokocker då och då för mördarbakterier. Det epitetet har de fått för deras förmåga att vid vissa allvarligTemperature-dependent structure and function of group A streptococcal M proteins.This thesis describes the temperature-dependent structure of the members in the group A streptococcal M protein family. M proteins are cell-surface proteins that are important for the bacterial virulence and bind to a diverse set of human plasma proteins. The proteins are dimeric coiled-coil molecules, but temperature

Xilinx Virtex II Pro implementation of a reconfigurable UMTS digital channel filter

A reconfigurable digital root raised cosine (RRC) filter for a UMTS terrestrial radio access (UTRA) mobile terminal receiver is implemented on a Xilinx Vitrex II Pro Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The filter employs a finite impulse response (FIR) and monitors in-band and out-of-band received signal powers and calculates the appropriate filter length that meets the bit-energy to interferenc

Neuronal and glial differentiation of expanded neural stem and progenitor cells; in vitro and after transplantation.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om stam- och progenitorceller från den embryonala mushjärnan. Jag har studerat dessa cellers förmåga att växa in vitro (utanför kroppen) samt efter transplantation till hjärnan hos vuxna och nyfödda råttor. Forskning om stamceller har länge varit ett populärt och uppmärksammat forskningsområde, men under de senaste åren har intresset i det närmaIn this thesis we have used cells dissected from the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE), and the cortical primordium of the embryonic mouse forebrain. The tissue was dissected from either i) wild-type mice, ii) green fluorescent protein (GFP)-, or iii) Gtv-a-expressing transgenic mice, and subsequently grown and expanded in vitro using two different protocols.

Metabolic responses to starch in oat and wheat products. On the importance of food structure, incomplete gelatinization or presence of viscous dietary fibre

Objective: Evaluate the impotrtance of incomplete gelatinization, food structure and presence of viscous dietary fibre for the postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to oat and wheat products. Design: Three common breakfast meals were tested, "raw" rolled oats (muesli), boiled rolled oats (oat porridge) and white wheat bread. Boiled intact oat and wheat kernels (kernel porridges) were a

The solvability of pseudo-differential operators

We give a new proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture: that local solvability of principal type pseudodifferential operators is equivalent to condition (Psi). This condition rules out sign changes from - to + of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the oriented bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable a priori estimate for the adjoint op

Femoral neck fractures. Aspects on treatment and outcome.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Höftfraktur är en vanlig skada, som huvudsakligen drabbar äldre kvinnor, och oftast orsakas av ett ringa våld. Det är vanlig orsak till funktionsnedsättning, sjuklighet och dödlighet hos de äldre. Både incidensen (antal nya fall per antal innevånare och år) av höftfrakturer och det totala antalet har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Höftfrakturer medför stora kostnader för sHip fractures are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly patients, with a high risk of functional impairment and institutionalization. The incidence and number of hip fractures have increased during the recent decades and hip fractures consume considerable health-care resources. The incidence of hip fractures in Malmö, Sweden, 1992–95, is described in Paper I. The annual incidence pe

Bacteriophages and cryogels: A new efficient tool in bioseparation

Abstract Due to developments in the last decades in the field of protein production, new technologies for bio-separation have evolved. Especially in the field of affinity chromatography, the search for new ligands is of great interest. Besides the antibodies used as affinity ligands, synthetic ligands were introduced. Textile dyes were a first group to be introduced but despite their selectivity a