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Repeatability of sonographic measurements in clubfeet

Purpose: To assess the intra- and interobserver agreement of ultrasound assessment of clubfoot patho-anatomy in early childhood. Material and Methods: Seventeen clubfeet in 12 children were sequentially scanned by 2 examiners and repeat assessments were carried out independently. Three well-defined imaging planes were chosen to evaluate navicular displacement: the medial malleolus-navicular (MM-N)

Health care utilisation in a developing country -the case of Zambia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra till vår förståelse för vårdutnyttjande och dess förklaringsfaktorer i utvecklingsländer, speciellt i sub-sahariska Afrika. Detta görs genom att fokusera på sjukvårdsutgifter och dess förklaringsfaktorer, samt valet att söka vård för att bota åkomman. Datamaterialete som används kommer från en hushållsundersökning från 1998 omfatThe aim of this thesis is to contribute to our understanding of health care utilisation and its determinants in developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This is done by explicitly focusing on health care expenditures and its determinants as well as the choice to seek health care to cure the illness. Firstly, the focus is on a household’s expenditures for health care. The aim of this

Identification of Isomeric States "South" of Pb-208 via Projectile Fragmentation

Relativistic fragmentation of Pb-208 has been used to produce excited states in neutron-rich nuclei with N approximate to 126. Spectroscopic information for a range of nuclei has been obtained through observing delayed gamma-ray emissions from isomeric states. Preliminary results for Pt-203,Pt-204 nuclei are presented. For the first time, excited states have been observed in Pt-203 and Pt-204. The

Carbohydrate groups of alpha1-microglobulin are important for secretion and tissue localization but not for immunological properties

The role of the carbohydrates for the structure and functions of the plasma and tissue protein alpha1-microglobulin (alpha1m) was investigated by deletion of the sites for N-glycosylation by site-directed mutagenesis (N17,96-->Q). The mutated cDNA was expressed in a baculovirus-insect cell system resulting in a nonglycosylated protein. The biochemical properties of N17,96Q-alpha1m were compared to

Genetic Variants Associated With Glycine Metabolism and Their Role in Insulin Sensitivity and Type 2 Diabetes

Circulating metabolites associated with insulin sensitivity may represent useful biomarkers, but their causal role in insulin sensitivity and diabetes is less certain. We previously identified novel metabolites correlated with insulin sensitivity measured by the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. The top-ranking metabolites were in the glutathione and glycine biosynthesis pathways. We aimed to ide

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The article provides with an overview over female sociability in eighteenth century Sweden.

Common sequence variants on 20q11.22 confer melanoma susceptibility

We conducted a genome-wide association pooling study for cutaneous melanoma and performed validation in samples totaling 2,019 cases and 2,105 controls. Using pooling, we identified a new melanoma risk locus on chromosome 20 (rs910873 and rs1885120), with replication in two further samples (combined P < 1 x 10(-15)). The per allele odds ratio was 1.75 (1.53, 2.01), with evidence for stronger assoc

Theoretical considerations for understanding a Purkinje cell timing mechanism

In classical conditioning, cerebellar Purkinje cells learn an adaptively timed pause in spontaneous firing. This pause reaches its maximum near the end of the interstimulus interval. While it was thought that this timing was due to temporal patterns in the input signal and selective engagement of changes in synapse strength, we have shown Purkinje cells learn timed responses even when the conditio

A synthetic globotriaosylceramide analogue inhibits HIV-1 infection in vitro by two mechanisms

Previously, it was shown that the cell-membrane-expressed glycosphingolipid, globotriaosylceramide (Gb(3)/P-k/CD77), protects against HIV-1 infection and may be a newly described natural resistance factor against HIV infection. We have now investigated the potential of a novel, water soluble, non-toxic and completely synthetic analogue of Gb(3)/P-k (FSL-Gb(3)) to inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro.

Endoplasmic reticulum stress associated with caspases-4 and-2 mediates korbazol-induced B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell apoptosis

Purpose: B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is an incurable disease that rapidly develops drug resistance. Therefore there is a need for identifying new agents that will improve the therapeutic outcome. Korbazol is a natural product known to exert cytotoxic effect on the in vitro survival of leukemic cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of korbazol-induced apoptos

Sensationellt valresultat i Indiens folkrikaste delstat

Efter tre års så kallad djungelregim (jungle raj) under Mulayam Singh Yadavs ledning, återkommer nu dalitledaren Mayawati till makten på eget mandat i Uttar Pradesh, Indiens folkrikaste delstat. I det utdragna valet, vars resultat blev klart den 11 maj 2007, vann hon och hennes parti Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) en absolut majoritet med 206 mandat i delstatförsamlingen.

Patient-relevant outcomes fourteen years after meniscectomy : influence of type of meniscal tear and size of resection

OBJECTIVES: To study long-term patient-relevant outcomes after meniscectomy, a surgical procedure associated with a high risk of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Principal objectives were to compare traumatic with degenerative meniscal tear and partial with subtotal meniscectomy.METHODS: We studied a well-defined cohort of 205 patients who had undergone isolated unilateral meniscectomy between 1983 and 1

Early changes in gene expression in the dorsal root ganglia after transection of the sciatic nerve; effects of amphiregulin and PAI-1 on regeneration.

To characterize the gene activity that may be required for neuronal survival and regeneration, we used the Affymetrix GeneChip Mu74A to screen 12000 genes and expressed sequence tag (EST) mRNA from L4 and L5 mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG) 12 h and 24 h after sciatic nerve transection. At 12 h, we found 17 upregulated transcripts, and at 24 h, 49 that met our criteria of a significant 2-fold incre