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Coherent Interactions in Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Crystals for Applications in Quantum Information Science

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur kristaller, som innehåller en liten mängd av ämnen tillhörande gruppen sällsynta jordartsmetaller, kan användas för forskning och tillämpningar rörande kvantinformation. Genom att belysa kristallerna med laserljus kan atomernas tillstånd styras och studeras. I avhandlingen diskuteras olika aspekter av hur de sällsynta jordartsatomer sThis thesis describes investigations of the use of cryogenically cooled rare-earth-ion-doped crystals for quantum information processing and quantum optics. Several aspects of the coherent interaction between light and rare-earth ions in solids are addressed. Quantum information science has given physicists new views of quantum mechanics. The transmission of quantum states has already found pract

The Bryophyte flora of Scanian sand-steppe vegetation and its relation to soil pH and phosphate availability

The sand-steppe is a vegetation type mainly found in the southern Baltic region on calcareous sand dominated by vascular plants such as Koeleria glauca, Dianthus arenarius ssp. arenarius and Astragalus arenarius. Eighty-eight plots representing most sand-steppe sites in Scania, southernmost Sweden, were analyzed with respect to bryophytes, pH and exchangeable phosphate in the topsoil. The most com

The Marriage of Ego and Id. Cognitive Integration and its Relation to Mystical Experience

Abstract in UndeterminedThe author suggests a new model for interpretation of mystical experience, based on a fruitful combination of cognitive psychology and depth psychology. Offering a rather wide definition of mystical experience, the author then turns to two basic assumptions—a general systems approach and an organismic-holistic view of development. Hans Loewald's analysis of primary process

Enterostatin decreases postprandial pancreatic UCP2 mRNA levels and increases plasma insulin and amylin

This study investigated the chronic effect of enterostatin on body weight and some of the associated changes in postprandial metabolism. Rats were adapted to 6 h of food access/day and a choice of low-fat and high-fat (HF) food and then given enterostatin or vehicle by an intraperitoneally implanted minipump delivering 160 nmol enterostatin/h continuously over a 5-day infusion period. Enterostatin

Urinary S100B protein concentrations are increased in intrauterine growth- retarded Newborns

BACKGROUND. Intrauterine growth retardation is one of the major causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity. To date, there are no reliable methods to detect brain damage in these patients. METHODS. We conducted a case-control study in tertiary NICUs from December 2001 to December 2003 with 42 intrauterine growth retardation infants and 84 controls. Routine laboratory variables, neurologic outcome

Plasma carotenoids in relation to food consumption in Granada (southern Spain) and Malmo (southern Sweden)

We conducted a cross-sectional pilot study on healthy pre-menopausal women (aged 45-50 years) living in Granada, in the south of Spain (n = 39) and Malmo, in the south of Sweden (n = 38) in order to compare their plasma carotenoid levels and to investigate the relationship between the differences in food consumption. Plasma concentrations of six carotenoids were measured using high performance liq

Disclaimers, dichotomies and disappearances in international business textbooks: A postcolonial deconstruction

In this article, we draw on a postcolonial sensibility to deconstruct how culture is discussed in mainstream international business textbooks. Through this deconstruction we show: (1) how the initial disclaimers that call for cultural sensitivity can be seen as pointing to the opposite of what they claim, which leads us to question the cultural sensitivity notion from ethical and political standpo

Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles. Mediators of virulence and antibiotic resistance.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Luftvägsinfektioner som orsakas av bakterier och virus är en av de ledande orsakerna till sjukdom i världen. De kännetecknas av inflammation i svalg, hals, näsa, öron eller i lungorna. I näsa och hals finns en normalflora av bakterier som lever i samspel med sin värd och som normalt sett inte orsakar infektioner. Ibland kan dessa bakterier ändå orsaka sjukdom, som då imOuter membrane vesicles (OMV) have the size of nanoparticles and are released from the outer membrane of most Gram-negative bacteria. The OMV reflect the composition of the bacterial outer membrane, including lipids and virulence factors specific for the pathogen, and are involved in pathogenesis and bacterial survival. Moraxella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenzae are Gram-negative bacterial s

Analysis of DFT-based channel estimators for OFDM

In this paper we analyze the performance of three low-complexity channel estimators, based on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Estimators of this type have been analyzed for discrete-time channels, and we extend this analysis to continuous-time channels. We present analytical expressions for their mean-squared error (MSE) and eval

Studies of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells and Tumour Growth, Integrins and Matrix Metalloproteinases

In this thesis we characterize the effect of mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) on tumour growth, and show that MPCs can have inhibitory effects on tumour development. We developed a method to subcutaneously transplant tumour cells, cultured in vitro in a pre-formed gelatin matrix, that made it possible to study the early phases of tumour development. Using this method we inoculated rats with gel