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Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Diagnostic Markers in Alzheimer’s Disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste orsaken till uppkomsten av demens. Detta tillstånd innebär att delar av hjärnan skrumpnar på ett karakteristiskt vis, när nervceller går under. Den drabbade brukar först märka svårigheter med korttidsminnet, för att senare drabbas av språksvårigheter, räknesvårigheter, svårigheter med rumslig uppfattning och svårigheter att veta hur Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia, is a growing concern. As the life expectancy increases across the globe, the number of affected people is estimated to reach 100 million by 2050. Efforts to develop effective treatments for humans have mostly been based on the assumption that a faulty homeostasis of beta amyloid (Aβ) is the triggering or the driving factor behind this co
Drug Release and Skin Permeation from Lipid Liquid Crystalline Phases
We have studied drug release and skin permeation from several different liquid crystalline lipid formulations that may be used to control the respective release rates. We have studied the release and permeation through human skin of a water-soluble and amphiphilic drug, propranolol hydrochloride, from several formulations prepared with monoolein and phytantriol as permeation enhancers and controll
Managing soil natural capital: An effective strategy for mitigating future agricultural risks?
Uncontrollable events such as adverse weather and volatile prices present considerable risks for arable farmers. Soil natural capital, which views the capacity of soil biodiversity to generate ecosystem services as a component of farm capital, could be important for the stability and resilience of arable production systems. We investigate therefore whether managing soil natural capital could be an
What men?: The essentialist error of the "end of men"
Genetics- and Immune-Related Factors in the Pathogenesis of Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
There are emerging data to support a role for genetic and immune-related factors in the pathogenesis of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. In this article, we review our recently published, large, population-based studies using data from Sweden and from United States veterans and propose mechanisms and pathways underlying our observations. We also discuss future directions
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Purpose – The rate of turnover of hospital managers has been high in Sweden. Hospitals are regarded to be difficult to manage, which is connected with different discourses and action logics such as politics, medicine, care and management creating complex conditions for hospital management. The purpose of this paper is to analyse hospital managers' management conditions in conjunction with hospital
Popculture Tourism: A Research Manifesto
Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors in the Development of Obesity
Lifestyle behaviors and genetic variation have clear and distinguishable effects on obesity risk; however, the pattern of disease occurrence within and between populations that differ in their genetic and environmental underpinnings suggests obesity is caused in part by the interaction between adverse lifestyle behaviors and the genetic risk profile of an individual. This thesis aims to investigat
Optimal cepstrum estimation using multiple windows
The aim of this paper is to find a multiple window estimator that is mean square error optimal for cepstrum estimation. The estimator is compared with some known multiple window methods as well as with the parametric AR-estimator. The results show that the new estimator has high performance, especially for data with large spectral dynamics, and that it is also robust against parameter choices. Sim
Fälttåget mot Norge 1814 : Upproret slogs ned med våld
The Ca2+-Regulation of the Mitochondrial External NADPH Dehydrogenase in Plants Is Controlled by Cytosolic pH.
NADPH is a key reductant carrier that maintains internal redox and antioxidant status, and that links biosynthetic, catabolic and signalling pathways. Plants have a mitochondrial external NADPH oxidation pathway, which depends on Ca2+ and pH in vitro, but concentrations of Ca2+ needed are not known. We have determined the K0.5(Ca2+) of the external NADPH dehydrogenase from Solanum tuberosum mitoch
Archaeal Ammonia Oxidizers Dominate in Numbers, but Bacteria Drive Gross Nitrification in N-amended Grassland Soil.
Both ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) play an important role in nitrification in terrestrial environments. Most often AOA outnumber AOB, but the relative contribution of AOA and AOB to nitrification rates remains unclear. The aim of this experiment was to test the hypotheses that high nitrogen availability would favor AOB and result in high gross nitrification r
Polyphase structural evolution of a fine-grained, fold-dominated end moraine, Bruarjokull surge-type glacier, Iceland
The glaciotectonic architecture and structural evolution of a fine-grained end moraine formed by the 1890 glacier surge of Bruarjokull is described from four excavated cross-sections. The end moraine ridge is a morphological expression of a marginal sedimentary wedge formed during the last days of the surge. The actual end-moraine ridge was formed on the last day of the 1890 surge when the glacier
Rödlistade och sällsynta vedskalbaggar i Strömsrum, Småland. [Red-listed and rare wood-living beetles at Strömsrum, Småland]
Strömsrum in SE Sweden is one of the most important areas for threatened insects in northern Europe. This is a review of the red-listed and formerly red-listed species of wood-living beetles collected at Strömsrum with notes of their habitats. In an area of a few hundred hectares over 1000 old hollow oaks and almost as many hollow trees of other deciduous trees occur. From the current red list (Gä
Quantitative 3D imaging of scattering media using structured illumination and computed tomography
An imaging technique capable of measuring the extinction coefficient in 3D is presented and demonstrated on various scattering media. The approach is able to suppress unwanted effects due to both multiple scattering and light extinction, which, in turbid situations, seriously hampers the performance of conventional imaging techniques. The main concept consists in illuminating the sample of interes
A Singular Value Decomposition Based Closed Loop Stability Preserving Controller Reduction Method
In this paper a controller reduction method which preserves closed loop stability is described. A Lyapunov inequality based sufficient condition is proposed in the search of the reduced controller. The reduced controller leads to a stable closed loop system with guaranteed approximation quality. Furthermore, the proposed problem can be formulated as a matrix approximation problem which can be solv
”Det medeltida Alvastra” : tankar kring ett avslutat forskningsprojekt
Endovascular Repair of Acute Uncomplicated Aortic Type B Dissection Promotes Aortic Remodelling: 1 Year Results of the ADSORB Trial
Objectives: Uncomplicated acute type B aortic dissection (AD) treated conservatively has a 10% 30-day mortality and up to 25% need intervention within 4 years. In complicated AD, stent grafts have been encouraging. The aim of the present prospective randomised trial was to compare best medical treatment (BMT) with BMT and Gore TAG stent graft in patients with uncomplicated AD. The primary endpoint
Pituitary Homeobox 2 Regulates Adrenal4 Binding Protein/Steroidogenic Factor-1 Gene Transcription in the Pituitary Gonadotrope through Interaction with the Intronic Enhancer
Ad4BP/SF-1 (Adrenal4 Binding Protein/Steroidogenic Factor-1 (NR5A1)) is a factor important for animal reproduction and endocrine regulation, and its expression is tightly regulated in the gonad, adrenal gland, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH), and pituitary gonadotrope. Despite its functional significance in the pituitary, the mechanisms underlying pituitary-specific expression of the gene