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Your search for "*" yielded 534986 hits

Conjugate Heat Transfer Enhancement Of An Internal Blade Pin-Finned Tip-Wall

To improve gas turbine performance, the operating temperature has been increased continuously. However, the heat transferred to the turbine blade is substantially increased as the turbine inlet temperature is increased. Cooling methods are therefore needed for the turbine blades to ensure a long durability and safe operation. The blade tip region is exposed to the hot gas flow and is difficult to

Laboratory animal allergy, Long-term incidence, effects on lung function, individual risk factors

The aim was to study and prospectively follow symptoms and sensitisation of laboratory animal workers with laboratory animal allergy (LAA) and workers at risk for development of LAA in terms of latency time, incidence, prevalence and possible health selection. Furthermore, the impact of animal positive skin prick tests (SPT) on lung function and individual risk factors for development of LAA was s

Dynamic modeling of the thermal performance of district heating pipelines

The main objective of this paper is to develop a proven model which allows the study of the non-stationary effects in district heating systems, which are associated with time lag, between heat generation and the final consumption of the heat. A finite element model was developed which incorporates one-dimensional fluid elements together with thermal elements sets. This enables a description of the

Dream Experience - Phenomenology meets Cognitive Neuroscience

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi tänker oss i allmänhet att vår upplevelse av drömmen är lik vår upplevelse av vår vakna verklighet i så måtto att drömmen presenterar sig som en värld som vi som drömmare tar för verklig och som vi på olika sätt interagerar med. I denna avhandling tittar jag närmare på denna uppfattning och granskar hur väl den harmonierar med vad vi nu anser oss veta om hur hjärnan/This treatise examines what I call the ‘traditional view’ on the phenomenology of dreaming. According to this view, dreams are experienced in more or less the same way as waking reality – that is, our experience of “being-in-the-dream” is very much like our experience of “being-in-the-world”. The traditional view will be examined from three different standpoints: phenomenology, cognitive science a

The Challenges of Analyzing the Molecular Properties of Starch

Popular Abstract in English The Andean region and the Amazon Basin of South America have been identified as regions of origin and the domestication of many plants. Some of the food crops from these regions such as potato and cassava, have gained global import¬ance, while the majority of food crops are hardly know outside their present area of cultivation. In the first part of this study, underutiBoth the nutritional and functional properties of starch are directly influenced by the molecular structure of its polymers: amylose and amylopectin. It is therefore important to have reproducible methods for quantifying the molecular size. In the first part of the thesis, the composition, crystallinity, degree of branching, morphological, thermal and pasting properties, and susceptibility of the

Digital teknik och konst mot nya kunskapsupplevelser

Denna rapport tar fram publikens röster i samband med utställningen Petroglyfiskt Virtuella upplevelser kring hällristningar (maj 2013-december 2014) vid Österlens museum i Simrishamn. Rapporten är en fallstudie som belyser ett pilotprojekt och forskningsexperiment kring publikens möte med interaktiv digital teknik och konst i ett kulturarvssammanhang, samt besökarnas reaktioner på interaktiva och

Coeliac Disease: aspects in different child populations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Celiaki eller glutenintolerans innebär att tarmluddet skadas vid kontakt med gluten. Gluten är bindeämnet i mjöl, mest i vete, men finns också i råg, korn och havre. Gluten är alltså ett vanligt inslag i vår moderna kost. Sjukdomen kan starta när som helst i livet. I Sverige upptäcks den oftast under småbarnsåren, i samband med att barnet börjar få i sig gluten, till eThe true prevalence of coeliac disease includes patients with symptomatic/diagnosed disease, and silent or undiagnosed disease. The incidence of diagnosed coeliac disease increased steeply in Swedish children born after 1982, when a change in infant feeding recommendations was made. This change included a delayed introduction of gluten, but the effect was also an increased consumption. The change

Försöksverksamhet med riksrekryterande gymnasiala spetsutbildningar : En aktörsfokuserad utvärdering av de 11 utbildningsprogram som startade hösten 2010

Efterfrågan på mycket kvalificerad arbetskraft har ökat och uppmärksammat regeringen på behovet av att utveckla utbildning för de mest högpresterande eleverna i skolan. Skolverket bedriver på uppdrag av regeringen sedan 2009 försöksverksamhet med riksrekryterande spetsutbildning inom matematik och naturvetenskapliga, samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska ämnen. Verksamheten omfattar totalt 20 utb

On the asymptotic analysis of superorthogonal turbo codes

A low-rate turbo coding scheme based on superorthogonal convolutional encoders is examined. We analyze the asymptotic performance that can be achieved when both the code length and the number of iterations tend to infinity and present a bound on the iterative limit of this superorthogonal turbo code construction. Simulations of the codes with large permutors (interleavers) confirm the results of t

Analyzing Vegetation Trends with Sensor Data from Earth Observation Satellites

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning Mänskliga aktiviteter och klimatförändringar påverkar vegetationen över hela jorden, idag och i framtiden. Denna påverkan kan studeras och kvantifieras med hjälp av observationer från satelliter vilka förmedlar information om vegetationsförändringar i tid och rum. I denna doktorsavhandling har metoder för analys av vegetationsförändringar utvecklats och Abstract This thesis aims to advance the analysis of nonlinear trends in time series of vegetation data from Earth observation satellite sensors. This is accomplished by developing fast, efficient methods suitable for large volumes of data. A set of methods, tools, and a framework are developed and verified using data from regions containing vegetation change hotspots. First, a polynomial-fittin

Earwitnesses: The effect of voice differences in identification accuracy and the realism in confidence judgments

Individual characteristic features in voice and speech are important in ear witness identification. A target-absent lineup with six foils was used to analyze the influence of voice and speech features on recognition. The participants’ response for two voice foils were particularly successful in the sense that they were most often rejected. These voice foils were characterized by the features’ arti

The Valuable Body

The development of organ transplantation technology is an extraordinary achievement that has saved the lives of many, but which also has created an endless need for body parts. In focus for this article is the trade in organs - especially organ trafficking in Moldova.

A novel method for rapid design and evaluation of photovoltaic concentrators

The electrical output of low concentration systems with standard pv cells is heavily impaired by non uniform irradiation distribution on the cells. In order to design new concentrators that improve the system efficiency by homogenizing the light, a new method of evaluation has been developed. It is based on simulations, and generates an estimated annual output. The method consists of three steps,