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Health-related quality of life in young adults with asthma

Background: The aim was to study health-related quality of life, five years after an intervention study among young adults with asthma. Method: The design was a follow-up study of a cohort of young adults with asthma (n = 64) and 248 general, population controls. Both groups were investigated at follow-up with a respiratory questionnaire and one generic quality-of-life instrument, and the asthma c

Sinusoidal Order Estimation using Angles between Subspaces

Abstract in UndeterminedWe consider the problem of determining the order of a parametric model from a noisy signal based on the geometry of the space. More specifically, we do this using the nontrivial angles between the candidate signal subspace model and the noise subspace. The proposed principle is closely related to the subspace orthogonality property known from the MUSIC algorithm, and we stu

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The topic of this thesis is the evolutionary history of werden in German with reference to its four functions – as full verb, as copula and as auxiliary verb in combination with the past participle in the Vorgangspassiv and also in combination with the infinitive to denote future and, in some circumstances, epistemic modal events. On the basis of scrutiny of diachronic results and a discussion of

Scholarly communication in transition. Computer scientists' information behaviour over twenty years.

Introduction. The information behaviour of a group of Swedish computer scientists has been studied over a period of twenty years (1987-2006). Method. Five computer scientists have been interviewed and answered individual questionnaires. Together with four colleagues they were also the subjects of a qualitative study twenty years ago. Analysis. Data from interviews in 1987-88 and 2006, questionnair

Knowledge and perceptions about the health impact of climate change among health sciences students in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study

Background: Climate change affects human health in various ways. Health planners and policy makers are increasingly addressing potential health impacts of climate change. Ethiopia is vulnerable to these impacts. Assessing students' knowledge, understanding and perception about the health impact of climate change may promote educational endeavors to increase awareness of health impacts linked to cl

Adsorption of chloromethane molecules on free argon clusters

Binary chloromethane-argon clusters were investigated by means of synchrotron-radiation-based valence and core level photoelectron spectroscopies. The host argon clusters were produced by adiabatic expansion and exposed to chloromethane molecules using the pick-up technique. The study of the valence spectrum showed that heterogeneous clusters were formed. The spatial distribution of chloromethane

Anti-estrogen Resistance in Human Breast Tumors Is Driven by JAG1-NOTCH4-Dependent Cancer Stem Cell Activity.

Breast cancers (BCs) typically express estrogen receptors (ERs) but frequently exhibit de novo or acquired resistance to hormonal therapies. Here, we show that short-term treatment with the anti-estrogens tamoxifen or fulvestrant decrease cell proliferation but increase BC stem cell (BCSC) activity through JAG1-NOTCH4 receptor activation both in patient-derived samples and xenograft (PDX) tumors.

News Aggregators, Volatility and the Stock Market

In this paper we employ the news aggregator Google News to demonstrate a strong link between the volatility in the stock market and the amount of news available to market participants. The paper also highlights some other areas, in finance and elsewhere, where news aggregators could be useful.

Small RNAs analysis in CLL reveals a deregulation of miRNA expression and novel miRNA candidates of putative relevance in CLL pathogenesis

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a novel class of small noncoding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression by inducing degradation or translational inhibition of target mRNAs. There are more than 500 miRNA genes reported in the human genome, constituting one of the largest classes of regulatory genes. Increasing experimental evidence supports the idea of aberrant miRNA expression in cancer pathogenesis.

Spin-state studies with XES and RIXS: From static to ultrafast

We report on extending hard X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) along with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) to study ultrafast phenomena in a pump-probe scheme at MHz repetition rates. The investigated systems include low-spin (LS) Fe-II complex compounds, where optical pulses induce a spin-state transition to their (sub)nanosecond-lived high-spin (HS) state. Time-resolved XES clearly refl

Bistability of (Ga,Mn)As Ferromagnetic Nanostructures Due to the Domain Walls Switching

We designed and investigated four-arm nanostructures, composed of two perpendicularly crossed stripes, fabricated from ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As layer by means of electron-beam lithography patterning and chemical etching. The nanostructures exhibit a bistable resistance behavior resulting from two configurations of magnetic domain walls in the central part of the structures. We demonstrate a possibi

Are there scale economies in scientific production? On the topic of locally increasing returns to scale

In this paper the question of returns to scale in scientific production is analysed using non-parametric techniques of multidimensional efficiency measurement. Based on survey data for German research groups from three scientific fields, it is shown that the multidimensional production possibility sets are weakly non-convex and locally strictly non-convex. This suggests that the production functio

Sill och potatis till den ena och entrecote till den andra? Individanpassning och likvärdighet på särskilda boenden för äldre.

Enligt socialtjänstlagen ska äldreomsorgen vara individanpassad och ges utifrån den enskildes behov. Samma lag innehåller ett mål om att socialtjänsten ska främja medborgarnas jämlikhet i levnadsvillkor och kommunallagen anger att kommunen ska behandla sina invånare lika. I denna artikel problematiseras idéer om individanpassning och likvärdig behandling. Dessa olika målsättningar skapar spänninga

Experimentally determined oscillator strengths in Rh II

This paper presents new experimentally determined branching fractions and oscillator strengths (log gf) for lines originating from 17 levels belonging to 5 terms of the first excited odd configuration 4d(7)(D-4) 5p in Rh II. The intensity calibrated spectra of Rh II have been recorded with a Fourier transform spectrometer between 25000 and 45000 cm(-1) (2200-4000 angstrom). In this region, 49 line

Muscle strength and physical education: epidemiological studies of factors in adolescence and their association with later morbidity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av fyra delstudier och är tematiskt uppdelad i två delar. I den första delen undersöker jag vilken betydelse betyget i Gymnastik (nuvarande Idrott & Hälsa) har för framtida sjukdom med fokus på rörelseorganen. I den andra delen undersöker jag vilken betydelse isometrisk muskelstyrka (d.v.s. kraft alstrad utan nämnvärd förkortning av muskeln) har Although Physical Education (PE) is a part of the school curriculum in many countries, the association between the performance in PE and later morbidity is largely unknown. An important marker of health, cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely associated with future cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. It has been suggested that muscle strength is associated in a similar way. However, whethe

Increased expression of vascular endothelin type B and angiotensin type 1 receptors in patients with ischemic heart disease

Background: Endothelin-1 and angiotensin II are strong vasoconstrictors. Patients with ischemic heart disease have elevated plasma levels of endothelin-1 and angiotensin II and show increased vascular tone. The aim of the present study was to examine the endothelin and angiotensin II receptor expression in subcutaneous arteries from patients with different degrees of ischemic heart disease. Method

Magnetic nanocrystals embedded in silicate glasses studied by polarized SANS

Fe-Mn-O magnetic nanocrystals precipitate in a glass system SiO2/Na2O/Fe2O3/MnO during thermal annealing for different periods of time. We report here small angle neutron scattering investigations using polarized neutrons (pSANS) on these glass samples. Analysis of scattering data reveals the formation of spherical core-shell particles. The core of the particle is found to be magnetic and it is su

Computationally efficient methods in spatial statistics : Applications in environmental modeling

In this thesis, computationally efficient statistical models for large spatial environmental data sets are constructed. In the first part of the thesis, a method for estimating spatially dependent temporal trends is developed. A space-varying regression model, where the regression coefficients for the spatial locations are dependent, is used. The spatial dependence structure is specified by a Ga