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The energy performance of glazed office buildings with double skin facades - BESTFACADE

Many modern office buildings have highly glazed facades. Their energy efficiency and indoor climate is, however, being questioned. Therefore more and more of these buildings are being built with double skin facades, which can provide improvements: a thermal buffer zone, energy savings, wind protection with open windows, fire protection, aesthetics, solar preheating of ventilation air, sound protec

Blandade känslor: fruktan och förtröstan förr och nu

Mixed feelings: fear and consolation now and then (from the 17th to the 21st century). In Early Modern Swedish society a great amount of ideas, words and images were available to explain the earthly suffering. In the Lutheran practice of preaching, consolation, besides instruction and admonition, played an important role. Today, our life is not as hard as our ancestors’ was. This has enabled us to

Computational Predictions of Conjugated Polymer Properties for Photovoltaic Applications

Popular Abstract in English The energy demands of human society are huge and will keep increasing for the foreseeable future. Fossil fuels have largely been able to meet those demands for the last centuries, but issues of sustainability and global warming have brought about a need for alternative energy sources. The emission of the sun supplies earth with an energy that is many thousand times largOrganic solar cells employing fullerenes blended with conjugated polymers as the main light-absorbing material have achieved power conversion efficiencies exceeding 10%. They hold promise as an alternative energy source with many advantages in terms of long-term sustainability and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Detailed information on the electronic and geometric structure of the molecules invo

Inledning: Ritual Studies som ett flervetenskapligt sätt att studera ritualer

Ritualer förknippas ofta med religiöst liv och därför har mycket av studier i ämnet utförts av teologer eller religionshistoriker. Men även inom etnografi och antropologi har riter och ritualer kommit att få en central plats i forskningen, eftersom de så tydligt visar upp en kultur. Här blottläggs maktstrukturer, centrala symboler visas upp, könsrollsmönster tydliggörs och utbytessystem skapas. So

Structure and Function of Odorant Binding Proteins and Chemosensory Proteins in Moths.

Odorant Binding Proteins (OBPs) and Chemosensory Proteins (CSPs) are small soluble proteins found in the lymph of insect sensillae located on insect antennae. Odorant Binding proteins are implied in olfaction, by binding hydrophobic odorant molecules and transporting them to the olfactory receptor located on the dendrite of the olfactory neurons. They are divided into three groups, Pheromone Bindi

First results from car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure radio channel measurements at 5.2GHZ

Car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure (henceforth called C2X) communications are constantly gaining importance for road-safety and other applications. In order to design efficient C2X systems, an understanding of realistic C2X propagation channels is required, but currently, only few measurements have been published. This paper presents a description of an extensive measurement campaign recently co

Macroscopic ice lens growth : observations on Swedish concrete dams

The arch dam at Selsforsen and the buttress dam at Storfinnforsen are two concrete dams of which both have suffered from severe surface spalling on the upstream face, far below the full water supply level. A hypothesis is that macroscopic ice lens growth, similar to frost heave in soil, could have occurred within the dam walls. After initial deterioration of the concrete dams by frost damage or cr

Approaching Logistics - Exploring Complexity Approaches to Move Beyond Systems Approach

Logistics is being given increased attention in companies and in research, and is gaining strategic importance as supply chains or, more aptly named, supply networks are the realm of today. For both researchers and practitioners in the field of logistics one of the fundamental concepts is the systems approach. As many researchers proclaim, to understand logistics you need to understand the concept

Factors influencing sense of coherence in a Human Services organisation

Salutogenetic factors (Antonovsky, 1987) at rehabilitation sections in Swedish Social Insurance offices were investigated in 2 studies. Study 1 (N=158) surveyed creative/stagnated climate (Ekvall, 1988), leadership of immediate superior (Ekvall&Arvonen, 1991), and sense of coherence (Antonovsky, 1993), here modified for the work place (W-SOC). A multiple regression (p< .001) showed that creati

Synthesis of mesoporous cerium dioxide thin films with high crystallinity

Thin films of crystalline mesoporous cerium dioxide were prepared by using a template of a copolymer surfactant (Pluronics 123) at ambient conditions in ethanol. The synthesised ceria was produced via a direct calcination step, without using a gelling stage. The precipitated CeO2 matrix was crystalline with a high surface area. The solution height over the synthesis vessel before the calcination s

Non-Visual Haptic Interaction Design - Guidelines and Applications

This dissertation has three cornerstones: * Haptics * Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) * Blind Users Haptics deals with controlling human movements and getting feedback through the sense of touch. A haptic interface transmits forces to a person’s hand or fingers in a way that mimics the sensation of touching real objects. Virtual haptic touch can be particularly useful for people with visual i