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Reinforcing adjectives: A cognitive semantic perspective on grammaticalization
Notes on a treatise on the Unity and Trinity of God attributed to Yahya ibn Adi
The role of unconscious processes in the evolvement of creativity
Beslutsfattande i sjukvården – en forskningsöversikt
In search of the s-process in cool supergiants: A vital role for laboratory astrophysics
Archaeology and sacrifice, a discussion of interpretations.
Learning together – a rehabilitation programme for individuals with advanced multiple sclerosis and their personal assistants.
An industrial case study of usability evaluation in market-driven packaged software development
In market-driven software development it is crucial to produce the best product as quickly as possible in order to reach customer satisfaction. Requirements arrive at a high rate and the main focus tends to be on the functional requirements. The functional requirements are important, but their usefulness relies on their usability, which may be a rewarding competitive means on its own. Existing met
Metoder för en ipisk språkbeskrivning
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Family Policy Between Science and Politics
Mellan tradition och modernitet : debatten om de ofullkomnade äktenskapen vid 1915 års riksdag
Governing consumers through freedom: A theoretical discussion of the co-creation construct
Acquisition as an adaptation strategy
On the Biosynthesis and Processing of Cathepsin G, Leukocyte Elastase, and Azurocidin neutrophil granule members of a hematopoietic serine protease superfamily
Popular Abstract in Swedish Som skydd mot infektioner och andra omgivningshot har högre organismer utvecklat olika försvarssystem, där det mest betydelsefulla brukar sammanfattas under begreppet immunsystem. I detta ingår olika typer av specialiserade celler med ursprung i kroppens blodbildande organ, benmärgen. Den av immunsystemets olika celltyper som är viktigast för att skydda mot bakterieinfeThe serine proteases cathepsin G, leukocyte elastase, proteinase 3, and the inactive protease homologue azurocidin, stored in the azurophil granules of neutrophils, belong to a hematopoietic serine protease superfamily with members in mature effector cells of bone marrow origin. Promonocytic U-937 cells were used for studying the biosynthesis of cathepsin G and leukocyte elastase by biosynthetic r
Review of Lena Rangström, "En brud för kung och fosterland"
Programmable Controllers
Kunskapsöversikt – Skydd av samhällsviktig verksamhet
A Greedy Search for Improved QC LDPC Codes with Good Girth Profile and Degree Distribution
Search algorithms for regular and irregular quasi-cyclic LDPC block codes with both good girth profile and good degree distribution are presented. New QC LDPC block codes of various code rates are obtained and their bit error rate performance is compared with that of the corresponding LDPC block codes defined in the IEEE 802.16 WiMAX standard of the same block length and code rate.