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When moral law is absent (2001-07-16)

One does not have to be an ethical non-cognitivist to find that moral guidance sometimes is totally absent. The agent may be confronted by a new kind of problem, or he may feel that the rules presented are too unclear to give any guidance, or he may quite simply regard established morality as without foundation. 1. Total ignorance; 2. Synthesis; 3. Towards solution; 4. Universal validity; 5; Ethic

Computer-Aided Planning of Adaptation of Homes for Disabled Persons

When adapting the home of a disabled person many people with different backgrounds and knowledge are involved in the planning phase. An essential feature in the planning process is a visualization technique which presents the suggested solution in a form that is easy to understand for everybody and can initiate constructive discussions. In this research project we demonstrate the possibility of us

Failure sensitivity analysis of engineering structures

The present paper suggests a method to consider uncertainties in engineering structures in a computational scheme. Latin hypercube sampling is used to prepare input data of probabilistic parameters for subsequent deterministic simulations where the mechanical response is evaluated. The approach is applied on a pallet rack system where damaged columns and connector stiffnesses are considered as pro

Kan en framgångsrik civilingenjör vara gay? En undersökning av heteronormativiteten på LTH

LTH har tidigare rapporterats vara den del av Lunds universitet som är svårast att vara på för homo- och bisexuella studenter. Syftet med den här undersökningen är att öka kunskapen om hur heteronormativiteten tar sig uttryck på LTH. I oktober 2011 mailade jag ut frågor som besvarades av 8 LTH-studenter, samtliga identifierar sig som homo-sexuella. Deras berättelser och erfarenheter ligger till gr

Semiconductor Nanowires: Epitaxy and Applications

Semiconductor nanowires are nanoscale objects formed by bottom-up synthesis. In recent years their unique properties have been exploited in fields such as electronics, photonics, sensors and the life sciences. In this work, the epitaxial growth of nanowires and their applications were studied. Heteroepitaxial growth of III-V nanowires on silicon substrates was demonstrated. This may enable direct