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Network development among habitual entrepreneurs when starting a new venture in a different industry

Purpose - The purpose of this research is to investigate how the business network develops, when habitual entrepreneurs enter into a different industry context. How these entrepreneurs expand their existing networks, and how they build new networks, when entering new industry context. Design - Qualitative analysis. Findings are primarily based on semi-structured interviews with ten habitual entr

BO I RIO - a project about calmness and quietness in a shared living

The housing shortage is a severe problem in Sweden. Too few habitats are being built. In the next five years 250 000 homes will be built, but it is still almost 200 000 fewer than what will be needed. A solution to the housing shortage could be that we live closer together. By making interviewa with people with experience of cohabiting I found that many people experience sounds and noises from the

Ett bidrag till kommunerna -vilken av institutionell teori och positiv redovisningsteori förklarar valet av redovisningsmetod

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilken av positiv redovisningsteori och institutionell teori som bäst kan förklara valet av redovisningsmetod. För att möjliggöra en undersökning av detta ämnar studien ta reda på hur kommunerna redovisar det tillfälliga flyktingbidraget som betalades i december 2015. Studien fann att majoriteten av kommunerna följer RKRs rekommendation och periodiserar bidraget

Characterization of casein micelles and sodium caseinate in dense suspensions

This thesis describes the characterization of the rheological properties of dense suspensions of sodium caseinate and micellar casein with respect to changes in concentration (100-200g/L), pH (7.0-5.3), charge density (Δα), and temperature (5-40°C). The relationship between pH and charge density and how this relationship is affected by changes in temperature and concentration were also addressed.

Konsultansvaret i ABK 09

Uppsatsen behandlar den tekniska konsultens ansvar när standardavtalet ABK 09 är tillämpligt. ABK 09 är ett standardavtal som är avsett att tilläm-pas vid konsultuppdrag inom arkitekt- och ingenjörsverksamhet. Den hu-vudsakliga frågan som behandlas i uppsatsen är vad det innebär att konsul-ten ska genomföra uppdraget fackmässigt, med omsorg och i enlighet med god yrkessed. Att konsulten ska genomfThe paper deals with the technical consultant’s responsibility in a contractu-al relationship when the standard agreement ABK 09 is applicable. ABK 09 is a standard agreement that is intended for commissions within architecture and engineering. The main issue in the essay is what it means that the con-sultant shall execute the commission professionally, with care and in ac-cordance with profession

The Puzzle of China's Leftover Women

The aim of this thesis is to identify the roots of the leftover women phenomenon in order to understand why it has appeared. In particular, we examine why the leftover women are having difficulties in finding a husband in the Chinese marriage market. Additionally, we establish whether the leftover women phenomenon may be a consequence of the increasing patriarchal norms in China. Through an in-dep

Vattenlaster på låglutande takkonstruktioner

Idag dimensioneras konstruktioner dels för permanenta laster såsom egentyngd, dels för variabla laster i form av snölast, vindlast och nyttig last. Mot bakgrund av pågående klimatförändringar och kraftiga regnoväder på senare år, exempelvis i Malmö hösten 2014, kan även vattenlaster få en större betydelse i framtiden. I synnerhet på låglutande och flacka tak finns det risk för betydande mängder kv

From Productive to Destructive Entrepreneurship, and back? A Malmo Drug Dealer Story

Purpose The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the phenomenon of destructive entrepreneurship from a contextual perspective, by conducting a narrative study in a cosmopolitan city of Sweden. A narrative story is constructed based on the life story of a drug dealer. This narrative is used as input in interviews with respondents representing different political and social organisations

Development of Replenishment and Planning Strategies - A case study at Duni AB

Success through product differentiation A popular science article based on the Master Thesis “Development of Replenishment and Planning Strategies” by Fredrik Kapellner and Felix Kaltea, 2016. Matching supply with demand is a continuous struggle, now more than ever since customers expect deliveries within days after placing an order. In order for a company to be profitable in these demanding time

Protein Quantification Based on Quantitative Shotgun Proteomics Data

Quantitative proteomics is concerned with measuring the abundances of different proteins in biological samples. In the shotgun approach, proteins are digested by an endoprotease into several smaller peptides, which are then separated by liquid chromatography (LC) and subsequently detected and quantified by a mass spectrometer. In this work, a method for determining the relative abundances of prote

Ett eget rum - en studie om kvinnliga studenters upplevelse av intervention med bild

I den här studien utformades, genomfördes och utvärderades en intervention med hjälp av bild. Syftet med studien var att nå en fördjupad förståelse för hur nio kvinnliga studenter upplevde denna intervention. Utifrån den psykosocialt inriktade behandlingsmetoden TTM (Tree Theme Method) konstruerades en intervention bestående av en mindfulnessinspirerad övning, individuellt målande och samtal i gruIn this study an arts-based intervention was designed, conducted and evaluated. The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how nine female students experienced this intervention. Based on the psychosocially oriented treatment method TTM (Tree Theme Method) an intervention was constructed, consisting of a mindfulness-inspired exercise, individual painting and a group discussion. The

Quantification of Waste Generation in the EU - A PPCA and regression analysis on prediction of recyclable waste

I denna studie har data över genereringen av återvinningsbart avfall från EU-länder analyserats och olika möjliga förklarings faktorer har undersökts genom en kombination av två olika statistiska metoder. Syftet var att identifiera några av de största faktorerna till uppkomsten av återvinningsbart avfall, och utifrån dessa faktorer, hitta en linjär funktion som beskriver genereringen av olika återIn this study, data of the generation of recyclable wastes from the EU member states, and possible explaining factors for describing this generation, are examined through a combination of Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) and multivariate regression analysis. The purpose is to identify some of the biggest contributors to the generation of recyclable wastes, and, based on these cont

Kliniska beslutstödssystem: Dess effekter på gott och ont

Informationsteknologi med dess informationssystem har bidragit till att många aspekter i vår vardag har effektiviserats och förbättrats. Både för privatpersoner och företag. Information har blivit lättare att administrera, tid har sparats och våra dagliga processer har inom många aspekter blivit smartare. Denna studie ämnar illustrera hur informationssystem har bidragit med effekt inom vården. Mer

Off-Grid Market Opportunities for Wave Power Technology

The long-term objective within the wave energy industry is to deliver large-scale wave energy farms connected to large national power grids. However, this objective cannot be reached with today’s wave energy technologies at their current maturity levels. This has created a need within the industry to identify alternative development paths—in this thesis referred to as off-grid market opportunities

Cost-Benefit Analysis in Healthcare

Background: Gesture control represents a new paradigm in Human-Computer-Interaction, with an interesting use case in hygienic hospital settings; as it would allow staff to control computers without risking cross-contamination. Even though this has evident advantages, hospitals are increasingly emphasizing monetary gains in investment decisions; which in the case of gesture control is not that easy

The Business Impact of Internet of Things

Problem Description Both academic researches and consulting firms claim that Internet of Things will come to change the society we live in, as well as create entirely new business opportunities for companies. However, there is little research that analyzes the actual benefits with Internet of Things, how companies should act in order to find these benefits, and in what way their business models m

How private investors develop their portfolio companies

Commercial private equity as an investment industry have quickly grown since its formation in the late 80’s, and now account for a significant part of the investments made both globally and in Sweden. In 2014 the Swedish commercial private equity companies had a combined turnover of 311 billion SEK, accounting for around 9 % of Sweden’s GNP. The sector has been studied extensively by the investmen