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Modernitetskritik i svart-vitt. Chaplin mellan kapitalism, kommunism och nazism
Charles Chaplin discussed in his films from the late 1930s and early 1940s modernity and ideology. With examples from Modern Times, The Great Dictator and Monsieuer Verdoux, I discuss different interpretations and some reactions to these films.
Surfande elektroner
Det var en gång. Om historiska romaner och romaner som blivit historiska.
HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification
Classifying images of HEp-2 cells from indirect immunofluorescence has important clinical applications. We have developed an automatic method based on random forests that classifies an HEp-2 cell image into one of six classes. The method is applied to the data set of the ICPR 2012 contest. The previously obtained best accuracy is 79.3% for this data set, whereas we obtain an accuracy of 97.4%. The
Renblåsning med diffusion
Syftet med denna arbetsrapport är att undersöka hur renblåsningens funktion påverkas av diffusion hos gaser och partiklar. Regenerativ värmeväxling med rotor har ett varvtalsbero- ende överföringsflöde med frånluft till tilluft, vilket elimineras med ett renblåsningsflöde. Det är inte självklart att en rotor blir renblåst även om renblåsningsvolymen för en rotorkanal är större än rotorkanalens
An essay on the theory of history in Swedish archeology
See licentiate thesis.
Vem är Gud? För och emot negativ teologi
Client side JavaScript workload characterization of social network applications
Expertsystem. Om ett nytt sätt att utnyttja datorer
Abstract is not available
Urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract
Group A Streptococci; Epidemiology and Genetics of Antibiotic Resistance
Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp A streptokocker (GAS) ger upphov till infektioner lokaliserade till svalg och hud såsom akut pharyngotonsillit (halsfluss), impetigo (svinkoppor), erysipelas (rosfeber) men även till invasiva (djupa) infektioner med allvarlig prognos, speciellt scarlatina (scharlakansfeber), puerperalfeber (barnsängsfeber), nekrotiserande fasciit och andra mjukdelsinfektioner samtGroup A streptococci (GAS) cause throat and skin infections, severe invasive diseases as well as the non-suppurative complications acute rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. GAS have retained susceptibility to betalactam drugs, but resistance to alternative antibiotics is of concern. In a large Iranian survey the carrier rates among symptom-free children and those with pharyngotonsillitis were
Conditions for Higher Education Cooperation between Iraqi Kurdistan and Sweden. Report from a visit, August, 2002
SWEDEN: Integrated strategies to overcome market barriers.
A national debate about how to transform and to ‘green’ the problematic housing stocks from the boom era has been going on since the late 1990s. Different kinds of policy instruments with energy efficiency objectives that address either energy systems, energy sources or construction and renovation of the building envelope have been in use. Some policy instruments have combined green objectives wit
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Stork-like? A narrative approach to retail image formation
Mali - Coping With Adversity – Towards a Semi-Formal, Open and Scalable Requirements Modeling Tool
[Context and motivation] This research preview presents ongoing work on a free software requirements modeling tool called reqT that is developed in an educational context. [Question/problem] The work aims to engage computer science students in Requirements Engineering (RE) through a tool that captures essential RE concepts in executable code. [Principal ideas] Requirements are modeled using an int