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Imagining Somewheres: Obstruction as a Productive Force in Decolonial Visuality, Solidarities, and Asian American Futures

Through a decolonial lens, visual culture can offer a variety of methods for solidarity-, community-, and future-building among people of color and other marginalized identities through applied imagination. However, a common impulse in these community-building endeavors is to explain as much as possible or to direct the image to the white gaze––a colonial ideology––which can further marginalize an

Vad skapar en ”match made in heaven”? En kvalitativ studie av fyra samarbeten mellan personliga varumärken och produktvarumärken.

I och med det ökande användandet av sociala medier och en misstro till traditionell reklam har varumärkesstrategin Influencer marketing utvecklats. Influencers är personliga varumärken som tillsammans med produktvarumärken ingår i ett samarbete, så kallat co-branding. I denna studie har co-branding mellan personliga varumärken och produktvarumärken undersökts med fokus på hur mottagarna kommunicerAs a result of the increase in usage of social media coupled with a disbelief in traditional marketing, Influencer Marketing has emerged as a brand strategy. Influencers may be considered as a merging of personal brands and product brands, also known as co-branding. This study examines co-branding, focusing on how the receivers communicate their acceptance in co-branding. Furthermore, through conc

Vem styr den gröna agendan? En kvalitativ studie om den diskursiva kampen kring hållbarhet

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur diskursen kring hållbarhet gestaltas av flera aktörer i förhållande till H&M. Primärt fokuserar uppsatsen på att särskilja aktörernas olika positioneringar och undersöka interaktionerna mellan de olika aktörerna för att kunna 3 påvisa eventuella maktstrukturer. Analysen grundar sig i dagordningsteori, gestaltningsteori och diskursteori, och för att analysera eThis essay aims to investigate the discourse of sustainability as portrayed by multiple actors in relation to H&M. The main focus is to distinguish the different discussions and to explore the relationship between the different actors in order to unveil possible power structures. The analysis of the study stems from agenda setting theory, framing theory and discourse theory, and the method use

"Likhet inför lagen oavsett kön", eller? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av LVU-domar utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

The aim of this study was to analyze how the social problems underlying the care of boys and girls are described in judgments according to 3 § LVU (Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act) from Judith Butlers gender perspective. Therefore I have studying totally 40 cases of 3 § LVU to see if there are any similarities and differences in how each genders social problems is described by social

”Nu känner jag att IKEA verkligen bryr sig om oss": En kvalitativ studie om hur digital och emotionell storytelling i reklamfilm kan uppfattas som relationsskapande

The aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how digital and emotional storytelling can be used in advertising campaigns in order to build a relationship with recipients. Based upon previous research, theories about advertising, relationship marketing, digital and emotional storytelling, and narrative transportation have been presented. In order to fulfil the aim of this study, fi

In the eye of the storm : a gendered study on climate change adaptation in small-scale farming in Thái Bình, Vietnam

Vietnam is one of the countries in the world that is projected to be most impacted by climate change. Extreme weather events such as storms and floods are predicted to increase with the changing climate. As such, climate change adaptation is crucial, especially for farmers who are relying on vulnerable livelihoods to climate change. This thesis investigates gendered patterns within the province of

Why we choose to help fewer over more victims: The prominence effect as an underlying mechanism for saved-lives insensitivity

The aim of this report was to investigate the prominence effect as an underlying reason for saved-lives insensitivity in moral decision-making. Saved-lives insensitivity, the tendency to help fewer rather than more victims, causes unnecessary suffering. Why this tendency occurs is still unknown, but the prediction of this study was that the prominence effect is an underlying mechanism. The promine

Personalisation on Instagram - A quantitative content analysis of prominent Swedish politicians’ Instagram posts

Konceptet personalisering innebär att fokus allt oftare riktas mot individuella politiker och deras personliga egenskaper. Sociala medier, så som Instagram, har gjort konceptet än mer aktuellt då möjligheterna att politiskt kommunicera personligt har ökat genom dessa. Studien ämnade att undersöka om personaliserad kommunikation av framstående svenska politiker på Instagram har ökat under den senasPersonalisation is a concept which is based on the idea that focus is increasingly directed at the individual politician and his or her personal characteristics. Social media, such as Instagram, has revived the concept since the possibilities for personalised political communication have increased. This study aimed to examine if personalised communication among prominent Swedish politicians on Ins

Samma profession, olika verksamheter och rutiner : Hantering av oro kring barn i föräldrakooperativ och kommunal förskola

The aim of this study was to interpret and increase the understanding of how various factors have an effect on preschool teachers’ assessments to report maltreated children to the social services and to study their routines and guidelines. Interviews with four managers for preschools form the basis of this study, including their written guidelines. The study also focused on the differences between

Opening a new epoch of global ocean governance : a challenge for just benefit-sharing from the marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

The new legal framework for marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) will be formally developed under the United Nations due to demands to fill a legal gap addressing BBNJ loss and justly sharing benefits from BBNJ. Since there is no global legal framework for BBNJ even though related agreements exist (i.e., United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Convention on

Leadership styles in SMEs - a quantitative study of the leadership styles exhibited by managers of SMEs in Sweden through the use of the multifactor leadership questionnaire

Despite the large quantity of studies done on the field of leadership and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), current literature lacks the link between these two topics and very little research has actually been done to examine the relationship between leadership styles and management within SMEs operating in Sweden. Taking into account the relevance of this research topic, this thesis aims

Kriskommunikation i närvaron av en stark social movement, ett flerstämmigt perspektiv på kampen om inramningen av krisen

Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring hur organisationer som blir måltavla för kritik från en stark social movement kan använda kriskommunikation för att minimera skadan på sitt rykte, då ett minskat förtroende från intressenterna kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för organisationens förmåga att uppnå sina övergripande mål. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ fallstudie utifrån ett flerThis study aims to contribute with knowledge of how organizations that are criticized by a strong social movement can use crisis communication in order to minimize reputational damage. Reduced stakeholder trust can have serious consequences for the organization's ability to achieve its overall goals. The study was based on a qualitative case study with a multivocal approach on an organizationa

En tredje kultur : En studie om blattekulturen och dess betydelse för gemenskap

This study describes three young men and four young women and their quest for identity in a culture they, for many reasons, never seriously considered to be their own. The aim of the study was to find out, through interviews, what characterizes the culture of individuals identified as “blattar”, individuals with a cross-cultural background growing up and living in Sweden. We wanted to find out wha

Synthesis of Linearly Fused Tröger’s Base Analogues

The Tröger’s base molecule has a unique V-shaped cavity and can be fused together in a linear fashion to create either tubular structures or zigzag structures. These structures could be applicable in for example catalysis. The Tröger’s base scaffold is easily functionalised with different side-groups and therefore has a wide range of applications. Previous research in the Wärnmark group had led to

Prediction of fracture propagation in human femur using the Finite Element Method

Hip fractures constitute a major problem, both in terms of a lower life quality for the people affected and socio-economical factors. Osteoporosis is a medical condition, defined by decreased bone mass, which results in a more fragile bone structure and a higher risk for fractures. Osteoporosis accounts for a cost of € 1.5 billion each year in Sweden alone, and the costs are increasing. In orderHip fractures can be predicted using numerical models -You probably know at least one older person who broke their hip. Hip fractures most often affect older people and it is both painful, takes time to heal and is expensive for the society. If there was a way to predict and prevent fractures, a lot of suffering, time and money could be saved.-

Silence is Golden : a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Billionaires and Economic Inequality in the Swedish News Media

Economic inequality is growing rapidly worldwide. Despite research showing that higher inequality within a society corresponds with a higher rate of public health and social problems, there exist little organized resistance against the neo-liberal economic policies that allow the super-rich to pull away from the rest of the population. Even though the causes of poverty cannot be separated from the

“Trust us, we’re professionals”

Over the past thirty years, public sector organisations have increasingly sought to become more alike their private sector counterparts, with the implementation of management tools, viewing the public as customers and society as a marketplace. Such reforms can be seen as the development of New Public Management (NPM). However, with unintended consequences, as professionals, be it teachers, nurses

Personers erfarenheter av livskvalitet vid palliativ onkologisk vård. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Personer med cancer är den grupp människor som är i övervägande behov av palliativ vård. Personer med cancer i ett palliativt skede erfar mångdimensionellt lidande som påverkar deras livskvalitet. Syfte: Studien belyser personernas livskvalitetserfarenheter vid palliativ vård hos personer med obotlig cancer. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Resultat: Tre huvudteman framkom:

Does the taxation of permanent establishment ensure source-based taxation on business profits? - An analysis of cross-border services

Services belong to the business sector which contributes most to the world’s economy. Despite that there is no specific provision in the OECD Model Tax Convention which concerns the taxation of business services specifically. Instead, taxation on business services is connected to the taxation of business profits, to which the residence state of the business has the primary right. The source state