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Recovery and Rehabilitation in Stroke. Stem Cells.

The recent demostration that neurons for transplantation can be generated from stem cells and that the adult brain produces new neurons in response to stroke has raised hope for the development of a stem cell therapy for patients affected with this disorder. In this review we propose a road map to the clinic and describe the different scientific tasks that need to be accomplished to move stem cell

A 50-year perspective of a family with chromosome 14-linked Alzheimer’s disease

A Swedish family with two generations suffering from presenile dementia with an unusually severe Alzheimer encephalopathy was first reported in 1946. The hypothesis that the disease was inherited through a dominant gene is strongly supported by the follow-up 50years later of three additional generations and molecular genetic findings of a novel presenilin-1 gene mutation in the family. The pedigre

Gärning och frälsning hos Ramanuja

Following a brief account of the main events in the life of Rāmānuja according to traditional hagiographical works, the article examines the fundamental exegetical, epistemological, ontological and soteriological positions of this medieval thinker. These views are contrasted mainly with those of the greatly influential Śaṅkara some centuries earlier, particularly with respect to the conflict betwe

A combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical simulation of the hydration of Li+, Na+, F-, and Cl-

The hydration (or solvation) of the lithium, sodium, fluoride, and chloride ions are investigated using a combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical model. Radial distribution functions and the distribution of coordination numbers are reported and compared with other recent studies. An algorithm to investigate the geometry of the first solvation shell is proposed and applied to the four hydr

Business Angels in a Changing Economy: The Case of Sweden

The Swedish business angel market of 2004 is presented and compared to that of 1992 in order to determine the significance of the time factor. The presentation is carried out against the background of the macroeconomic changes that have taken place and how they have affected the informal venture capital market. The empirical findings reveal how the amounts invested have changed, which companies th

Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic

Popular Abstract in Swedish Satser i objektsposition i modern standardarabiska. MODERN STANDARDARABISKA Arabiska talas idag av ca 200 miljoner människor från Marocko och Mauretanien i väster till Irak och Oman i öster. De talade varianterna av språket skiljer sig åt ganska mycket, men man har ett gemensamt skriftspråk. Den moderna varianten av skriftspråket kallas ofta modern standardarabiska ocThis dissertation comprises a corpus-based study of the form and function of sentential object complements in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The study is motivated by the scarcity of investigations into MSA syntax as opposed to the syntax of Classical Arabic. Complements to three classes of complement-taking predicates (CTPs) ­ manipulation, cognition and utterance ­ are considered. The major part

Long-term effects of intracellular calcium and growth factors on excitation and contraction in smooth muscle

Modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype is thought to be important in the development of the atherosclerotic lesion. Such modulation depends on growth factors and is influenced by cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Whereas smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall are contractile, dispersed cells in culture rapidly modulate to synthetic phenotype, w

Boosting the error performance of suboptimal tailbiting decoders

Tailbiting is an attractive method to terminate convolutional codes without reducing the code rate. Maximum-likelihood and exact a posteriori probability decoding of tailbiting codes implies, however, a large computational complexity. Therefore, suboptimal decoding methods are often used in practical coding schemes. It is shown that suboptimal decoding methods work better when the slope of the act

Different calculation methods for flow cytometric S-phase fraction: prognostic implications in breast cancer? The Swedish Society of Cancer Study Group

S-phase fraction (SPF), estimated in the flow cytometric DNA histogram, is a prognostic factor in breast cancer. There are, however, some inherent difficulties in the estimation of SPF, such as the influence of debris, aggregates, and normal cells. Most of the available SPF calculation principles try to consider these difficulties, but so far no consensus has been reached with regard to which prin

Variant size- and glycoforms of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein gp-340 with differential bacterial aggregation

Glycoprotein gp-340 aggregates bacteria in saliva as part of innate defence at mucosal surfaces. We have detected size- and glycoforms of gp-340 between human saliva samples (n=7) and lung gp-340 from a proteinosis patient using antibodies and lectins in Western blots and ELISA measurements. Western blots of saliva samples, and of gp-340 purified, from the seven donors using a gp-340 specific anti

The Nordic model of marriage

Between 1909 and 1929, the Marriage Acts were thoroughly reformed in all Nordic countries. These laws enhanced women's individual rights and ended a husband's legal power over his wife. Gender equality-though admittedly based on gender difference-emerged earlier in the Nordic countries than elsewhere in Europe. Secondly, the formation of marriage was reformed. Relationships by blood and marriage w

Developments in radiotherapy

A systematic assessment of radiotherapy for cancer was conducted by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) in 2001. The assessment included a review of future developments in radiotherapy and an estimate of the potential benefits of improved radiotherapy in Sweden. The conclusions reached from this review can be summarized as: Successively better knowledge is available o

Dynamic Modeling of Non-equilibrium Latex Particle Morphology Development During Seeded Emulsion Polymerization.

We have developed software to simulate the development of non-equilibrium latex particle morphologies produced by seeded emulsion polymerization. The diffusion of second stage polymer radicals within seed particles controls the development of morphology in a large number of systems. Knowledge of the conditions present within the latex particles during the reaction is required in order to model thi

Heart transplantation across the antibodies against HLA and ABO

We have intentionally performed heart transplantation in a 5-year-old child, despite the most unfavourable risk factors for patient survival; the presence of high level of antibodies against donor's human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I/II and blood group antigens. Pretransplant treatment by mycophenolate mofetil, prednisolone, tacrolimus, intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab, protein-A immunoads