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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

On the Design of Reduced State Demodulators with Interference Cancellation for Iterative Receivers

We consider the problem of designing demodulators for channels with memory that use reduced-size trellis descriptions for the received signal. We assume an overall iterative receiver, and for the parts of the signal not covered by the trellis description, we use interference cancellation based on the soft information provided by the outer decoder. In order to reach a trellis description, a linear

Sensor Fused Indoor Positioning Using Dual Band WiFi Signal Measurements

In this paper, signal strengths from known WiFi access points are used together with a particle filter to perform indoor navigation. It is shown that more information is obtained by using signals of both 2.4 and 5.0 GHz, compared to using only one frequency. Thus, using both frequencies provides a more accurate positioning. The second contribution is an algorithm where WiFi measurements are combin

Geographic elevation, car driving, and depression among elderly residents in rural areas : The Shimane CoHRE study

Given that public transportation networks are often worse in rural areas than in urban areas, it is difficult for elderly non-drivers to access health-promoting goods, services, and resources related to mental health. Moreover, geographical location, assessed by elevation, could modify this association in a rural area. The aim of this study was to test whether the association between car driving (

An Improved Stochastic Send-on-Delta Scheme for Event-Based State Estimation

Event-based sensing and communication holds the promise of lower resource utilization and/or better performance for remote state estimation applicationsin e.g networked control systems (NCS). However, the problem of designing an optimal event-based state estimator often becomes untractable due to nonlinear measurements. This complexity is avoided with stochastic event-triggering. In this work, we

Magiska möjligheter : Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl och Cirkeln i skolans värdegrundsarbete

Sedan den första Harry Potter-boken publicerades år 1997 har intresset för fantasylitteratur ökat lavinartat. Miljoner av barn, ungdomar och vuxna har följt sina mest omtyckta fantasyhjältar och –hjältinnor på deras äventyr in i magiska världar, där verklighetens lagar utmanas, överskrids och ställs på ända. Men vad kan läsare lära sig om sin egen värld via karaktärernas upptäcksresor in i de magi

MRI shows a high incidence of carpal fractures in children with posttraumatic radial-sided wrist tenderness

Background and purpose — The epidemiology and optimal diagnostics of wrist injuries in children are not known. We describe fractures revealed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a prospective population of children and adolescents with posttraumatic radial-sided wrist tenderness, and compare the diagnostic value of radiographs and computed tomography (CT) with that of MRI. Patients and methods

Bond line models of glued wood-to-steel plate joints

The competitiveness of timber as structural material in large structures is often governed by the cost of structural joints. Tests indicate that the new joint concept presented herein using glued wood-to-steel plate joints can possibly reduce the cost by matching joint strength to member strength. The design is inspired by two previously proposed designs using a single large dowel and using a rubb

Quality of life and hernia development 5 years after open abdomen treatment with vacuum-assisted wound closure and mesh-mediated fascial traction

Purpose: To report incisional hernia (IH) incidence, abdominal wall (AW) discomfort and quality of life (QoL) 5 years after open abdomen treatment with vacuum-assisted wound closure and mesh-mediated fascial traction (VAWCM). Methods: Five-year follow-up of patients included in a prospective study 2006–2009. The protocol included physical examination, patient interview, chart review, questionnaire

Naturally Occurring IgG Antibodies Provide Innate Protection against Vibrio cholerae Bacteremia by Recognition of the Outer Membrane Protein U

Cholera epidemics are caused by Vibrio cholerae serogroups O1 and O139, whereas strains collectively known as non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae are found in cases of extraintestinal infections and bacteremia. The mechanisms and factors influencing the occurrence of bacteremia and survival of V. cholerae in normal human serum have remained unclear. We found that naturally occurring IgG recognizing V. cho

Skatteavtal och generalklausuler : Ett komparativt perspektiv

Skatteavtal är folkrättsliga avtal som ingås mellan stater för att underlättagränsöverskridande ekonomiska aktiviteter. De avtalsslutande staterna ärskyldiga att begränsa sina skatteanspråk enligt avtalets regler. Denna bokhandlar om hur skatteavtalens funktion att begränsa nationella skatteanspråkförhåller sig till nationella generalklausuler mot skatteflykt. Fråganhar blivit allt viktigare i och

Health care application of quantitative fire risk analysis

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) is a very powerful tool with which the fire protection engineer systematically can analyze fire safety problems. Risk analysis methods have during the last decades become more common for analyzing fire safety problems. This is partly because of the development of fire simulation tools enabling a quantitative estimation of the consequences. The increased use of risk

Parity and Comparability—a Concern Regarding Chang’s Chaining Argument

According to Ruth Chang the three standard positive value relations: “better than”, “worse than” and “equally good” do not fully exhaust the conceptual space for positive value relations. According to her, there is room for a fourth positive value relation, which she calls “parity”. Her argument for parity comes in three parts. First, she argues that there are items that are not related by the sta

Something rotten in Scandinavia : The world's earliest evidence of fermentation

Large-scale food storage has been identified at an Early Mesolithic settlement on the east coast of Sweden, implying a delayed-return subsistence strategy. The excavation and analysis of the contents of a 9200-year-old construction, combined with ethnographic analogies and modern knowledge of microbial activity, suggest that fish was fermented at the site. The identification of a foraging economy

Outcome of a web-based mindfulness intervention for families living with mental illness – A feasibility study

Families living with a person with mental illness can experience distress requiring therapeutic interventions. Web-based mindfulness interventions have shown beneficial health outcomes for both clinical and healthy populations, and may help families cope and overcome barriers that can otherwise hinder a help-seeking process. Aims: To develop and assess outcomes of a web-based mindfulness intervent

Substrate pH ranges of south Swedish bryophytes-Identifying critical pH values and richness patterns

Substrate pH has been shown to be important for bryophyte distribution, although bryophytes are believed to obtain more or less all of their nutrients from rain water and deposition of airborn dust. In order to better understand bryophyte-pH relations we investigated pH ranges of bryophytes and bryophyte richness at different pH in southern Sweden. In addition, species turnover and critical pH val

Capacitive biosensors for ultra-sensitive assays

Capacitive binding assays have long been considered highly sensitive. The underlying method in such assays includes sending short potential pulses and then registering the current. However, with the introduction of current pulses and registration of potential responses, the stability improved significantly, leading to assays of extreme sensitivities. The new assaying technology has been applied in

Online shopping habits and the potential for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from passenger transport

Opportunities for online shopping are transforming travel behaviour related to shopping, and they have the potential to reduce overall travel demands. This paper analyses the potential for reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from passenger transport due to an increased use of online shopping in Sweden and adds to the broader picture of what potential growing online shopping might have on

A general method for decomposing the causes of socioeconomic inequality in health

We introduce a general decomposition method applicable to all forms of bivariate rank dependent indices of socioeconomic inequality in health, including the concentration index. The technique is based on recentered influence function regression and requires only the application of OLS to a transformed variable with similar interpretation. Our method requires few identifying assumptions to yield va

Partnering to change the world for people with haemophilia : 6th Haemophilia Global Summit, Prague, Czech Republic, 24–26th September 2015

The 6th Haemophilia Global Summit was held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2015. The programme was designed by an independent Scientific Steering Committee of haemophilia experts and aimed to share optimal management strategies for haemophilia at all life stages, explore recent potential advances in the management of haemophilia A and B and discuss challenges in haemophilia care. In this s