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Från guidad visning till shopping och förströdd tillägnelse: moderniserade villkor för ungdomars musikaliska lärande.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet har från olika håll ställts krav på ett ökat elevinflytande över innehåll och arbetsformer i den allmänna skolan. Dessa krav har dels kommit från eleverna själva, dels kommit till uttryck i olika styrdokument. Att så har varit fallet ter sig ganska naturligt, eftersom den tidsanda i vilken vi lever är präglad av individualism. Ett antagande, som stöds aAbstract In the Swedish compulsory school system there is a trend towards increased student influence. School ideologists have for at least ten years strongly emphasised this issue. This tendency is in line with a more general direction in Western societies, which in many aspects has moved toward individualisation. Based on these developments, the main reason for undertaking the presents study was
En inventering av icke-tättingar inom 13 kvadratkilometer lågalpin fjällhed vid Ammarnäs i Lappland 1984-1985
Systematic screening of potential beta-cell imaging agents.
The beta-cell loss seen in diabetes mellitus could be monitored clinically by positron emission tomography (PET) if imaging agents were sufficiently specific for beta-cells to overcome the high ratio of non-beta-cell to beta-cell tissue in pancreas. In this report, we present a screening assay for identifying beta-cell-specific compounds that is based on the relative accumulation and retention by
Is China an optimum currency area?
Analyses regional differences across China, employing an optimum currency area framework.
Drying of concrete
Contractile properties of lymphatics from the human lower leg
Lower leg lymphatics, taken from seven volunteers, were investigated in vitro. Isometric contractions were induced by noradrenaline, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), and the thromboxane A2 (TXA2)-mimetic U-44069. Noradrenaline induced phasic contractions in 6 of 7 segments. The amplitude of the contractions were up to 100% of a previous K+ (124mM)-induced contractio
Some Studies of the Transport Coefficients of Pulp and Paper
Popular Abstract in Swedish Torkning av ett poröst material sker i två perioder: en period med konstant torkhastighet och en period med fallande torkhastighet. Under perioden med konstant torkhastighet, bestäms torkhastigheten av de yttre förhållandena beträffande värme- och masstransport, och torkhastigheten påverkas inte av det torkande materialets egenskaper. Under perioden med fallande torkhasThe drying of a porous material occurs in two different periods: the constant rate period and the falling rate period. During the constant rate period, the drying rate is determined by the external conditions regarding heat and mass transfer, and the drying rate is not influenced by the properties of the drying material. During the falling rate period, the material properties, such as the transpor
Atlanto-occipital dislocation in rheumatoid arthritis
Four cases of atlanto-occipital dislocation are described. Two of the cases were found in a material of 407 patients with rheumatoid arthritis indicating a frequency of 0.5 per cent. All the patients had severe mutilating changes of the peripheral joints as well as of the cervical spine and all developed severe neurologic symptoms. The diagnosis is not easy to set on conventional films so conventi
Occupational therapy targeting physical environmental barriers in buildings with public facilities
The main aim of this study was to evaluate an occupational therapy based intervention aimed at increasing the accessibility to buildings with public facilities in a Swedish town centre, which targeted physical environmental barriers. The intervention was occupational therapy advice based on the environmental assessments of each facility, given to the facility owners in order to ease the removal of
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Characterizing microbial exposure with ergosterol, 3-hydroxy fatty acids, and viable microbes in house dust: Determinants and association with childhood asthma
The authors assessed determinants of ergosterol, 3-OH fatty acids (FAs), and viable microbes in vacuum cleaner dust, and investioated the association between these microbial markets and childhood asthma. The authors studied the homes of 36 children who were new cases of childhood asthma and the homes of 36 controls. Home characteristics explained 34% to 44% of the variation in levels of different
Integrability of invariant metrics on the Virasoro group
Each right-invariant metric on the Virasoro group induces a Hamiltonian vector field on the dual of the Lie algebra Dir equipped with the canonical Lie-Poisson structure. We show that the Hamiltonian vector fields X-k induced by the metrics given at the identity by the H-k Sobolev inner products, k >= 0, are bi-Hamiltonian relative to a modified Lie-Poisson structure only for k = 0 and k = 1. (c)
Neuropeptide Y and seizures: effects of exogenously applied ligands
The endogenous NPY system in the brain is centrally involved in seizure regulation. The present paper reviews the evidence that exogenously applied NPY receptor ligands can inhibit epileptic seizures in various rodent in vitro and in vivo models. Agonists at Y2 and/or Y5 receptors and antagonists at Y1 receptors appear to inhibit seizures, depending on the seizure model studied. Although progress
Stabilisation of Uncertain Systems
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A simulation of solar convection at supergranulation scale
We present here numerical simulations of surface solar convection which cover a box of 30 x 30 x 3.2 Mm(3) with a resolution of 315 x 315 x 82, which is used to investigate the dynamics of scales larger than granulation. No structure resembling supergranulation is present; possibly higher Reynolds numbers (i.e. higher numerical resolution), or magnetic fields, or greater depth are necessary. The r