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Aspects on intra-arterial thrombolysis for lower limb ischemia
Popular Abstract in Swedish Enbart i Sverige drabbas tusentals personer årligen, kvinnor som män, av plötsligt cirkulationsbortfall (akut ischemi) i ett ben till följd av blodpropp i en artär. Tillståndet är akut och innebär ett direkt hot mot såväl liv som lem. Personer som drabbas är ofta äldre, och de har ofta många andra sjukdomar med sig i bagaget. För att rädda benet, och patienten, krävs aBackground: Acute ischemia of the lower limb is a vascular emergency associated with amputation and death. Patients suffering from acute limb ischemia are usually elderly, and multiple comorbidities are often present. Intra-arterial thrombolysis is, perhaps, the most important minimal-invasive treatment option available today. Although uncontrolled hemorrhage is a dreaded complication, it is consi
Artificial receptors
Herein I will provide a brief overview of artificial receptors with emphasis on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and their applications. Alternative techniques to produce artificial receptors such as in silico designed and modelled polymers as well as different receptors designed using libraries of more or less natural composition will also be mentioned. Examples of these include aptamers and
Individualized closed-loop control of propofol anesthesia: A preliminary study
This paper proposes an individualized approach to closed-loop control of depth of hypnosis during propofol anesthesia. The novelty of the paper lies in the individualization of the controller at the end of the induction phase of anesthesia, based on a patient model identified from the dose-response relationship during induction of anesthesia. The proposed approach is shown to be superior to admini
Credible Communication and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from Multi-stage Games
The ranking of values as a basis for ethical decision making in ethical controversies: the case of stem cell research
Magnetic moments of the first excited 2(+) states in the semi-magic Sn-112,Sn-114,Sn-116,Sn-122,Sn-124 isotopes
The g factors of the first excited 2(+) states in the Sn-112,Sn-114,Sn-116,Sn-122,Sn-124 isotopes have been measured with high accuracy using the transient field technique in combination with Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics. The experimental results are discussed in a qualitative way on the basis of empirical single-particle g factors of the relevant proton and neutron orbitals and are co
A late glacial Antarctic climate teleconnection and variable Holocene seasonality at Lake Pupuke, Auckland, New Zealand
We present the first continuous paleolimnological reconstruction from the North Island of New Zealand (37A degrees S) that spans the last 48.2 cal kyr. A tephra- and radiocarbon-based chronology was developed to infer the timing of marked paleolimnological changes in Lake Pupuke, Auckland, New Zealand, identified using sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility, grain size and geochemistry (carbon, ni
A palynological study of an extinct arctic ecosystem from the Palaeocene of Northern Alaska
The Palaeocene arctic supported a vegetation type quite distinct from the tundra and polar desert of today. Here we demonstrate, through the palynological record, the structure of this extinct vegetation and its dynamics over this period. The Late Palaeocene coal-bearing units of the Sagwon Bluffs on Alaska's North Slope (present latitude 69 degrees N) are predominantly fine-grained, non-marine an
Gendered Tradeoffs: Family, Social Politics and Economic Inequality in Twenty-One Countries
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EUFORIA HPC: Massive Parallelisation for Fusion Community
One of the central tasks of EUFORIA is to port, parallelise, and optimise fusion simulation codes, developed at individual research institutes in Europe. There are three supercomputer centres involved in the project located at Barcelona, Edinburgh, and Helsinki. For some of the fusion codes simply porting them to one of the supercomputers represents a major advancement in the use of the codes, as
(Recension av) Anna Bikont, Vi från Jedwabne
Recension av Anna Bikont, Vi från Jedwabne.
UV protective compounds transferred from a marine dinoflagellate to its copepod predator
Planktonic organisms living in surface waters can be exposed to harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), but few studies have examined accumulation of UV protective compounds in marine zooplankton. Zooplankters are suggested to lack the ability to synthesize these substances and hence must accumulate them from their algal food. Here, we show that both phytoplankton (dinoflagellates) and thei
Numerical Prediction Tools for Low-Frequency Sound Insulation in Lightweight Buildings
Lightweight wooden-framed constructions have steadily increased their market share in Sweden during the last two decades. Achieving acoustic and vibration comfort in wooden-based buildings is, however, still a challenging task. Wood is high in both strength and stiffness in relation to its weight, but its variability has repercussions on how sound propagates, this triggering sound insulation probl
A 9-centimorgan interval of chromosome 10 controls the T cell-dependent psoriasiform skin disease and arthritis in a murine psoriasis model
Psoriasis is a complex genetic disease of unresolved pathogenesis with both heritable and environmental factors contributing to onset and severity. In addition to a disfiguring skin inflammation, approximately 10-40% of psoriasis patients suffer from destructive joint involvement. Previously, we reported that the CD18 hypomorphic PL/J mouse carrying a mutation resulting in reduced expression of th
Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV in final states with missing transverse momentum and b-jets
Results are presented of a search for supersymmetric particles in events with large missing transverse momentum and at least one heavy flavour jet candidate in root s = 7 TeV proton proton collisions. In a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb(-1) recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, no significant excess is observed with respect to the prediction
Skogsgeografi II - om odlingslämningar i skogsbygd
Factors affecting morphine metabolism following major liver resection - In Response
Bridging the macro and the micro by considering the meso: reflections on the fractal nature of resilience
We pursued the following three interconnected points: (1) there are unexplored opportunities for resilience scholars from different disciplines to cross-inspire and inform, (2) a systems perspective may enhance understanding of human resilience in health and social settings, and (3) resilience is often considered to be fractal, i.e., a phenomenon with recognizable or recurring features at a variet