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The Art of Living with a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in its relation to Resources and Norms in Swedish Society

The overall aim of this thesis is to elaborate on the art of living with a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) in its relation to resources and norms in Swedish society. The thesis originates in part from a prevalence group of SCI individuals and is based on four studies. One is longitudinal and register based, and one is interview based. A paper on “ethics in the making” elaborates how general ver

Exploring thermostable glycoside hydrolases: Amylases and beta-glucosidases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet i denna avhandling presenteras i 6 olika delarbeten (artiklar I-VI). Artiklarna I-III behandlar två olika enzymer som bryter ner cyklodextriner, vilka är ringformade molekyler med samma beståndsdelar som i stärkelse (dvs sammanlänkade glukosmolekyler). Dessa s.k. cyklodextrinaser kommer ursprungligen från två bakterier som har isolerats i varma källor på Island.Two putative cyclodextrinases (CDases) were amplified from two moderate thermophiles isolated in Iceland: Anoxybacillus flavithermus and Laceyella sacchari. They were cloned, expressed and characterized. The expression of the former was optimized in E. coli by using a solubility-enhancing tag, NusA, and tuning of inducer concentration in the expression strain Tuner(DE3). The CDases were optimally

Variable Valve Actuation for Timing Control of a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine

Autoignition of a homogeneous mixture is very sensitiveto operating conditions. Therefore fast combustion phasingcontrol is necessary for reliable operation. There areseveral means to control the combustion phasing of a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine.This paper presents cycle-to-cycle cylinder individual controlresults from a six-cylinder HCCI engine using a VariableValve Ac

Bias, Misinformation and the Paradox of Neutrality.

What is normally described as bias? A possible definition comprises attempts to distort or mislead to achieve a certain perspective, i.e. subjective descriptions intended to mislead. If designers were able to exclude bias from informing systems, then this would maximize their effectiveness. This implicit conjecture appears to underpin much of the research in our field. However, in our efforts to s

Inequality, Health, and Smoking

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av fem fristående uppsatser som alla bidrar till den hälsoekonomiska litteraturen om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och hälsorelaterat beteende. De två första uppsatserna, tillsammans med det tillhörande avsnittet i introduktionen, utgör en kompass för ojämlikhetsanalytiker i den snåriga diskussionen om hur vi bör mäta ojämlikhet i hälsa. I This thesis consists of five self-contained, yet related, research papers, which all contribute to the economic literature on socioeconomic differences in health and health related behavior. The first two papers provide a compass in the discussion of how to measure health inequality and, more specifically, how to adjust measures and concepts when moving from an unbounded income variable to a bound

Critical action research.

The editors and contributors reflect on ethics and reflexivity in critical management research, and explore the identity of the critical researcher both as an individual and working within collaborative projects. Using contemporary accounts from those engaged in real world fieldwork they outline what critical management is, and explore its relationship to management research. The book discusses t

Theoretical atomic properties for light atoms

Considerable progress has been achieved during the last few years in the accuracy of Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Fock calculations. Recent results for light atoms include isotope shifts, hyperfine structures, and probabilities for allowed, intercombination, forbidden, and hyperfine-induced transitions. All have been computed using systematic methods which allow for an estimate of the

Socialt arbete som moralisk praktik

En kritisk och teoretisk granskning av grunderna för arbete i människobehandlande organisationer ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv.Kapitlet utgår från begrepp som "rationella myter" och "sociala institutioner" Empiriska exempel kommer från socialt arbete och social barnavård.

Analysis of one single crack

In concrete most cracks start from an uncracked surface and grow through a large portion of the depth of the specimen. Both formation and growth are influenced by stresses from imposed deformations, shrinkage, temperature etc. Thus fracture mechanics, when applied to concrete, should be able to analyse the following: 1. The formation of a crack in a specimen which is not notched or precracked. 2.