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Parametric Radio Channel Estimation and Robust Localization
Obscuroplaca gen. nov. – a replacement name for Phaeoplaca; Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) from the Galapagos Islands
A replacement name Obscuroplaca for the illegitimate genus Phaeoplaca is introduced. The three known species are transferred as Obscuroplaca camptidia, O. ochrolechioides, and O. tortuca.
An integrated membrane distillation, photocatalysis and polyelectrolyte-enhanced ultrafiltration process for arsenic remediation at point-of-use
Arsenic contamination of drinking water is a result of natural and/or anthropogenic activities, causing undesirable detrimental effects on the environment and the human health. Herein, an integrated process based on Membrane Distillation (MD), photocatalysis and Polymer-enhanced Ultrafiltration (PEUF) was developed for an effective remediation of arsenic (As). This approach, whose effectiveness wa
Recovering water from lithium-rich brines by a fractionation process based on membrane distillation-crystallization
In recent years, lithium production has been increasing as a result of the growing market demand. Salt-lake brines are one of the main sources of raw lithium, which can be concentrated and purified by natural evaporation. This time-consuming production causes a loss of around 85–95 % of the water contained in the extracted brine. In this context, new technologies could replace the current process
General principles: taking rights seriously and waving the rule-of-law stick in the European Union
Immediate increase in perceived energy after exercise during the course of chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer
PURPOSE: Exercise during chemotherapy has beneficial long-term effects on women with breast cancer, but short-term beneficial changes have been less investigated. Though short-term changes may be important as a encouraging factor, this study aimed to investigate immediate changes in self-reported energy, stress, nausea and pain following a single exercise session during chemotherapy.METHODS: Forty
Menno T. Kamminga and Saman Zia-Zarifi (eds.), Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law. Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2000, xxii + 408 pages.
The United Nations Draft Treaty on Business and Human Rights: an analysis of its emergence, development and potential
The process to elaborate a legally binding instrument on Business and Human Rights started in 2014. The stated ambition animating UN process is to deliver a broad-spectrum treaty that significantly increases remediation for victims. However the treaty has polarized opinion from the very beginning. To come closer to genuine points of disagreement and possible paths forward, this chapter explains an
Business and Human Rights in Cambodia 2021 : A compendium of instruments and materials, volumes I-III
The compendium is an aid for lecturers to prepare classes and seminars on business and human rights in Cambodia. Teachers from several academic disciplines – law, management, political science, social science, and media – will find carefully selected materials and numerous aspects on which to build a rewarding classroom experience. The compendium has three parts. Part I covers the policy framework
A novel approach to structure alignment
A novel approach for structure alignment is presented, where the key ingredients are: (1) An error function formulation of the problem simultaneously in terms of binary (Potts) assignment variables and real-valued atomic coordinates. (2) Minimization of the error function by an iterative method, where in each iteration a mean field method is employed for the assignment variables and exact rotation
Fouling propensity in reverse electrodialysis operated with hypersaline brine
The impact of fouling on the performance of Reverse Electrodialysis operated with highly concentrated brine is a poorly investigated area. In this work, the fouling propensity and stability of Ion Exchange Membranes (IEMs), developed by Fujifilm Manufacturing Europe BV (The Netherlands), is investigated under the condition of seawater and brine. The fouling propensity of the IEMs was depicted by t
Procedural Rule of Law in the EU: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives
Empowering National Courts in EU Law
The Case for Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and Research-Based Do’s and Don’ts for Clinical Practice
We describe key aspects of hypnosis that distinguish it from other psychotherapeuticapproaches, argue that hypnosis occupies a unique niche among clinical interventions, andclaim that a substantial body of evidence supports its use across a gamut of psychologicalconditions. Hypnotic techniques are ideally suited to present useful suggestions that canalter subjective, behavioral, and physiological
Concurrent stem- and lineage-affiliated chromatin programs precede hematopoietic lineage restriction
The emerging notion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) as a low-primed cloud without sharply demarcated gene expression programs raises the question on how cellular-fate options emerge and at which stem-like stage lineage priming is initiated. Here, we investigate single-cell chromatin accessibility of Lineage-, cKit+, and Sca1+ (LSK) HSPCs spanning the early differentiation landsc
Mat vid diabetes. : En systematisk översikt med utvärdering av effekter samt hälsoekonomiska och etiska aspekter.
SlutsatserTyp 1- och typ 2-diabetes Det finns ett samband mellan att äta medelhavskost och lägre risk att dö i förtid oavsett orsak (måttlig tillförlitlighet). Det finns ett samband mellan att äta en större andel2 fibrer eller baljväxter och lägre risk att dö i förtid oavsett orsak (måttlig tillförlitlighet). Det kan även finnas ett samband mellan att äta en större andel nötter och lägre risk att
The NILS Study Protocol : A Retrospective Validation Study of an Artificial Neural Network Based Preoperative Decision-Making Tool for Noninvasive Lymph Node Staging in Women with Primary Breast Cancer (ISRCTN14341750)
Newly diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients with clinical T1–T2 N0 disease undergo sentinel-lymph-node (SLN) biopsy, although most of them have a benign SLN. The pilot noninvasive lymph node staging (NILS) artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict nodal status was published in 2019, showing the potential to identify patients with a low risk of SLN metastasis. The aim of this study is to ass
Association of CSF Aβ38Levels with Risk of Alzheimer Disease-Related Decline
Background and ObjectiveExperimental studies suggest that the balance between short and long β-amyloid (Aβ) species might modulate the toxic effects of Aβ in Alzheimer disease (AD), but clinical evidence is lacking. We studied whether Aβ38 levels in CSF relate to risk of AD dementia and cognitive decline.MethodsCSF Aβ38 levels were measured in 656 individuals across 2 clinical cohorts: the Swedish
Priority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas
Background Several pressing issues face municipal planners including increased land use and climate change. Managing these issues requires a balance between different actions to accommodate citizen’s demands of ecosystem services (ES) and development projects. The implementation of ES as a new tool for assessments needs to be contrasted by research considering existing tools such as Environmental