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Polymorphisms in metabolic genes related to tobacco smoke and the risk of gastric cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

Metabolizing enzymes, which often display genetic polymorphisms, are involved in the activation of compounds present in tobacco smoke that may be relevant to gastric carcinogenesis. We report the results of a study looking at the association between risk of gastric adenocarcinoma and polymorphisms in genes CYP1A1, CYP1A2, EPHX1, and GSTT1. A nested case-control study was carried out within the Eur

Patient-circumference-adapted dose regulation in body computed tomography. A practical and flexible formula

Purpose: To illustrate that the attenuation formula based on monochromatic radiation in homogeneous objects may be used for dose regulation in body computed tomography (CT) based on patient circumference and using a simple cloth measuring tape. Material and Methods: Based on the attenuation formula for monochromatic radiation, the following Microsoft Excel equation was derived: mAs(x)=mAs(n)* EXP(

An analysis of the implementation of laws with regard to female genital mutilation in Europe

This paper presents results of a survey on legislation regarding female genital mutilation in 15 European member states, as well as the results of a comparative analysis of the implementation of these laws in Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The research showed that although both criminal laws and child protection laws are implemented a number of difficulties with the implementation of t

The domain of concern of Swedish occupational therapists in psychiatric care.

As a consequence of the development of psychiatric care in Sweden, occupational therapists have adapted their roles to changing practice settings. The aim of this study was to investigate the domain of concern of occupational therapists in psychiatric care, operationalized as perceived responsibilities. Furthermore, the relationships of the domain of concern to underlying theories and models, clin

Spädbarnsskrik - en säkerhetsrisk?

A Dutch study is described, in which the occurrence of potentially detrimental parental actions induced by infant crying were assessed and thereafter related to various factors, including the parents’ judgment that the crying was »excessive«. A commentary in the same Lancet issue questions whether this might be interpreted as a »blaming of the victim« process. Official Swedish and international st

On the missed opportunity cost, GUD, and estimating environmental quality

The missed opportunity cost (MOC), i.e., all foregone alternatives while foraging in a patch, is an important aspect of the cost-benefit analysis of foraging patch use. When making between-environment comparisons it will often be the most important factor influencing behavior, but it has received less interest than other foraging costs. In this paper, we focus on differences between individuals li

Nonlinear Pricing under a Balanced-Budget Requirement: The n-Type Case

An economy consisting of n>=2 different types of consumers and one publicly owned natural monopoly is under consideration. The preferences of the consumers are assumed to be linear in money and the demand curves are assumed not to cross. We also suppose that the net utility from consumption is so high that we do not have to consider the individual rationality constraints. Given these assumptions,

Selective modulation of protein C affinity for EPCR and phospholipids by Gla domain mutation

Uniquely amongst vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins, protein C interacts via its Gla domain both with a receptor, the endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR), and with phospholipids. We have studied naturally occurring and recombinant protein C Gla domain variants for soluble (s)EPCR binding, cell surface activation to activated protein C (APC) by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex, and

MIST - A user-friendly metabolic simulator

The Metabolic Interactive Simulation Tool, MIST, is a software package, running under Microsoft Windows 3.1, which can be used for dynamic simulations, stoichiometric calculations and control analysis of metabolic pathways. The pathways can be of any complexity and are defined by the user in a simple, interactive way. The user-defined enzymatic rate equations can be compiled either by an external

DSC studies of gamma irradiation influence on gelatinisation and amylose-lipid complex transition occurring in wheat starch.

Differential scanning calorimetry studies are presented dealing with the influence of gamma irradiation (carried out in the solid state) on the structure of amylose–lipid complex in wheat starch. Suspensions of the control and the wheat starch irradiated with a 30 kGy gamma rays (characterised by starch-to-water ratio of 1:1 and ca. 1:4) were examined during several courses of heating and cooling

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Rome in Sweden? The Catholic Offensive in Ecumenical-National Context Since World War II, ecumenical principles have been used as historical measures. This has led to re-interpretations of historical events and to alterations of sources, for example the letters and diaries by Elisabeth Hesselblad, the renewer of St. Birgitta’s order. In the literature on the Swedish Archbishop Nathan Söderblom, th

Linewidth modelling of C2H2-N-2 mixtures tested by rotational CARS measurements

The acetylene-nitrogen system is investigated in a combined theoretical and experimental effort in view of its thermometry applications. Accurate values of the rotational Raman linewidths of acetylene are of crucial importance for the computation of spectra from rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) used for temperature and concentration evaluations. Since the direct measurements

A compilation and evaluation of species in the general Stephanodiscus, Cyclostephanos and Cyclotella with a new genus in the family Stephanodiscaceae

This paper includes species investigated through many years starting with original material from museum collections. A great number of species in the genera Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg, Cyclostephanos Round and Cyclotella (Kutzing) Brebisson, all in the family Stephanodiscaceae Makarova, are presented with holo-, lecto- and/or neotypes, type locality and information concerning nomenclature. A typus g

Influence of the concentration of a low-molecular organic solute on the flux reduction of a polyethersulphone ultrafiltration membrane

Drastic flux reductions are sometimes encountered during ultrafiltration of solutes much smaller than the membrane pores. This usually occurs during ultrafiltration of hydrophobic, low-molecular solutes, such as fatty acids, alcohols and alkanes. The influence of the concentration of a carboxylic acid, octanoic acid, on the flux of a polyethersulphone membrane was studied in this investigation. Th