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Polymer Bound Water-Soluble Metal Phosphine Complexes-Preparation, Characterisation and Catalytic Application

Popular Abstract in Swedish En ny typ av vattenlösliga fosfin ligander har utvecklats. Dessa fosfiner har använts som ligander i rhodium katalyserade tvåfasreaktioner.Komplexbildningen mellan de nya liganderna och olika metalcentra har studerats och de nya komplexen har använts i hydroformylerings- och hydreringsreaktioner. Polymerbundna kirala fosfiner har använts i enantioselektiv hydrering.Four new water-soluble phosphines have been prepared by utilising water-soluble polymers as charge carrying units. Coupling of methyl-4-(diphenylphosphino)-benzyl-amine or 4-diphenylphosphino benzaldehyde to poly-acrylic acid and poly-ethylene imine, respectively, afford the ligands PAA-PNH and PEI-PNH. Coupling of (2S,4S)-4-diphenylphosphino-2-di-phenylphosphino-methylpyrrolidine (PPM) or (R,R)-3

Bibeln på bokmarknaden : ur Karl XII-bibelns editionshistoria

A new translation and edition of the Swedish Bible for the use of churches, by order of the King, was published in a stately folio in Stockholm in 1702-03. This chapter from a collection of essays celebrating the tercentenary of the book, sketches the later publishing history of this Bible version in different formats on the Swedish book market up to the mid-nineteenth century, arguing that the Bi

Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Crack Propagation in Inconel 718

Thermo-mechanical fatigue crack propagation in Inconel 718 has been studied with different methods. In-situ observations with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were performed, the crack propagation process was followed cycle by cycle and the influences from load, temperature, and microstructure on the crack growth were analyzed. To measure the displacements an image analysis technique was devel

Some Results on Distinguishing Attacks on Stream Ciphers

Stream ciphers are cryptographic primitives that are used to ensure the privacy of a message that is sent over a digital communication channel. In this thesis we will present new cryptanalytic results for several stream ciphers. The thesis provides a general introduction to cryptology, explains the basic concepts, gives an overview of various cryptographic primitives and discusses a number of di

An Introduction to Control and Scheduling Co-Design

The paper presents the emerging field of integrated control and CPU-time scheduling, where more general scheduling models and methods that better suit the needs of control systems are developed. This creates possibilities for dynamic and flexible integrated control and scheduling frameworks, where the control design methodology takes the availability of computing resources into account during desi

Hur Homo blev sapiens : om tänkandets evolution

När vi jämför människan med andra djur, letar vi gärna efter särdrag som gör henne unik. Hur Homo blev sapiens lyfter fram människans alldeles speciella förmåga att tänka och att skaffa sig kunskap om världen. Under människans långa utveckling blir tänkandet gradvis alltmer avancerat. Gärdenfors vägleder oss genom hjärnans och tankeförmågornas vindlande tillblivelse, och visar hur människans inre

The role of Swedish retailers in food innovations

Innovations should create value for increasingly individualistic consumers with varying demands and for other stakeholders. Today, retailers have the power in the supply/value chain. This research investigates how Swedish food retailers view innovations, their role and that of customers and suppliers in the development process, and how they see future development. The study is based on open-ended

Persistent Piracy : Historical Perspectives on Maritime Violence and State Formation

Abstract in UndeterminedWarfare and legitimate violence have long been seen as key elements in state formation. Persistent Piracy brings into the picture the long missing component of maritime violence – and shows it to be of vital importance to the formation and, on occasion, disintegration, of states. Spanning from the Caribbean to East Asia and covering almost 3,000 years of history, from Class

Småbarnsskolan: vad hände och varför?: en sekellång historia studerad med fokus på förändring av pedagogisk verksamhet från 1833 och framåt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Småbarnsskolan. Vad hände och varför? En sekellång historia studerad med fokus på förändring av pedagogisk verksamhet från 1833 och framåt. I denna bok tecknas en bild av småbarnsskolan som pedagogisk företeelse i Sverige. Den första småbarnsskolan inrättades 1833 och i kölvattnet följde ett trettiotal. Flera småbarnsskolor överlevde sekelskiftet och behöll sina beteckSome fields in the research about the history of childcare in the nineteenth century in Sweden is lacking. In popular textbooks infant schools (småbarnsskolor) are thought of and described as a pedagogical and social activity, while a later phenomenon, the nursery schools, seemed to lack all pedagogical insight, care-taking was exclusively at hand. I have questioned this dichotomy. What happened t

Erfarenheter av zen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det här arbetet handlar om individuell religiositet, snarare än om religion. Min studie rör i första hand människor som utövar zen, och har mindre att göra med zenbuddhism som ideologiskt system. Jag försöker utforska det stora gapet mellan teori och praktik. De mer abstrakta doktrinerna och idealiserande normerna har haft en benägenhet att dominera arbeten om zen, såväThis work is not so much about religion as about individual religiosity. It is primarily about people practicing Zen, less about Zen Buddhism as a systematic ideology or philosophy. I set out from the start to try to explore the wide gap between theory and practice in Zen. The more abstract doctrines and idealized norms have had a tendency to dominate works on Zen, confessional as well as scholast