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Manoeuvring the middle ground: Social mobility and the renegotiation of gender and family obligations among Chinese Singaporeans

The article examines Singaporeans' experiences of upward social mobility and how traditional gender roles within the family are renegotiated and reinterpreted in Singapore. When the former British colony gained independence in 1965 its post-colonial government embarked on an ambitious modernization programme, under which villages were demolished and residents relocated to new high-rise estates, fa

Incidence of Primary Cancers and Intracranial Tumour Recurrences in Growth Hormone-Treated and Untreated Adult Hypopituitary Patients: Analyses from Hypopituitary Control and Complications Study

Speculation remains that growth hormone (GH) treatment is associated with increased neoplasia risk. Studies in GH-treated childhood cancer survivors suggested higher rates of second neoplasms, while cancer risk data for GH-treated and untreated hypopituitary adults have been variable. We present primary cancer risk data from the Hypopituitary Control and Complications Study (HypoCCS) with a focus

Death from drought in tropical forests is triggered by hydraulics not carbon starvation.

Drought threatens tropical rainforests over seasonal to decadal timescales, but the drivers of tree mortality following drought remain poorly understood. It has been suggested that reduced availability of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) critically increases mortality risk through insufficient carbon supply to metabolism ('carbon starvation'). However, little is known about how NSC stores are af

Bandpass Filtering of DNA Elastic Modes Using Confinement and Tension

During a variety of biological and technological processes, biopolymers are simultaneously subject to both confinement and external forces. Although significant efforts have gone into understanding the physics of polymers that are only confined, or only under tension, little work has been done to explore the effects of the interplay of force and confinement. Here, we study the combined effects of

General Conception of Polar Diagrams for the Evaluation of the Potential Machinability of Workpiece Materials

This article presents a polar diagram method developed for describing and evaluating the potential machinability of different workpiece materials. The potential machinability is examined in terms of five critical properties of the workpiece material. Two groups of materials, a group of common steel grades and the other a group of stainless steels, were examined in detail, their polar diagrams illu

Clinical and molecular complexity of breast cancer metastases.

Clinical oncology is advancing toward a more personalized treatment orientation, making the need to understand the biology of metastasis increasingly acute. Dissecting the complex molecular, genetic and clinical phenotypes underlying the processes involved in the development of metastatic disease, which remains the principal cause of cancer-related deaths, could lead to the identification of more

On the Use of GLS Demeaning in Panel Unit Root Testing

One of the most well-known facts about unit root testing in time series is that the Dickey--Fuller (DF) test based on OLS demeaned data suffers from low power, and that the use of GLS demeaning can lead to substantial power gains. Of course, this development has not gone unnoticed in the panel unit root literature. However, while the potential of using GLS demeaning is widely recognized, oddly eno

Strain mapping in an InGaN/GaN nanowire using a nano-focused x-ray beam

Strained InGaN/GaN core-shell nanowires (NWs) are promising candidates for solid state lighting applications due to their superior properties compared to planar films. NW based devices consist of multiple functional layers, which sum up to many hundred nanometers in thickness, that can uniquely be accessed in a non-destructive fashion by hard X-rays. Here, we present a detailed nanoscale strain ma

H-2 reduction of surface oxides on Pd-based membrane model systems - The case of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100)

Reduction of the (root 5 x root 5)R27 degrees surface oxide on Pd(1 0 0) and Pd75Ag25(1 0 0) surfaces by H-2 has been studied using high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy in situ at H-2 pressures 5 x 10(-9) mbar and 5 x 10(-8) mbar and selected temperatures in the range 30 degrees C to 170 degrees C. The reduction is slower on Pd75Ag25(1 0 0) compared to Pd(1 0 0) for all temperatures and pres

Demography and Democracy: A Global, District-level Analysis of Electoral Contestation

According to the classical perspective, polity size and democracy are inversely related. In this article, we argue that there is an important exception that manifests itself at the district level in settings where multiparty competition is allowed. Specifically, we find that larger districts encourage greater contestation. This results from a little-noticed mechanical effect as well as from severa

Event structure and double helicity asymmetry in jet production from polarized p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV

We report on the event structure and double helicity asymmetry (A(LL)) of jet production in longitudinally polarized p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. Photons and charged particles were measured by the PHENIX experiment at midrapidity vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.35 with the requirement of a high-momentum (> 2 GeV/c) photon in the event. Event structure, such as multiplicity, p(T) density

Intravenous boluses of fentanyl, 1 μg kg-1, and remifentanil, 0.5 μg kg-1, give similar maximum ventilatory depression in awake volunteers.

BACKGROUND: /st>The relative respiratory effects of fentanyl and remifentanil, administered as i.v. bolus, have not previously been studied. We determined what remifentanil bolus dose gave the same maximum depression of ventilation as 1 µg kg(-1) of fentanyl. METHODS: /st>Twelve healthy volunteers rebreathed in a system designed to dampen variations in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension so that me

Chemical and bioassay characterisation of nitrogen availability in biochar produced from dairy manure and biosolids

Biochar is charcoal made from waste biomass and intended to be added to soil to improve soil function and reduce emissions from the biomass caused by natural degradation to CO2. Nitrogen (N) forms in biochar can be complex and their lability likely to be influenced by pyrolysis temperature which, together with the nature of carbon (C), will influence N mineralisation or immobilisation. These compl

Weak antilocalization and electron-electron interaction in coupled multiple-channel transport in a Bi2Se3 thin film.

The electron transport properties of a topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin film are studied in Hall-bar geometry. The film with a thickness of 10 nm is grown by van der Waals epitaxy on fluorophlogopite mica and Hall-bar devices are fabricated from the as-grown film directly on the mica substrate. Weak antilocalization and electron-electron interaction effects are observed and analyzed at low temper

Maternal Obesity and Morbid Obesity: the Risk for Birth Defects in the Offspring

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to assess, in a large data set from Swedish Medical Health Registries, whether maternal obesity and maternal morbid obesity were associated with an increased risk for various structural birth defects. METHODS: The study population consisted of 1,049,582 infants born in Sweden from January 1, 1995, through December 31, 2007, with known maternal weight and