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Polymer effects on microemulsions and lamellar phases

The main part of this thesis deals with the effects of adsorbing and non-adsorbing polymers when mixed with microemulsion droplets and bilayers in a lamellar phase. The phase behaviour, microstructure and interactions in a nonionic surfactant/ water/ oil-system, comprising penta ethylene oxide dodecyl ether (C12E5) and decane, was investigated. The microemulsion phase was studied by small angle ne

Laccases from New Fungal Sources and Some Promising Applications

Fungi are a group of organisms with the ability to produce different types of enzymes in order to get access to nutrients. Among the enzymes, oxidoreductases have the ability to degrade lignocellulosic material via an oxidative mechanism, facilitating the uptake of cellulosic material, which will be metabolized using other enzymes to provide the required nutrients to the fungi. Ecologically, oxido

The patient with bladder cancer. From symptoms, through treatment, with special reference to psychosocial consequences of radical cystectomy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste 20 åren har större hänsyn tagits till den enskilde patientens önskningar och behov innan en behandling har påbörjats. Detta har skett parallellt med en snabb teknisk och medicinsk utveckling. Samtidigt som nya behandlingsmetoder tagits fram, har det också blivit angeläget att utvärdera effekten av dessa, vilket även inkluderar hur den enskilde individenFactors determining patient`s and doctor`s delay in diagnosis of bladder cancer were type of initial symptoms, level of health service first consulted and number of steps in the referral system. No correlation was found between psychosocial factors and patient`s delay. In retrospective studies after cystectomy for bladder cancer, patients with continent cutaneous diversion of urine had fewer stoma

Power to the People - Energy in Europe over the last five Centuries

Power to the People examines the varied but interconnected relationships between energy consumption and economic development in Europe over the last five centuries. It describes how the traditional energy economy of medieval and early modern Europe was marked by stable or falling per capita energy consumption, and how the First Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century--fueled by coal and st

Physiological Engineering of Xylose Utilisation by Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Xylitol production by recombinant, XYL1-expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated in fed-batch fermentation using different cosubstrates for growth, and generation of reduced cofactors and maintenance energy. Xylose was converted into xylitol with 1:1 yield. Using ethanol as cosubstrate, the yield of xylitol on ethanol and the specific xylitol productivity decreased with increasing aera

The Margins of Writing: A Study of Arthur Machen and the Literary Field of the 1890s

The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the early writings of Arthur Machen (1863?1947) by focusing on three aspects of literary production: the field, the author, and the text. In all these aspects position-takings in the field, the construction of an author's identity, and textual production ? Machen's early career is informed by a particular and idiosyncratic notion of aesthetic creation, re

Rättens Dilemma: Om konflikthantering i ett mångkulturellt samhälle

Dagens Sverige är ett mångkulturellt samhälle, och bristen på stabilitet i relationerna mellan svenskar och olika invandrargrupper banar vägen för konfrontationer, som i sin tur materialiserar sig som "elände, våldsdåd och bråk". Det mångkulturella Sverige blir på så sätt en grogrund för etnokulturella motsättningar. Eftersom rätten i regel betraktas som samhällets konfliktlösande maskineri par ex