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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Search for lepton-flavour-violating H -> mu tau decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector

A direct search for lepton-flavour-violating H -> mu tau decays of the recently discovered Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis is performed in the H -> mu tau(had) channel, where tau(had) is a hadronically decaying tau-lepton. The search is based on the data sample of proton-proton collisions collected by the ATLAS experiment corresponding to an integrated lum

On the physiological location of otoacoustic emissions

During recent years, much attention has been paid otoacoustic emissions in the clinical audiological practice. The received view locates their origin in the cochlea, more precisely in the outer hair cells. It is, however, still uncertain if there is an interaction between the ears regarding otoacoustic emissions. Earlier findings suggest an interaction at the level of the olivocochlear bundle. The

Marginal Player: The Hunters and Sweden in the Age of Modern Media Wars

In the autumn of 1993 the subject of free trade in visual media was brought into the public eye as never before, at least within the European Union. The occasion was of course the much publicised near breakdown in the ongoing GATT-negotiations. The crux seemed to be that the US and the EU was unable to come to terms whereas films and television programmes was to be seen as manufactured goods which

The Social Arab – Online Developments of Expression & Vlogging in the Middle East

The evolution of media has gained much headway this past decade and has outpaced many countries’ ability to keep up. It has even left linguistic gaps in the Arabic language, and has sparked one Jordanian, Muhammed Jaradat, to create new Arabic terminology to fill this social media language gap. As internet proliferation increases in Arab countries and access to higher connection speeds becomes ava

Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire: Reliability and factor structure: A Swedish version

Two studies were conducted to assess the Swedish version of the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) originally created by Baer et al. (2006). The aim of Study 1 was to examine the psychometric properties of the FFMQ using data from 498 individuals. Quantitative and qualitative analyses resulted in a reduction of the scale by ten items. Psychometric properties, including internal consisten