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Att aktivera och synliggöra elevers förkunskaper (generell text)

För att elever ska kunna ta till sig ny kunskap behöver deras tidigare kunskaper aktiveras och synliggöras. Både den inledande bedömningen och den kontinuerliga bedömningen av elevers tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper är viktiga resurser och utgör en viktig grund för fortsatt lärande. Varje nytt arbetsområde behöver starta en rörelse i undervisningen, med utgångspunkt i det konkreta och vardagli

Att lyfta språket och ämneskunskaperna med hjälp av stöttning (generell text)

Stöttning, både i planerad och tillfällig form, kan hjälpa nyanlända elever att röra sig från kontextbundna och kognitivt enkla uppgifter mot kontextreducerade uppgifter med högre kognitiv svårighetsgrad. Det är viktigt att denna stöttning följer med hela arbetsområdet och även inkluderar redovisningsfasen.

Skyddszoner i jordbruket – betalt för resultat?

Många lantbrukare utför frivilliga åtgärder för att gynna miljön. Som kompensation för kostnader och inkomstbortfall får lantbrukarna en miljöersättning. Ersättningen är åtgärdsbaserad, vilket innebär att dess storlek beror på vilken typ av åtgärd det handlar om och dess omfattning. Denna studie undersöker effekten av att istället göra ersättningar resultatbaserade, det vill säga basera dem på hur

Contradictions in care: Ward nurses’ experiences of work and management in the Swedish public sector

In Sweden, austerity politics and market reforms have resulted in a renegotiation of working conditions negatively impacting female-dominated public sector- and welfare state workers. A growing body of research locates the harshening conditions of nurses in a context of colliding logics between professions and professional authority, the specificities of interpersonal work, and public sector restrIn Sweden, austerity politics and market reforms have resulted in a renegotiation of working conditions negatively impacting female-dominated public sector- and welfare state workers. A growing body of research locates the harshening conditions of nurses in a context of colliding logics between professions and professional authority, the specificities of interpersonal work, and public sector restr

Early endoscopic assessment after esophagectomy can predict anastomotic complications : a novel scoring system

Background: Anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy is a serious and demanding complication. Early detection and treatment can probably prevent clinical deterioration of the patient. We have used early endoscopic assessment and a novel endoscopy score to predict anastomotic complications. Methods: 57 patients planned for Ivor Lewis esophagectomy were included. Endoscopy videos were recorded and bi

SGLT2 inhibition does not reduce glucose absorption during experimental peritoneal dialysis

Introduction: Unwanted glucose absorption during peritoneal dialysis (PD) remains a clinical challenge, especially in diabetic patients. Recent experimental data indicated that inhibitors of the sodium and glucose co-transporter (SGLT)-2 could act to reduce glucose uptake during PD, which raises the question of whether glucose absorption may also occur via intracellular or trans-cellular pathways.

Changes in Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability During Surgical Stages to Completed Fontan Circulation

Arrhythmia is related to heart rate variability (HRV), which reflects the autonomic nervous regulation of the heart. We hypothesized that autonomic nervous ganglia, located at the junction of the superior vena cava’s entrance to the heart, may be affected during the bidirectional Glenn procedure (BDG), resulting in reduced HRV. We aimed to investigate changes in heart rate and HRV in a cohort of c

Cost-Effectiveness of Device-Aided Therapies in Parkinson's Disease : A Structured Review

Background: Despite optimal dopaminergic treatment most patients in moderate to advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) experience progressively increasing disabilities, necessitating a shift from oral medication to device-aided therapies, including deep brain stimulation (DBS), intrajejunal levodopa-carbidopa infusion (IJLI), and continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (CSAI). However, t

Pharmaceutical industry self-regulation and non-transparency : country and company level analysis of payments to healthcare professionals in seven European countries

The European pharmaceutical industry uses the alleged efficacy of self-regulation to question the need for transparency laws similar to the US Physician Payment Sunshine Act. We conducted a comparative analysis of 20 large companies’ payment disclosures in seven European countries in 2017–2019. The data was extracted as part of, a novel transparency project that scrapes and integra

Flexible Rigidity and Caring Distance. : How discretion works in compulsory care.

The aim of this article was to develop the understanding of discretion in compulsory care for youth and the influence of emotional aspects in developing a collective discretionary practice. The empirical material consists of group interviews with staff at these institutions. The theoretical concepts of emotional labour and emotional energy are used to understand discretion and face-to-face interac

The "Managing Fatigue" programme - experiences shared by MS participants

BACKGROUND: The "Managing Fatigue" (MF) programme can help people living with Multiple sclerosis (MS) manage fatigue in their everyday lives. The programme has been proven feasible with Swedish occupational therapists, but there is a lack of knowledge of how MS participants experience the programme, and what they learned from participating in the programme.AIM: To describe how Swedish MS participa

Efficacy of an implementation package on documentation of central venous catheter insertions : an observational study

BACKGROUND: Proper documentation of central venous catheter (CVC) insertions in electronic healthcare records is the basis for good follow-up and quality assurance. We have noted serious deficiencies in the documentation of CVC insertions and introduced an implementation package with the purpose of increasing the completeness of this documentation. The aim of the present study was to estimate the

Validation of factor VIII activity for monitoring standard and extended half-life products and correlation to thrombin generation assays

Introduction: Monitoring replacement therapy with standard and extended half-life (EHL) products is challenging, since one-stage assay (OSA) and chromogenic substrate assay (CSA) results may differ significantly. Recent recommendations include local validation of each new product with recovery within 20–30%, depending on activity level. Aim: To validate factor VIII (FVIII) activity for monitoring

Optical Fingerprints of Polynuclear Complexes in Lead Halide Perovskite Precursor Solutions

Solvent-solute interactions in precursor solutions of lead halide perovskites (LHPs) critically impact the quality of solution-processed materials, as they lead to the formation of a variety of poly-iodoplumbates that act as building blocks for LHPs. The formation of [PbI2+n]n- complexes is often expected in diluted solutions, while coordination occurring at high concentrations is not yet well und

Distribution of under-5 deaths in the neonatal, postneonatal, and childhood periods : a multicountry analysis in 64 low- and middle-income countries

BACKGROUND: As under-5 mortality rates declined all over the world, the relative distribution of under-5 deaths during different periods of life changed. To provide information for policymakers to plan for multi-layer health strategies targeting child health, it is essential to quantify the distribution of under-5 deaths by age groups.METHODS: Using 245 Demographic and Health Surveys from 64 low-

Dietary intake of advanced glycation endproducts and risk of hepatobiliary cancers : a multinational cohort study

Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) may contribute to liver carcinogenesis because of their pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative properties. Diet is a major source of AGEs, but there is sparse human evidence on the role of AGEs intake in liver cancer aetiology. We examined the association between dietary AGEs and the risk of hepatobiliary cancers in the European Prospective Investigation into Canc