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Elasticized Ecclesiology : The Concept of Community after Ernst Troeltsch

This study confronts the current crisis of churches. In critical and creative conversation with the German theologian Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923), Ulrich Schmiedel argues that churches need to be “elasticized” in order to engage the other. Examining contested concepts of religiosity, community, and identity, Schmiedel explores how the closure of church against the sociological other corresponds to

Multi-fidelity reduced-order surrogate modelling

High-fidelity numerical simulations of partial differential equations (PDEs) given a restricted computational budget can significantly limit the number of parameter configurations considered and/or time window evaluated. Multi-fidelity surrogate modelling aims to leverage less accurate, lower-fidelity models that are computationally inexpensive in order to enhance predictive accuracy when high-fid

Ghost in the Machine: Theorizing data knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Technologies

AI technologies have led to new ways of thinking about data, knowledge, and organizations. Despite the arguments that data speak for themselves, the era of datafication demands revisiting data and knowledge and reflecting on new ways of theorizing. Considering that working with data is important for most employees, there is a need to investigate how the knowing of data can be achieved. In this pap

Reduced order modeling for nonlinear structural analysis using Gaussian process regression

A non-intrusive reduced basis (RB) method is proposed for parametrized nonlinear structural analysis undergoing large deformations and with elasto-plastic constitutive relations. In this method, a reduced basis is constructed from a set of full-order snapshots by the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and the Gaussian process regression (GPR) is used to approximate the projection coefficients.

Critical Management Studies : A Critical Review

In this paper, we review the development of critical management studies, point at problems and explore possible developments. We begin by tracing out two previous waves of critical management studies. We then focus on more recent work in critical management studies and identify ten over-arching themes (Academia, alternatives organizations, control and resistance, discourse, Foucauldian studies, ge

Critical flows throughout the Covid-19 pandemic – A longitudinal study on interdependencies and resilience in a Swedish context

Modern societies rely on critical flows of essential goods and services to ensure societal safety. The covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of upholding critical flows during a crisis. This comprehensive study provides novel insights into interdependencies and resilience of critical flows by carrying out a longitudinal and holistic study throughout the pandemic in Sweden of four sectors: t

Polarisation vision in the dark : Green-sensitive photoreceptors in the nocturnal ball-rolling dung beetle Escarabaeus satyrus

Many insects utilise the polarisation pattern of the sky to adjust their travelling directions. The extraction of directional information from this sky-wide cue is mediated by specialised photoreceptors located in the dorsal rim area (DRA). While this part of the eye is known to be sensitive to the ultraviolet, blue or green component of skylight, the latter has only been observed in insects activ

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Mit dem Namen “Liberale Theologie” verbindet sich der Aufbruch protestantischer Strömungen im 19. Jahrhundert, die sich um eine Vermittlung zwischen der Moderne und dem Christentum bemühten. Offensichtlich ist an dem Programm liberaler Theologie etwas von bleibender Anziehungskraft für alle, die das Christentum mit einer zwar nicht unkritischen, aber letztlich doch positiven Bewertung der Moderne

The clinical spectrum of ataxia telangiectasia in a cohort in Sweden

Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T), caused by biallelic variants in the ATM gene, is a multisystemic and severe syndrome characterized by progressive ataxia, telangiectasia, hyperkinesia, immunodeficiency, increased risk of malignancy, and typically death before the age of 30. In this retrospective study we describe the phenotype of 14 pediatric and adult A-T patients evaluated at the Karolinska Universi

Measuring residual stresses in individual on-chip interconnects using synchrotron nanodiffraction

As the dimensions of interconnects in integrated circuits continue to shrink, an urgent need arises to understand the physical mechanism associated with electromigration. Using x-ray nanodiffraction, we analyzed the stresses in Blech-structured pure Cu lines subjected to different electromigration conditions. The results suggest that the measured residual stresses in the early stages of electromig

Normalization? German Theologians Respond to the Rise of the Far Right

The far right is on the rise across Europe. In Germany, the political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has had striking success in several elections, establishing itself in parliaments across the country. Although Christianity comes up in the programmes and the politics of this party, theologians in Germany have been hesitant to engage the rise of the far right. In this review, I present tw

Att återuppbygga - Ett utmanande perspektiv på kulturhistorisk arkitektur

Debatten om en hejdlös rivningskultur i Sverige har börjat ta fart de senaste åren. Utöver samtidens klimatfrågor som präglat kritiken om resursslöseri och utsläpp har även röster börjat höjas för historiska och kulturella värden som går förlorade. Viljan och förmågan att bevara befintlig arkitektur i Sverige har inte varit stark historiskt sett och fortsätter inte heller att vara det i vår samtidThe debate concerning the widespread demolition-culture in Sweden has sparked during recent years. Beside questions regarding climate change, waste of resources and emissions, voices have also started to rise for the historic and cultural values that are being lost. The will and capability to preserve existing architecture in Sweden hasn’t been strong historically and continues not to be so in mod

Mikroagressioner och hbtq : Våld som blir vardag

Syftet med den här texten är att beskriva olika former av mikroaggressioner och ge exempel på hur de kan ta sig uttryck. Vi kommer att gå igenom hur de hanteras av de som utsätts, samt diskutera varför yrkesverksamma som träffar människor i sitt arbete behöver ha kunskap om mikroaggressioner. I den här texten kommer vi framför allt att belysa situationen för hbtq-personer, alltså personer som är hSyftet med den här texten är att beskriva olika former av mikroaggressioner och ge exempel på hur de kan ta sig uttryck. Vi kommer att gå igenom hur de hanteras av de som utsätts, samt diskutera varför yrkesverksamma som träffar människor i sitt arbete behöver ha kunskap om mikroaggressioner. I den här texten kommer vi framför allt att belysa situationen för hbtq-personer, alltså personer som är h

Human Capital, Institutions and Development: Insights from German Migration in the Russian Empire

This paper examines the economic effects of German settlers on Imperial Russia’s transition to advanced industrialization in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Between 1763 and 1860, thousands of German migrants came to the country’s frontier regions, drawn by a state-sponsored settlement policy. Using accidental elements in German migration induced by policy, the paper demonstrates