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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

An algorithm for identifying fair and optimal allocations

The concept of a fair and optimal allocation was recently introduced by Sun and Yang [Sun, N., Yang, Z., 2003. A general strategy proof fair allocation mechanism. Economics Letters 81, 73-79]. This note states some basic properties of fair and optimal allocations and provides a simple algorithm for identifying them. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.

Cost effectiveness of haemophilia treatment: a cross-national assessment.

The aim of this study was to assess the incremental cost effectiveness of on-demand versus prophylactic haemophilia therapy in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and The Netherlands from the third-party payers' perspective. Using a decision tree model, the cost effectiveness of on-demand versus prophylactic therapy was analysed by extrapolating data from the European Haemophilia Economic Study to

Offspring performance and the adaptive benefits of prolonged pregnancy: experimental tests in a viviparous lizard

Offspring locomotor performance has been shown to influence fitness related traits in a wide range of taxa. One potential mechanism by which viviparous animals can increase the performance (e.g. sprint speed) of their offspring is by prolonging pregnancy (beyond that required for complete development). However, to date studies examining this potentially important maternal effect have been largely

Blue cotton, Blue Rayon and Blue Chitin in the analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines - a review

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are a group of compounds formed when protein-rich foods, such as meat or fish, are prepared under normal cooking conditions, such as frying, grilling, or broiling. To evaluate and estimate the risks associated with HCAs contained in the diet, it is important to determine the levels in cooked foods, and the levels of HCAs and metabolites in the body. HCAs are normally fou

Regulation of fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction by platelet-derived growth factor, interleukin-1 alpha and transforming growth factor-beta 1

We have examined the effects of three macrophagederived cytokines, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-01 (TGF-01) and interleukin-1 a (IL-la) on the contraction of collagen type I gels populated by human foreskin fibroblasts. Contraction was quantified as loss in gel weight. Both PDGF-AA and PDGF-BB were found to induce a rapid collagen-gel contraction. TGF-/J1 also

High blood pressure despite treatment: Results from a cross-sectional primary healthcare-based study in southern Sweden.

Objective. To study degree of blood pressure (BP) control in primary healthcare (PHC) treated hypertensive patients in relation to sex, age, drug treatment, and concomitant diseases. Design. Random sample of patients with hypertension. Setting. Ten PHC centres in the Region of Skane, Sweden. Subjects. All the 30- to 95-year-old patients with hypertension who during the period 12 September to 24 Se

Oxidative addition of silanes R3SiH to the unsaturated cluster [Os3(µ-H){µ3-Ph2PCH2PPh(C6H4)}(CO)8]: Evidence for reversible silane formation in the dynamic behaviour of [Os3(µ-H)(SiR3)(CO)9(µ-dppm)]

Oxidative addition of the silanes R3SiH (R3= Ph3, Et3, EtMe2) to the unsaturated cluster [Os3(µ-H){µ3-Ph2PCH2PPh(C6H4)}(CO)8] leads to the saturated clusters [Os3(µ-H)(SiR3)(CO)9(µ-dppm)](SiR3= SiPh31, SiEt32 and SiEtMe23) and the unsaturated clusters [Os3(µ-H)2(SiR3){µ3-Ph2PCH2PPh(C6H4)}(CO)7](SiR3= SiPh34, SiEt35 and SiEtMe26). Structures are based on spectroscopic evidence and a XRD structure o

Restoration of tidal freshwater vegetation using controlled reduced tide (CRT) along the Schelde Estuary (Belgium)

Throughout the world, tidal marshes are being restored to obtain natural protection against recurring storm surges and sea level rise and to preserve the resources these habitats provide. Managed realignment, or breaching of the seaward dikes, is a restoration technique increasingly used; yet unsuitable site elevation has been a major constraint to habitat development. Controlled reduced tide (CRT

Constitutive relations, dissipation and reciprocity for the Maxwell equations in the time domain

The main goal of this paper is to establish general constitutive relations for the electromagnetic fields EBAR, DBAR, BBAR, and HBAR in a time domain setting. The four basic assumptions of the medium are linearity, invariance to time translations, causality, and continuity. These four assumptions imply that the constitutive relations are convolutions of the Riemann-Stieltjes type. A review of the

Numerical analysis of heat transfer and gas flow in PEM fuel cell ducts by a generalized extended Darcy model

In this work, gas flow and heat transfer have been numerically investigated and analyzed for both cathode/anode ducts of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The simulation is conducted by solving a set of conservation equations for the whole domain consisting of a porous medium, solid structure, and flow duct. A generalized extended Darcy model is employed to investigate the flow inside the

Modulation of the CD40-CD40 ligand interaction using human anti-CD40 single-chain antibody fragments obtained from the n-CoDeR phage display library

CD40 plays a central regulatory role in the immune system and antibodies able to modulate CD40 signalling may consequently have a potential in immunotherapy, in particular for treatment of lymphomas and autoimmune disease like multiple sclerosis. As a first step to achieve this goal, we describe the selection and characterization of a novel set of fully human anti-CD40 antibody fragments (scFv) fr

Bb2Bb3 regulation of murine Lyme arthritis is distinct from Ncf1 and independent of the phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase

Several quantitative trait loci regulating murine Lyme arthritis severity have been mapped, including a highly significant linkage found on chromosome 5, termed Bb2Bb3. Within this region, the Ncf1 gene of the phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase has recently been identified as a major regulator of arthritis severity in rodent models of rheumatoid arthritis, an eff

Cross Sectional Analysis of Stock Returns with Time-varying Beta

This paper analyses the ability of beta and other factors, like firm size and book-to-market, to explain cross‐sectional variation in average stock returns on the Swedish stock market for the period 1983–96. We use a bivariate GARCH(1,1) process to estimate time-varying betas for asset returns. The estimated variances of these betas, derived from a Taylor series approximation, are used for correct

Molecular population divergence and sexual selection on morphology in the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens)

The importance of sexual selection in population divergence is of much interest, mainly because it is thought to cause reproductive isolation and hence could lead to speciation. Sexually selected traits have been hypothesized to diverge faster between populations than other traits, presumably because of differences in the strength, mechanism or dynamics of selection. We investigated this by quanti

Low-latency parallel transport in anonymous peer-to-peer overlays

The paper presents a design and discusses configuration aspects of an overlay transport protocol based on an idea of the peer-to-peer direct and anonymous distribution overlay (P2PRIV). We estimate a secure configuration of the protocol and examine a correlation between the P2PRIV’s anonymous path lengths and latency. An increase of the path lengths speaks strongly in favor of the parallel solutio

Soft tissue leiomyosarcoma. A population-based epidemiologic and prognostic study of 48 patients, including cellular DNA content

BACKGROUND. Leiomyosarcoma of soft tissue is a rare tumor. There are different opinions regarding epidemiology and prognosis. METHODS. Epidemiology and prognosis were analyzed in a consecutive, population-based series of 48 patients with subcutaneous and deep-seated leiomyosarcoma in the extremities and trunk wall with a complete follow-up of a minimum of 3 years. Cutaneous tumors were not include

Nesterenkonia aethiopica sp nov., an alkaliphilic, moderate halophile isolated from an Ethiopian soda lake

T Strain DSM 17733(T), isolated from the shore of Lake Abjata in Ethiopia, is a heterotrophic, alkaliphilic, moderately halophilic, Gram-positive, strictly aerobic, non-motile, non-endospore-forming bacterium. The organism grows optimally at 30-37 degrees C, pH 9 and 3 % (w/v) NaCl. Analysis of the cell wall showed the presence of murein of the type L-Lys-Gly-L-Glu, variation A4 alpha. The G + C c

Scattering matrices with finite phase shift and the inverse scattering problem

The inverse scattering problem for the Schrodinger operator on the half-axis is studied. It is shown that this problem can be solved for the scattering matrices with arbitrary finite phase shift on the real axis if one admits potentials with long-range oscillating tails at infinity. The solution of the problem is constructed with the help of the Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko procedure. The inverse pro

Adenosine A(1) receptor agonists inhibit trigeminovascular nociceptive transmission

There is a considerable literature to suggest that adenosine A(1) receptor agonists may have anti-nociceptive effects, and we sought to explore the role of adenosine A(1) receptors in a model of trigeminovascular nociceptive transmission. Cats were anaesthetized (alpha-chloralose 60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), and prepared for physiological monitoring. The superior sagittal sinus (SSS) was stimulat