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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Impact related changes in mineral properties: Ti-magnetite from basaltic rocks at Lonar crater, India

Samples from vesicular Lonar impactite have been investigated by Mossbauer spectroscopy and SEM in combination with elemental analysis. Observation reveal the new-formation of oxide minerals have occurred with nucleation in particular at the walls of the vesicles interpreted as having formed from condensation of the gas phase having caused the vesicles to form in the first place. Elemental analysi

Parental care and adaptive brood sex ratio manipulation in birds.

Under many circumstances, it might be adaptive for parents to bias the investment in offspring in relation to sex. Recently developed molecular techniques that allow sex determination of newly hatched offspring have caused a surge in studies of avian sex allocation. Whether females bias the primary brood sex ratio in relation to factors such as environmental and parental quality is debated. Progre

Stable algorithm for the stress field around a multiply branched crack

We present an algorithm for the computation of the stress field around a branched crack. The algorithm is based on an integral equation with good numerical properties. Our equation is obtained through a left regularization of an integral equation of Fredholm's first kind. Complex valued functions involving repeated products of square roots appear in the regularization. A new and effective scheme f

Patient satisfaction compared with general health and disease-specific questionnaires in knee arthroplasty patients

When assessing the health status of patients after orthopaedic surgery, such as knee arthroplasty, general health and disease-specific questionnaires are gaining in popularity because of their precision in detecting subtle differences. Self-administered postal surveys using extensive questionnaires have associated patient burden, however, which may have an impact on response rate and completeness.

Intracellular co-localization of trypsin-2 and matrix metalloprotease-9: Possible proteolytic cascade of trypsin-2, MMP-9 and enterokinase in carcinoma

Tumor-associated trypsin-2 and matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) are associated with cancer, particularly with invasive squamous cell carcinomas. They require activation for catalytical competence via proteolytic cascades. One cascade is formed by enterokinase, trypsin-2 and MMP-9; enterokinase activates trypsinogen-2 to trypsin-2, which is an efficient proMMP-9 activator. We describe here that ora

Apparent latent heat of evaporation from clothing: attenuation and “heat pipe” effects

Investigating claims that a clothed person’s mass loss does not always represent their evaporative heat loss (EVAP), a thermal manikin study was performed measuring heat balance components in more detail than human studies would permit. Using clothing with different levels of vapor permeability and measuring heat losses from skin controlled at 34°C in ambient temperatures of 10, 20, and 34°C with

Models for chloride ingress into concrete – from Collepardi to today

The first model to predict chloride ingress into concrete was presented by Collepardi in 1970, in Italian! That model was used for some 20 years for design of concrete structures before it was realized that the main parameter, the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient, is not a material property! Since then the Collepardi model has been significantly improved and developed into more or less soph

Visualization of chromatic correction of fish lenses by multiple focal lengths

Many fish and some terrestrial animals have multifocal lenses that compensate for chromatic aberration by a mechanism unique to biological optical systems. We describe four optical methods for the study of such lenses. Significantly improved methods (focal-area imaging, schlieren photography, and laser scanning) are explained in full detail. One method (photorefractometry) was only slightly modifi

Infanticide in great reed warblers: secondary females destroy eggs of primary females

In 1993-1995 artificial nests with attached model eggs were put into territories that were known to have been occupied by male great reed warblers, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, in previous years. Because the eggs were made of soft plasticine, predators left peckmarks in them and this enabled us to identify predators by comparing peckmarks with reference marks made by Various species. Previous field

A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Intestinal Dilation in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected Mice Deficient in Nitric Oxide Synthase

Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi causes megasyndromes of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. We used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to monitor alterations in the GI tract of T. cruzi-infected mice, and to assess the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the development of intestinal dilation. Brazil strain-infected C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice exhibited dilatation of the intestines by 30 days post-infection.

Diblock polyampholytes grafted onto spherical particles: Effect of stiffness, charge density, and grafting density

The structure of spherical brushes formed by symmetric diblock polyampholytes end-grafted onto small spherical particles in aqueous solution is examined within the framework of the so-called primitive model using Monte Carlo simulations. The properties of the two blocks are identical except for the sign of their charges. Three different chain flexibilities corresponding to flexible, semiflexible,

Prostaglandin E(2) and BDNF levels in rat hippocampus are negatively correlated with status epilepticus severity: No impact on survival of seizure-generated neurons.

Partial and generalized status epilepticus (pSE and gSE) trigger the same level of progenitor cell proliferation in adult dentate gyrus, but survival of new neurons is poor after gSE. Here, we show markedly elevated levels of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rat hippocampal formation at 7 days following pSE but not gSE. Administration of the cyclooxygenase

Gas detection by correlation spectroscopy employing a multimode diode laser

A gas sensor based on the gas-correlation technique has been developed using a multimode diode laser (MDL) in a dual-beam detection scheme. Measurement of CO2 mixed with CO as an interfering gas is successfully demonstrated using a 1570 run tunable MDL. Despite overlapping absorption spectra and occasional mode hops, the interfering signals can be effectively excluded by a statistical procedure in

Locke and the Non-arbitrary

In this article, John Locke's accounts of political liberty and legitimate government are read as expressions of a normative demand for non-arbitrariness. I argue that Locke locates infringements of political liberty in dependence on the arbitrary will of another, whether or not interference or restraint actually takes place. This way Locke is tentatively placed in that tradition of republican tho

High Resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and INDO/S-CI Study of the Core Electron Shakeup States of PMDA-ODA Polyimide

Pyromellitic dianhydride-4,4-oxydianiline (PMDA–ODA) polyimide films have been studied using high resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and model semi-empirical INDO/S–CI calculations. Experimental and theoretical C 1s, N 1s, and O 1s spectra are presented, and found to be in good agreement with each other. Shakeup features of the spectra are identified, and their electronic nature analyzed

PSA kinetics provide improved prediction of survival in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer

OBJECTIVES To assess the value of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) kinetics in predicting survival and relate this to the baseline variables in men with metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC). METHODS The data from 417 men with HRPC were included in a. logistic regression model that included hemoglobin, PSA, alkaline phosphatase, Soloway score, and performance status pain analgesic sc

Prevention of musculoskeletal conditions in the developing world

Musculoskeletal conditions are an increasingly common problem across the globe due to increased longevity and increased exposure to risk factors such as obesity and lack of physical activity. The increase is predicted to be greatest in developing countries, and there is thus an urgent need for the implementation of strategies and policies that will prevent and control these conditions. The ideal i

A note on the decomposition of the health concentration index

In recent work, the concentration index has been widely used as a measure of income-related health inequality. The purpose of this note is to illustrate two different methods for decomposing the overall health concentration index using data collected from a Short Form (SF-36) survey of the general Australian population conducted in 1995. For simplicity, we focus on the physical functioning scale o

Purification of recombinant apolipoprotein A-1Milano expressed in Escherichia coli using aqueous two-phase extraction followed by temperature-induced phase separation

A method for purification of recombinant apolipoprotein A1 in aqueous two-phase systems has been studied. A mutant of apolipoprotein A-I, the Milano variant, was expressed in E. coli. Phase systems containing ethylene oxide (EO)-propylene oxide (PO) random copolymers have been used. These polymers are thermoseparating and have the ability to separate into one water-rich and one polymer-rich phase

Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-based macroporous hydrogels with disulfide cross-linker

Biodegradable supermacroporous PHEMA cryogels were produced by combining two cross-linkers, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate and a newly developed disulfide water soluble crosslinker, N,N'-bis(methacryloyl)-L-cystine. The biodegradable PHEMA cryogels were prepared with gel fraction yields up to 70% and were characterized by highly interconnected pores of micrometer size and good mechanical stabili