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Your search for "*" yielded 531488 hits

Typification of species of Hieracium s. stricto described by Norrlin from central Scandinavia

Twenty-six names of taxa of Hieracium sections Hieracium, Bifida and Vulgata (Asteraceae) described by the Finnish author J.P. Norrlin based on material from central Sweden and adjacent Norway and originally published in 1888 are lectotypified, and their applications are discussed. The replacement name H. cognatum T. Tyler & Sennikov is proposed as a substitute for the illegitimate H. propinqu

Polarization dependence of surface-enhanced Raman scattering in gold nanoparticle-nanowire systems

We study the polarization dependence of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in coupled gold nanoparticle-nanowire systems. The coupling between the continuous nanowire plasmons and the localized nanoparticle plasmons results in significant field enhancements and SERS enhancements comparable to those found in nanoparticle dimer junctions. The SERS intensity is maximal when the incident light i

Antibodies against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in patients with diabetes mellitus is associated with lower body weight and autonomic neuropathy.

Esophageal dysmotility and gastroparesis are common secondary complications in patients with diabetes mellitus. Patients with dysmotility express antibodies against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in serum. The aim of the present study was to scrutinize patients with diabetes mellitus with regard to the presence of GnRH antibodies, and to examine associations between antibodies and clinical

Characterization of two recombinant PDE3 (cGMP-inhibited cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase) isoforms, RcGIP1 and HcGIP2, expressed in NIH 3006 murine fibroblasts and Sf9 insect cells

cDNAs encoding PDE3 [cGMP-inhibited cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (cGI PDE)] isoforms, cGIP1 and cGIP2, have been cloned from rat (R) and human (H) cDNA libraries. The deduced amino acid sequences of RcGIP1 and HcGIP2 are very similar in their conserved catalytic domains but differ in their N-terminal regulatory domains [Meacci, E., et al. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 3721-3725;

Effect of genetic variation on the tryptic hydrolysis of bovine beta-lactoglobulin A, B, and C

The structure, stability, and hydrolysis characteristics of beta-lactoglobulin (LG) A are different from those of either beta-LG B or beta-LG C. Purified samples of these proteins were hydrolyzed with trypsin and the rates of loss of native monomeric beta-LG structure were measured using sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE. At the same time, the appearance of many individual peptides were identified and f

Electrospraying of colloidal nanoparticles for seeding of nanostructure growth

Nanometre-sized particles (1-100 nm) have unique properties receiving growing attention in wide areas of research. Here, a convenient method to deposit size-selected nanoparticles on surfaces by means of electrospraying colloidal suspensions in the aerosol phase is presented. We demonstrate the deposition of individual nanoparticles and the feasibility of this method in seeding gold particles for

Stockholmarnas resvanor – mellan trängselskatt och klimatdebatt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen belyser vad resvanor är, hur storskaliga trafikreglerande åtgärder tas emot samt hur storstadsbornas resmönster kan bli miljömässigt hållbara på lång sikt. Jag diskuterar dessutom problem och möjligheter i skärningsområden mellan olika vetenskapliga discipliner som griper sig an dessa frågor. De viktigaste slutsatserna gäller för det första det vetenskapligThis thesis examines the concept of travel habits, public responses to large-scale traffic congestion regulations and how travel patterns of urban dwellers can be made environmentally sustainable in the long term. It also examines the interrelationships of different scientific disciplines dealing with urban travel. The main conclusions relate to the scientific concept of habit. This concept and th

A new invasive insect in Sweden -Physokermes inopinatus - tracing forest damage with satellite based remote sensing.

Forests are important from many perspectives. Forestry delivers products such as timber, fiber and fuel; forests are also important for recreational activities as well as for the global carbon balance. Consequently, it is important to develop methods that enable efficient monitoring of disturbances, such as insect attacks, over vast forested areas. These methods can be based on remote sensing, sin

Decarbonising industry in Sweden

This report analyses the technical opportunities for a complete decarbonisation of the basic material industry in Sweden by 2050. From this assessment, the report discusses policy implications for the industry sector given the overall framework set by the ongoing international climate negotiations. Relying on current production systems and applying “end-of-pipe” solutions will be insufficient to

Reduction of atrial fibrillation burden by atrial overdrive pacing: experience with an improved algorithm to reduce early recurrences of atrial fibrillation

Two independent studies have revealed a potential limitation of post-mode switch overdrive pacing (PMOP), which is its delayed start. We conducted a prospective, randomized, single blind, crossover design study (the post-long pause overdrive pacing study) to test the efficacy of an improved version of PMOP (PMOPenhanced). A total of 45 patients were enrolled, of whom 41 were analysed. The median n

On Pressure Regulation of the Middle Ear

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mellanörats funktion är att överföra och förstärka ljudvågor från luften i hörselgången till innerörats vätska. Denna överföring är optimal när trumhinnan är i neutral position, dvs när trycket i mellanörat och omgivningen är lika. Avvikelser i mellanörats tryck ses vid kroniska mellanöresjukdomar, fr a är det visat ett samband mellan negativt tryck och sjukdomstillstånThe middle ear (ME) pressure is regulated by gas diffusion over the ME mucosa and pressure equalizations via the Eustachian tube (ET). Disturbance in the regulation of ME pressure is believed to contribute to the development of chronic ear diseases. In this work subjects with chronic central perforation (CCP), healthy ears with ventilation tubes (VTs), attic cholesteatoma (AC) and Meniere’s diseas

Combined Clinical and Radiological Prognostic Model in Acute Ischemic Stroke

We sought to propose and test the validity of a comprehensive prognostic model in middle cerebral artery-stroke treated with Intravenous thrombolysis. A total of 127 consecutive patients (aged 70 +/- 12 years; 54% males) were included in this retrospective study. Variables included in our prognostic model were: NIHSS on admission (1-3 points), occurrence of hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign a

Prognostic and treatment predictive significance of SATB1 and SATB2 expression in pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinoma

Background: Pancreatic cancer and other pancreaticobiliary type periampullary adenocarcinomas have a dismal prognosis even after resection and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Intestinal type periampullary adenocarcinomas generally have a better prognosis, but little is known on optimal neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment. New prognostic and treatment predictive biomarkers are needed for improved treatmen

Genetic and Metabolic Markers for the Development of Diabetes after Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Graviditetsdiabetes (GDM) definieras som ett diabetestillstånd som upptäcks under graviditet. Ofta orsakas detta tillstånd av de hormonförändringar som uppträder under graviditet vilka medför en ökad insulinresistens, dvs. ett ökat motstånd mot insulinets effekter. Diagnosen GDM utesluter dock inte diabetes av annan orsak soThe aims of this work were to determine the prevalence of postpartum diabetes among women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in a prospective study 5 years postpartum; to characterize these women according to insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, autoimmunity and genetics; and to identify possible markers and predictors for the development of manifest diabetes. The subjects were recruited