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Coming to Terms with the Soviet Myth of Heroism Twenty-five Years After the Chernobyl’ Nuclear Disaster: An Interpretation of Aleksandr Mindadze’s Existential Action Movie Innocent Saturday

This essay presents an analysis of the Russian director Alexandr Mindadze’s feature film Innocent Saturday, released precisely 25 years after the Chernobyl’ accident in Ukraine. In a comparative study between the Russian-speaking and non-Russian-speaking reception of the film, I will show that the philosophical dimension, depicting Chernobyl’ not as a “great” historical, technological event, but i

Developing the PEER-U scale to measure parents' expectations, experiences and reactions to routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy

The aim of this study was to develop and test a specific questionnaire to measure parents' expectations, experiences and reactions in connection with routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. A questionnaire consisting of ultrasound specific questions was constructed in two parts, one to be used before and one after the examination. It was examined for face validity and a pilot study was t

Plant and Vegetation Dynamics on Disko Island, West Greenland: Snapshots Separated by Over 40 Years

We report on a revisit in 2009 to sites where vegetation was recorded in 1967 and 1970 on Disko Island, West Greenland. Re-sampling of the same clones of the grass Phleum alpinum after 39 years showed complete stability in biometrics but dramatic earlier onset of various phenological stages that were not related to changes in population density. In a fell-field community, there was a net species l

Categorization and analysis of academic patents: Developing a framework to examine differences in technology, opportunity and commercializaton characteristics

There has been a significant rise in the number of patents originating from academic environments. However, current conceptualizations of academic patents provide a largely homogenous approach to define this entrepreneurial form of technology transfer. In this study we develop a novel categorization framework that identifies three subsets of academic patents which are conceptually distinct from ea

High-resolution core-level spectroscopy study of the ultrathin aluminum oxide film on NiAl(110)

We have studied the ultrathin aluminum oxide film on NiAl(110) by a combination of high-resolution core-level spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. Energy-dependent core-level data from the O 1s and Al 2p levels allows for a distinction between oxygen and aluminum atoms residing at the surface or inside the aluminum oxide film. A comparison to calculated core-level binding energ

Comparing retinal function and structure in diabetic maculopathy and retinal detachment with ff-ERG and a combination of mfERG and OCT

Diabetic maculopathy and retinal detachment, especially involving macula, are potentially sight-threatening conditions. Previous evaluations of retinal function, and treatment of these conditions have been subjective methods depending on the examiner or the collaboration with the examined patient. Retinal structure has been based on the subjective evaluation of the ophthalmologist. Development of

Expression of the global regulator SATB1 is an independent factor of poor prognosis in high grade epithelial ovarian cancer

Background: The global gene regulator Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein1 (SATB1) has been reported to reprogramme tumour cells into a more malignant phenotype and associate with poor clinical outcome in several cancer forms. In this study, we investigated the molecular correlates and prognostic impact of SATB1 expression in human epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Findings: Immunohistochemica

Detailed Analysis of Focal Chromosome Arm 1q and 6p Amplifications in Urothelial Carcinoma Reveals Complex Genomic Events on 1q, and SOX4 as a Possible Auxiliary Target on 6p.

Urothelial carcinoma shows frequent amplifications at 6p22 and 1q21-24. The main target gene at 6p22 is believed to be E2F3, frequently co-amplified with CDKAL1 and SOX4. There are however reports on 6p22 amplifications that do not include E2F3. Previous analyses have identified frequent aberrations occurring at 1q21-24. However, due to complex rearrangements it has been difficult to identify spec

Biomass burning in eastern Europe during spring 2006 caused high deposition of ammonium in northern Fennoscandia

High air concentrations of ammonium were detected at low and high altitude sites in Sweden, Finland and Norway during the spring 2006, coinciding with polluted air from biomass burning in eastern Europe passing over central and northern Fennoscandia. Unusually high values for throughfall deposition of ammonium were detected at one low altitude site and several high altitude sites in north Sweden.

Factors controlling Si export from soils: A soil column approach

The release of dissolved silicon (DSi) from A and B horizons was investigated with leaching tests on unsaturated columns. As forest A horizons have larger biogenic Si (BSi) pools than arable lands, we compared the Si release from a forest and a cropland from the same geographical region developed on a Luvisol in Belgium and a Cambisol in Sweden. The A horizons released a quickly dissolving Si frac

Heavy Ion Inital States from DIPSY

A BFKL dipole model, and its event generator DIPSY, developed for pp collisions is extended to initial states of heavy ion collisions. All tuning is made for gamma*p and pp inclusive and minimum bias data, leaving the extension to heavy ions model independent. Eccentricities are calculated and compared to other common inital state models.

Mathematical Methods for Image Based Localization

Popular Abstract in Swedish Var är bilden tagen? Det är en fråga som vi ofta ställer oss och som denna avhandling innehåller matematiska metoder för att låta en dator besvara. Om vi lyckas svara på frågan kan metoderna för att hitta svaret användas till vitt skilda saker. Det går att använda för att låta robotar navigera med hjälp av kameror men också för att sortera privata bilder i digitala fotoThe underlying question in localization is, where am I? In this thesis a purely image based approach is proposed to solve this problem. In order to create a complete image based system, there are many subproblems that have to be addressed. The localization problem can also be solved in other ways, for example, with a GPS. Two advantages with using images compared to GPS are that no open sky is nee

Intense and widespread seismicity during the end-Triassic mass extinction due to emplacement of a large igneous province

Multiple levels of earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformations (seismites) are concentrated in the end-Triassic mass extinction interval across Europe. The repetitive nature of the seismites rules out an origin by an extraterrestrial impact. Instead, this intense seismic activity is linked to the formation of the Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP). By the earliest Jurassic the seismic act

Treatment of Provoked Vulvodynia in a Swedish cohort using desensitization exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Problems related to pain during vaginal penetration are complex and the etiology is multi-factorial. It was the aim of the present study to measure whether treatment using desensitization exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for women with provoked vulvodynia (PVD) could increase sexual interest, sexual satisfaction and response whilst decreasing experiences of sexual pain.

GWAS risk factors in Parkinson's disease : LRRK2 coding variation and genetic interaction with PARK16

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a multifactorial movement disorder characterized by progressive neurodegeneration. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have nominated over fifteen distinct loci associated with risk of PD, however the biological mechanisms by which these loci influence disease risk are mostly unknown. GWAS are only the first step in the identification of disease genes: the specific c