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An RFID implementation in the automotive industry - improving inventory accuracy
This paper explores and describes the impact of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology on inventory accuracy within a production and assembly plant, and proposes a model for assessing the impact of the technology on inventory accuracy. The empirical investigation, based on case study research, focuses on a RFID implementation at a supplier of bumper and spoiler systems to the automotive
Career experience and its association with entrepreneurial knowledge
Entrepreneurship researchers have recently showed an increasing interest in understanding how individuals develop ‘entrepreneurial knowledge’, which is generally referred to as knowledge facilitating the recognition of new venture opportunities and the organizing and managing of new ventures. In this paper, we examine to what extent prior career experience matter is associated with the development
Isotope labeled internal standards (ILIS) as the basis for QC-Control in human plasma analysis
Identified particle jet correlations from PHENIX.
Äldres aktivitet och fysisk miljö. Ett forskningsprojekt om hur den fysiska boendemiljön påverkar äldres vardagsaktivitet.
Kön, minne och diaspora
Do certain groups of older people benefit the most from the use of powered wheelchairs?
The occurrence of the not-yet-seen in education - linearity, becoming & difference
In comparison with the past, the fact that the future does not yet exist makes it a difficult object to study (von Wright 1993 ). Because of its inevitable elusiveness space is given for expectations, misgivings, and valuations (Alm 2008), but also for dreams, creativity, and imagination. Above all, the future could be seen as a potential source of change in relation to the already existing presen
Processes in Optical Diesel Engines - Emissions Formation and Heat Release
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dieselmotorn, uppkallad efter sin uppfinnare Rudolf Diesel, patenterades 1892 och har sedan dess bidragit väsentligt till utvecklingen av samhället. Den viktigaste användningen är som kraftkälla i fordon och detta användningsområde ökar fortfarande. Andelen dieselmotorer i nyregistrerade personbilar i Västeuropa har nyligen passerat 50 %. För kommersiella fordon som lasThis project deals with questions related to generic diesel combustion research and optically accessible engines are used to study the combustion process. Images of the combustion are analyzed together with in-cylinder pressure and exhaust gas emission measurements. The results can be divided into two main categories: one about evaluations of optically accessible engines and one about studies of e