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A case study of a quadrilingual child : The influence of exposure and cognates when developing multiple languages
This paper reports on a case study of a quadrilingual child, Stefan, born and raised in Sweden and exposed to four languages before his first birthday: English, French, Russian and Swedish. We examine his vocabularies in these languages by the Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (Haman, Łuniewska, & Pomiechowska, 2015), designed to measure vocabulary in monolingual and multilingual children. Stefan
Placing Empire: Travel and the Social Imagination in Imperial Japan
Robert Thomas Tierney, Monster of the Twentieth Century: Kōtoku Shūsui and Japan’s First Anti-Imperialist Movement
Stretch increases alveolar type 1 cell number in fetal lungs through ROCK-Yap/Taz pathway
Accurate fluid pressure in the fetal lung is critical for its development, especially at the beginning of the saccular stage when alveolar epithelial type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) cells differentiate from the epithelial progenitors. Despite our growing understanding of the role of physical forces in lung development, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the transduction of mechanical stretch to
Mutable Content, Durable Institutions: Reconceptualizing the "Public" in Prewar Japanese Museums
The Many Layers of Japanese Imperialism in Colonial Korea
Conquistadorerna : De första koloniala imperierna
Temperature-Dependent Crystallization Mechanisms of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite From Different Solvents
Hybrid perovskites are a novel type of semiconductors that show great potential for solution-processed optoelectronic devices. For all applications, the device performance is determined by the quality of the solution-processed perovskite thin films. During solution processing, the interaction of solvent with precursor molecules often leads to the formation of solvate intermediate phases that may d
Racemic Ketamine as an Alternative to Electroconvulsive Therapy for Unipolar Depression: : A Randomized, Open-Label, Non-Inferiority Trial (KetECT)
BackgroundKetamine has emerged as a fast-acting and powerful antidepressant, but no head to head trial has been performed, Here, ketamine is compared with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), the most effective therapy for depression.MethodsHospitalized patients with unipolar depression were randomized (1:1) to thrice-weekly racemic ketamine (0.5 mg/kg) infusions or ECT in a parallel, open-label, non-
New remains of scandiavis Mikkelseni inform avian phylogenetic relationships and brain evolution
Although an increasing number of studies are combining skeletal and neural morphology data in a phylogenetic context, most studies do not include extinct taxa due to the rarity of preserved endocasts. The early Eocene avifauna of the Fur Formation of Denmark presents an excellent opportunity for further study of extinct osteological and endocranial morphology as fossils are often exceptionally pre
Grand unified origin of gauge interactions and families replication in the standard model
The tremendous phenomenological success of the Standard Model (SM) suggests that its flavor structure and gauge interactions may not be arbitrary but should have a fundamental first-principle explanation. In this work, we explore how the basic distinctive properties of the SM dynamically emerge from a unified New Physics framework tying together both flavor physics and Grand Unified Theory (GUT) c
Oklara besked om hur krisberedskapen ska förbättras
Internationell politisk ekonomi
Understanding election violence in the Philippines : Beware the unknown assassins of may
Despite election violence being a commonly agreed upon phenomena in the Philippines, there has been a dearth in academic research on the topic in recent years, largely due to a lack of reliable information. To address this, our article adapts recognized methods from studies such as Lindsay Shorr Newman’s 2013 paper, together with Stephen McGrath and Paul Gill’s 2014 research on terrorism and elect
Teologi i tiden, avsnitt 24: Kallelse och erkännande - berättelser från de första prästvigda kvinnorna i Svenska kyrkan
Frida Mannerfelt och Alexander Maurits berättar utifrån boken ”Kallelse och erkännande – berättelser från de första prästvigda kvinnorna i Svenska kyrkan” (Makadam förlag) om det unika källmaterial med 34 av de första prästvigda kvinnorna som de har fått tillgång till och som har lett fram till den här boken. I breven framkommer berättelser om vägen fram till prästvigning och de första åren i förs
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The Community Inversion Framework v1.0 : A unified system for atmospheric inversion studies
Atmospheric inversion approaches are expected to play a critical role in future observation-based monitoring systems for surface fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHGs), pollutants and other trace gases. In the past decade, the research community has developed various inversion software, mainly using variational or ensemble Bayesian optimization methods, with various assumptions on uncertainty structure
Evaluating GIS based water budget components applicability and availability for the Lagan River catchment
Med hjälp av öppna datakällor från svenska myndigheter om vatten och mark vilka sammanställdes i ett QGIS-program var det möjligt att presentera och åskådliggöra vattenbudgeten i Lagans avrinningsområden. Den sammanlagda vattenmängden i avrinningsområdet kunde uppskattas till 9,36 km3 varav 75,9 % (7,10 km3) är grundvatten och 24,1% (2,26 km3) finns i sjöarna i området. Studien pekar på att GISbasUsing open-access data sets on water and soil from Swedish authorities and compiling them in a QGIS-programme made it possible to present and visualise the water budget of the Lagan River Catchment. Based on the estimations of the water volume in groundwater reservoirs and lakes the total maximum available volume in the Lagan River Catchment area was determined to be 9.36 km3. Of this 75.9% (7.10
The role of coarse aerosol particles as a sink of HNO3 in wintertime pollution events in the Salt Lake Valley
Wintertime ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) pollution events burden urban mountain basins around the globe. In the Salt Lake Valley of Utah in the United States, such pollution events are often driven by the formation of persistent cold-air pools (PCAPs) that trap emissions near the surface for several consecutive days. As a result, secondary pollutants including fine particulate matter less than 2.5 um