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Tid och envishet är viktiga faktorer för att lyckas med innovation. Om detta och andra faktorer står att läsa i denna bok. Boken är född ur ett inspirerande, lärorikt år inom ramen för forskningsprogrammet PIEp: Product Innovation Engineering program. Ett år då vi forskare mött nya människor, nya företag, fått nya insikter, men också en bekräftelse på att svenskt näringsliv tycks göra allt för att

Global Climate Governance Beyond 2012. Architecture, Agency and Adaptation

A cutting-edge assessment of policy options for future global climate governance, written by a team of leading experts from the European Union and developing countries. Global climate governance is at a crossroads. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol was merely a first step, and its core commitments expire in 2012. This book addresses three questions which will be central to any new climate agreement. What is

Self-Tuning Control of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Activated Sludge Systems

Self-tuning control of the dissolved oxygen concentration has been tested in full scale at the Käppala Sewage Works at Lidingö, Sweden. The controller has been shown to be robust during varying operating conditions. It also gives the potential for the estimation of interesting variables, such as the oxygen uptake rate. A number of water quality variables have been examined. Interesting couplings b

Specialisering och insikt om beslutsprocesser gagnar rättssäkerhet

Det är ett självklart mål att myndighetsbeslut och domstolsavgöranden i skattefrågor ska vara objektiva. Det är inte möjligt att mäta graden av faktisk objektivitet. Istället hävdas i artikeln att myndigheters och domstolars organisation kan bidra till stärkande av rättssäkerhet när det gäller skattebeslut och skatteprocesser. Skatteområdet har särskilda utmaningar. Det är viktigt ur samhällssynpu

Retreating lichens in southernmost Sweden.

The current Status of 94 liehen species, of which 83 are extracted from the Swedish Red Data list, has been investigated in Skåne, the southernmost province of Sweden. The results, including over 1000 field records, indicate a retreat connected with environmental problems, especially air pollution. 41 species have disappeared, 16 species are considered endangered, 11 species are considered vulnera

Developmental perspectives on tutorial groups as projects groups

A new system to categorize the content of group diaries is developed and tried out in 12 PBL groups. The theoretically derived and preformed main categories were Boundary manage¬ment, Transformational realms, Awareness of organizational contexts and temporal perspectives. After analysis it is concluded that it may be a more fruitful way to proceed through reading and analyzing the diaries as narra

À la recherche d'un public parlant: les médias et la democratie.

The traditional notuion of democracy being anchored in discussions among citizens is highlighted. The chapter makes the claim that while civic talk is central to the life of democracy, there are many socio-cultural factors that impede poitical discussion. Also, while formal deliberation is important, even the free-flowing, messy and unpredictable converations of everyday life can give rise to the

Insulation reduction of footwear: 1-day sweating test on a thermal foot model

The present paper is discussing some results of the bigger experiment that was conducted in order to study the effect of different sweat rates (3, 5 and 10 g/h) on footwear insulation. During the study series some tests with 8-hour sweating were carried out. A thermal foot model was used for testing. The model is divided into 8 zones and had 5 “sweat glands”. A thin sock was donned on foot model f