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På kvinnornas sida? Hur unga kvinnor upplever reklam med feministiska och normbrytande budskap

Den här studien undersöker hur unga kvinnor upplever och förstår syftesdriven reklam med feministiska och normbrytande budskap, samt vilka konsekvenser de får för deras uppfattning om den ideala kvinnokroppen. Fenomenet exemplifieras med hjälp av tre reklamkampanjer aktuella från 2016 som alla säger sig ha ett kvinnostärkande budskap. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med tretton unga kvinnor genomfördThis study investigates how young women experience and understand purpose- driven advertising with feminist and norm-breaking messages, and the conse- quences of their perception regarding the ideal body. The phenomenon is exempli- fied by the use of three current campaigns from 2016, all of which say that they have a woman-promoting message. Semi-structured interviews with thirteen young women we

Madonna och Facebook som påverkande faktor till arbetsmotivation

Examensarbetets titel: Madonna och Facebook som påverkande faktor till arbetsmotivation. En fallstudie av Massive Entertainments strategiska HR-åtgärder. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå Författare: Linnea Larsson, Jenny Ludvigsson, Christoffer Nilsson, Lydia Wretlind Handledare: Niklas Lars Hallberg Nyckelord: Arbet

Minns du vad du kommer ihåg? Kontextens påverkan på eventsegmentering och dess samband med depression

Studien avsåg undersöka hur kontext påverkade eventsegmentering och minnesbaserad, temporal bedömning. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan psykiskt mående och förmåga till eventsegmentering. Ett datoriserat minnestest användes för att utforska hur kontext påverkade upplevelsen av temporal närhet mellan två objekt. Objekten hade tidigare presenterats med antingen samma kontext, två olika kontexter elThe study intended to examine how context influenced event segmentation and memory based, temporal estimation. Furthermore the study explored correlation between mental illness and event segmentation. A computerized memory test was conducted to investigate how the contexts influenced the estimation of temporal proximity between two objects. The objects were presented with either same context, two

Balancing inventory levels and setup times - An analysis and outline of a decision-making model

Background and Research Question Historically, Lindab has largely focused its efforts on the production, but as a part of recent development in company strategy, supply chain management has gained more attention. In this regard, more attention has been given to stock reduction and minimizing total setup times to get a leaner production. Therefore, the company wants to investigate the current produ

Ett attraktivare företagserbjudande – en fallstudie på SJ AB

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate and provide suggestions for strategic actions, adjusted to conditions on the market, on how train operators, operating in a mature, saturated and highly competitive passenger transportation industry, should create an attractive customer offer for business travellers. Methodology: This study is based on a case study of the Swedish train operator SJ.

Strategy for Entering a New Business Segment: How a high-tech company can leverage and adapt its business model and ecosystem in a new market.

Problem Description: Entering a new business segment introduces numerous challenges for a high-tech company. New product development processes, even when well-managed, have a high expected failure rate and commercialisation is costly. High-tech markets are volatile, fast-moving and uncertain with a short window of opportunity for introducing and establishing new products. Strategy research does no

The employee's journey to a new organisational culture

Title: The employee’s journey to a new organisational culture: How employees experience the acculturation process post-acquisition Authors: Anne Verrips and Lisette Marlous Schoonewelle Supervisor: Tony Huzzard School of Economics and Management/ Lund University, Sweden Date: May 24, 2019 Aim: This thesis aims to develop a deeper understanding of how employees acculturate post-acquisition, it

Developing vision substitution products using computer vision

Många produkter för personer med synnedsättningar analyserar på olika sätt informationiomgivningensomtillexempeltext-information. Idettaarbetetharjagutvecklat en metod för att markera ett specifikt område som ska analyseras med en handgest.The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. The first is to investigate if cutting edge technology can be used to enhance the life for people with visual impairments. The second is to provide a simple example of how the design process can look from the beginning to a finished Hi-Fi prototype. This was achieved by gathering requirements for a product and creating a prototype, This was carried out in th

Beroende av måttfull spelreklam - Ett marknadsföringsetiskt perspektiv på spelbranschens reklamutformning

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utforska hur olika aktörer inom spelindustrin definierar måttfullhet i reklam i praktiken samt vilket etiskt ansvar de upplever att de har för sin marknadsföring. Den här uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ datainsamling i form av intervjuer och dokumentstudier av lagtext och juridiska dokument, riktlinjer samt spelreklam på bland annat linjär TV, internet, utomhusreThe purpose of this study is to explore how different actors in the gambling industry define moderateness in advertising in practice and the ethical responsibility they experience that they carry for their advertisements. This thesis is based on qualitative research in the form of interviews and document studies of legal documents and gambling advertising on, for example, TV, internet, outdoor adv

Leadership in startups

Examensarbetets titel: Leadership in startups Seminariedatum: 2019-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Authors: Gustaf Lönnqvist Gustafsson, Claudine Mae Mainit och Daria Malmgren Författare: Monika Müller Fem nyckelord: Ledarskap, Startup, Vertikalt ledarskap, Entreprenöriell ledarskap, delat ledarskap Syfte: Vi avser att undersöka hur ledaTitle: Leadership in startups Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEKH49, Bachelor level thesis in organization, Business administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Gustaf Lönnqvist Gustafsson, Claudine Mae Mainit and Daria Malmgren Advisor: Monika Müller Keywords: Leadership, Startup, Vertical leadership, Entrepreneurial leadership, Shared leadership Purpose: We aim to investigate how leadership is unde

In the name of Development: Gentrification and Domicide The case of redevelopment programs of three low-income neighborhoods in Addis Ababa

Gentrification is a process of neighborhood change where the low-income group is displaced to leave the space for middle or high income residents or investors, whereas domicide is the killing of homes. The political economy and its basis operate where there is private ownership of major production on land and rent-seeking behavior of the capital and social. This is a very powerful primary influenc

"Ett Barbariskt Röfwar-släkte" - Synen på främmande folkslag, samt bevisföringsmetoder i Carl Reftelius Historisk och Politisk Beskrifning Öfwer Riket och Staden Algier Ifrån år 1516 til och med år 1732

Following the peace treaty between Sweden and the regency of Algiers in 1729, the first Swedish consulate was established in this city. One of the first employees at the consulate was a man named Carl Reftelius (d. 1758), who, after approximately two years of service, returned home and wrote the very first Swedish account of the city and its inhabitants: Historisk och Politisk Beskrifning Öfwer Ri

Environmental Justice in the Post-industrial, Entrepreneurial City: A Look at Malmö’s Built Environment

This thesis investigates environmental justice through the lens of the Sustainability Prism Model. Its purpose is to assess a post-industrial focus on environmental sustainability in the built environment using the four aspects of the Sustainability Prism: economy, ecology, equity, and livability. The study of eco-gentrification – the inequities that result as a consequence of the implementation o

Integrating Local Knowledge into Disaster Risk Reduction: Current Challenges and Recommendations for Future Frameworks in the Asia-Pacific

The agenda of integration of local and indigenous knowledge (LINK) with disaster risk reduction (DRR) programmes has gained momentum since 1970s. Notwithstanding the incremental attention to LINK, researchers in this field agree that successful integration of local knowledge is difficult and the processes with such aims are not carried out fully and effectively. The purpose of this study is to pro

Internetbaserad Aktiv Kommunikation (IAK) för personer med hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Tidigare studier har visat att kurser i Aktiv Kommunikation (AK) kan minska konsekvenserna en hörselnedsättning ger. Studier har också visat att internetbaserade rehabiliteringsinterventioner kan vara tids- och kostnadseffektiva. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka effekterna av en Internetbaserad Aktiv Kommunikationskurs (IAK) för personer med hörselnedsättning, samt utvärdera deltaga

Numerical analysis of connection in wind turbine rotor blade

En växande världsbefolkning, politiska regleringar och en strävan att öka andelen energi från förnyelsebara källor har resulterat i att intresset för vindkraftsverk ökat. Winfoor AB utvecklar `Triblade’, en ny teknologi för vindkraftsverksblad som ämnar öka effekten samtidigt som bladen kan göras lättare, billigare och enklare att transportera än dagens vindkrafsverksblad.A globally growing population, an increased energy consumption and growing environmental awareness have made the interest for renewable energy sources, such as wind power, higher. As a result of the increased demand the need for new and improved technologies have increased. The energy production of a wind turbine is highly affected by the rotor blade length, which is limited by the massive dead lo

Förändringstider i organisationer - två gruppers upplevelser av att befinna sig i en stundande organisationsförändring

The purpose of the study was to explore experiences of being in an organization facing an organizational change and to see what differences in experiences of the phenomenon exist between two different groups within the same organization. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight employees in an organization, four of whom were workshop workers and four salaried employees. Interview mater

Assessment of Daylighting and Electric Lighting Performance in a Retrofitting Project: A Case Study in Sweden

Newly constructed building stocks have been decreasing in last decades; thus, renovation and retrofitting represent a large amount of opportunities to upgrade the building performance and energy efficiency of building assets in their life span, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An overall assessment of a lighting retrofit project can support to judge the quality of a retrofit as good

Bröstcancer och sexualitet: kvinnors perspektiv - En litteraturstudie

Många kvinnor lider och har lidit av bröstcancer. Bröstcancer är en kronisk sjukdom vars diagnos och behandlingar påverkar livskvaliteten hos kvinnor i många aspekter såsom fysiskt, psykiskt, funktionellt, socialt och sexuellt. Utgångspunkten i studien är Ericksons teori Modeling and Role Modeling Theory. Syfte: Belyser kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet vid bröstcancer. Metod: Litteraturstudien ut