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Systems of Innovation and the Innovation process: A literature review

This paper deals with how the emerging strand of theorizing – systems of innovation – interprets the determinants of the rate and direction of the innovation process and its implications for policy measures therein. The immense impact technical change has had on economic growth in the past roughly 200 years has demanded an overdue attention since the second half of the twentieth century.And now a

Architecture in Tourism - visitors perspective, case of Copenhagen

Architecture always had a great significance in tourism. Admiring, understanding and learning about architecture as a part of education later became a trend in tourism. In the past decade, a new trend has been noticed that large number of tourists are attracted not only to the old architecture sites, but to the new architectural hotspots which was triggered after opening of Gehry’s Guggenheim Muse

Resource Allocation within an R&D Environment - The Agency Theory Conundrum

Abstract Title Resource Allocation within an R&D Environment – The Agency Theory Conundrum Seminar date 2011-06-03 Course BUSM65, second-year master thesis for Master in Finance, at the Department of Business Administration Authors Ívar Grétarsson, Kristoffer Johansson Advisor Dr. Niclas Andrén Keywords Agency Theory, R&D, Resource Allocation, QlikView Purpose Investigating and minimizing

Tillgänglighet för funktionsnedsatta på järnvägsstationer - Konflikter i arbetsprocessen vid tillämpning av TSD

Accessibility is something often taken for granted in our society, but it is a necessity for people with disabilities. Railway stations are a public place and are often a connecting point for several modes of transport. Design of railway stations in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilities is governed by several national and international governing documents. The purpose of this thesis

Effekter av näringstillförsel på CO2-utbytet på Fäjemyr

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Torvmossen - vår räddare undan klimathotet? Att vår jord just nu genomgår en dramatisk klimatförändring har knappast kunnat undgå någon. Förbränning av fossila bränslen tillsammans med en rad andra mänskliga aktiviteter har ökat koncentrationen av koldioxid, CO2, i atmosfären med ungefär 36% sedan början av 1700-talet. Denna ökning anses vara en viktig orsak tiDuring the last century the carbon dioxide, CO2, concentration in our atmosphere has increased because of anthropogenic emissions, mainly from fossil fuel burning. This release of carbon dioxide has caused an increase of the greenhouse effect. During millennia’s peatlands have acted as a carbon sink, taking up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One third of the world´s total soil carbon is st

Efter ens tal ska ingen dömas

Ett av de svåraste momenten för en domare är hur de ska värdera en muntlig utsaga. Vid sexualbrott är det vanligt förekommande att en utsaga är den största bevisningen, det är därför av största vikt att en utsaga värderas på ett objektivt och godtagbart sätt. I Sverige finns det ingen lagreglering om hur en bevisvärdering ska gå till. För att rättssäkerheten inte helt ska försvinna finns det riktlOne of the most difficult moments of a judge is how to evaluate an oral statement. When dealing with sex crimes the oral statement is usually the biggest evidence, it is therefore important that an oral statement is valued in an objective and acceptable manner. In Sweden, there is no legal regulation on how an evaluation on oral statements should work. There are guidelines for the evaluation of or

Determinants of Location in Outward U.S. Foreign Direct Investment

The flow of capital across borders through foreign direct investment has become a major driver in the world economy and continues to gain prominence due to the rise of Asia and other emerging markets. The United States, as the largest economy in the world for over half a century, has played a crucial role in this capital flow. Everyday, millions of private U.S. dollars pour across borders towards

Kreativitet i klassrummet: En studie om hur lärarstil och motivation påverkar elevers kreativitet

Studiens syfte var att undersöka kreativitet i klassrummet genom att studera hur kreativitetsfrämjande lärarstil och målorientering (uppgiftsorientering, prestationuppvisande orientering och prestation – undvikande orientering) påverkar mellanstadieelevers kreativitet. Dessutom undersöktes hur elevernas målorientering kan påverkas av kreativitetsfrämjande lärarstil. Elevernas personlighet, kön ochThe aim of this study was to investigate creativity in the classroom by studying how creativity fostering teaching behavior and goal orientation (task goal orientation, performance approach orientation and performance avoid orientation) affect the creativity of middle school students. The influence of creativity fostering teaching behavior on students’ goal orientation was also explored. Personali

The Authenticity of Personal Branding

The purpose of this study is to explore how authentic online brands are created when the actual brand building process can lead to an inauthentic product. Relevance for theory and practice: Authenticity in personal online branding is something of an abstract concept that has been seldom examined on this level. By combining the corporate branding, personal branding and authenticity literature the i

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) In data pattern recognition for monitoring purpose

This thesis is meant to be a simple introduction to the field of the Artificial Neural Networks and a survey of the possibility of using neural networks in fault diagnosis of sand moulding machines manufactured by DISA. The purpose of the survey is to give an indication of the direction the future work should take in order to obtain a sustainable solution for the use of artificial neural networks

Labor Market Attachment of Immigrant Women in Germany. Evidence for a Double Disadvantage?

This paper examines the labor market attachment of immigrant women in Germany by testing the hypothesis of a double disadvantage and looking at the determinants of immigrant women’s earnings and occupational prestige in 1999 and 2009. Hypotheses derived from human capital and labor market segmentation theory are tested by running ordinary least squares regressions on earnings and occupational pre

An Analysis of the Ecological Footprint Using Actor-Network Theory and Case Study Research

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the factors hindering and enabling the use of the environmental composite indicator, the Ecological Footprint, in Denmark. In this project, Actor-network theory and case study research will be applied to the empirical material, consisting of five semi-structured interviews and written documents. The case study approach works as a general research strategy,

Assessing salinization, sand encroachment and expanding urban areas in the Nile Valley using Landsat MSS data

Jordförstöring och utbredning av urbana områden är allvarliga hot mot Egyptens jordbruk och ekonomi, samt försvårar försörjningen av den snabbt växande befolkningen. Landsat MSS bilder från tre år; 1972, 1986 och 1992, har använts för att studera försaltning, försandning och urbanisering i Nildalen, mellersta Egypten. 1992 års bild klassades enligt maximum likelihood-metoden och enligt regressionsSoil degradation and expanding urban areas are serious threats to the Egyptian agriculture and economy, and jeopardize the possibility to provide food to the rapidly growing population. Landsat MSS scenes from the years of 1972, 1986 and 1992 have been used to study salinization, sand encroachment and urbanization in the Nile valley in Middle Egypt. The 1992 data set were classified according to t

The impact of rising economic integration of Hong Kong and China

In the last decade, Hong Kong maintains a relatively stable and sustained economic growth compared to other developed countries despite the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the outburst of IT Bubble in 2001, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003. This thesis suggests that integration with China is the reason for such growth. Many studies have shown that Hong Kong and China have been closely

The Impact of AG Geelhoed's Theories on Recent Case Law

This thesis begins in the view of AG Geelhoed about the right for the States to allocate the right to tax between them and that discrimination resulting from this does not fall with in scope of the free movement provisions of the Treaty. In an article by the CFE in 2006 a conclusion is drawn that the ECJ is starting to fall in line with Geelhoed’s reasoning. The aim of this thesis is to see if the

Speaking for the Marginalised: Representation strategies of the Civil Society Organisations working with marginalised group issues at European level

Participation of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has been greatly promoted by the European Union (EU) and many CSOs in social policy sphere in particular have increasingly gained their participatory venues and consultative status vis-a-vis EU institutions since the 90’s. However, their expected role to bring even the most marginalised groups’ voice into European policy making process poses a qu

A Comparative Study of English and Croatian Concepts of the Ship Mortgage

Ship mortgage and equivalent to it in civil law, hypothec, provides a mortgagee or the lender an opportunity to obtain security for his debt. The concept of this thesis is to compare Croatian and English systems of ship mortgage, hypothec. Relevant legislation of Merchant Shipping Acts in England and Maritime Code 2004 in Croatia, shall be used as a form of comparison as well as range of the relev