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Your search for "*" yielded 528169 hits

The impact of rising economic integration of Hong Kong and China

In the last decade, Hong Kong maintains a relatively stable and sustained economic growth compared to other developed countries despite the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the outburst of IT Bubble in 2001, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003. This thesis suggests that integration with China is the reason for such growth. Many studies have shown that Hong Kong and China have been closely

The Impact of AG Geelhoed's Theories on Recent Case Law

This thesis begins in the view of AG Geelhoed about the right for the States to allocate the right to tax between them and that discrimination resulting from this does not fall with in scope of the free movement provisions of the Treaty. In an article by the CFE in 2006 a conclusion is drawn that the ECJ is starting to fall in line with Geelhoed’s reasoning. The aim of this thesis is to see if the

Speaking for the Marginalised: Representation strategies of the Civil Society Organisations working with marginalised group issues at European level

Participation of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has been greatly promoted by the European Union (EU) and many CSOs in social policy sphere in particular have increasingly gained their participatory venues and consultative status vis-a-vis EU institutions since the 90’s. However, their expected role to bring even the most marginalised groups’ voice into European policy making process poses a qu

A Comparative Study of English and Croatian Concepts of the Ship Mortgage

Ship mortgage and equivalent to it in civil law, hypothec, provides a mortgagee or the lender an opportunity to obtain security for his debt. The concept of this thesis is to compare Croatian and English systems of ship mortgage, hypothec. Relevant legislation of Merchant Shipping Acts in England and Maritime Code 2004 in Croatia, shall be used as a form of comparison as well as range of the relev

Think before you share: Personal data on the Social Networking Sites in Europe; Article 8 ECHR as a tool of privacy protection

The current research aims to find out how the European legal system may approach the challenges of the online social networking and their effects on the right to privacy in personal data protection of the European users. Since the answer closely depends on the nature of the right in question (human right or property right), the thesis involves a comparative analysis of the American and European p

Combating Child Labour Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Côte d'Ivoire

Although rooted in the history of humankind, child labour has become a matter of increasing global attention. Significant steps have been taken in the international arena to combat the problem. However, its prevalence gives reasons for concerns. According to latest estimates of the International Labour Organization, 215 million children in the world are still caught up in child labour and 115 mill

Nämndemän i den dömande verksamheten: en rättssociologisk undersökning om nämndemännen på Lunds tingsrätt följer de rättsliga normerna

After a recent discussion in the media about suitability and role lay judges in the courts, I thought their role and function should be investigated further as it is both an interesting and topical issue. The purpose of this study was to determine if lay judges follow the legal standards that govern their work and if there are trends that suggest that political views can influence the verdict, and

Thinking with a tool - what age and technology use reveals about cognition

Technology is often used as a method in memory intervention but there is a gap between what we know about memory processes and the interaction with technology tools (Topo, 2009; Dascal & Dror, 2005; Hjälmedelsinstitutet, 2011). This study aims to investigate how human use our memory in a real world setting and how we valuate a technological memory tool developed to support mild memory decline.

Brands in Bad Company

Springing from the relatively newco-creation paradigm, this article is based on the fact that consumers have asignificant influence on the brand building process. However consumers cannotbe understood as a sound and compact group of buyers with homogeneous values. Insteadvarious societal developments, and in particular the emergence of consumertribes, support the existence of a multiplicity of con

The rational aspects of an irrational whim. A qualitative study exploring the motivations behind consumer impulse buying in a socio-cultural context.

Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyse the consumer’s underlying motivations for behaviour and decision-making in an impulse buying context, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the drivers behind impulse buying. Method The study is conducted with an explorative approach. A combination of self-administered diaries and semi-structured interviews were chosen to collect the empirical

Infant and Child Mortality in Ethiopia

This paper examined and identifies the important determinants of infant and child mortality in Ethiopia. The 2000 and 2005 Demographic and Health Surveys (EDHS) data were used. Logistic regression method were used to determine the impact of bio-demographic (proximate) and socioeconomic determinants on infant and child mortality. The infant and child mortality reduced during the period 2000 and 200

The Relationship between Domestic Investment and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidences from China

Since the strategy of “Going Global” to be implemented, the Chinese OFDI has been increased rapidly. For a long time, governments in developed countries as well as some scholars hold the different attitudes that OFDI will crowd out Chinese domestic 5 investment. In this study, we empirically analyze this relationship between OFDI and domestic investment in China based on the data from 1986 to 2010

Charitable foundations and Corporate Communication: A study of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face

Our purpose is to increase the understanding of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face in their communication efforts. We aim to develop two communication models that takes into account the special circumstances that surrounds communication of charitable foundations. Our ambition is that the models will contribute to both the managerial and the academic unders

Svinnet som försvann - en fallstudie av CSR på ICA Malmborgs Tuna

Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskriva och analysera hur ICA Tuna i Lund aktivt arbetar med att reducera matsvinn genom projektet Resurskocken. Genom en fallstudie av Resurskocken vill vi visa hur denna livsmedelsbutik på ett konkret sätt realiserar företagsansvar, CSR, och förenar det med lönsamhet. Ytterligare syftar detta examensarbete till att inspirera och stimulera branschens ansvarstagan

Necessity to License Copyrighted Works: Perspective of Different Creative Economies

Under the current international framework of copyright, rights are automatically granted to all creators of eligible works regardless of their will. Elimination of formalities, formerly a necessary condition for grant of copyright, deprived creators of choice as to whether obtain rights with accompanying obligation for others or not. Copyright legislation has primarily been established for satisfa

The European Energy Policy

At the turn of the century a new situation on the international energy market emerged and the European Union is now facing a growing number of energy challenges. Climate change, import dependency, growing global competition for energy supplies and increasing risks of energy supply disruptions has made energy security the dominant element of European energy policy. The demand for a common European

Misstag som inte är fel. En studie av icke överensstämmande språkversioner inom EU-rätten

Denna uppsats handlar om felaktigheter i översättningarna av olika texter i EU-rätten. I uppsatsen beskrivs EU:s interna system för översättning, bakgrunden till att EU har så många officiella språk och vilka riktlinjer och regler som finns för översättning. Efter detta beskrivs fyra olika felkategorier för översättningsmissar. Exempel från varje kategori presenteras och diskuteras utifrån ett ekvThis essay concerns errors in translation of legal texts within the European Union and how these errors affect community law and in turn the different Member States within the Union. The essay describes translation within the Union and continues on to specify four different categories of errors which occur in union translation. Examples from each category are presented and discussed from an equiva

Contrasting perspectives in a hospital merger: The case of the SUS eye clinic

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for if, and how, different views on efficiency and effectiveness characterized the organisation of the eye clinic in the SUS hospital merger. What presumptions operative efficiencies affected hospital management’s merger decision? What were the expected benefits and what kind of organisational structure would help to achieve these

Mot en dialog i kompetensförsörjningen – en kvalitativ studie av Malmö Stads projekt "Kompetensförsörjning förskola"

Mot bakgrund av barnomsorgens förändrliga förutsättningar med grund i bland annat ändrad lagstiftning och en markant ökning av barn i åldrarna 1-5, utarbetade Malmö Stad projektet ”Kompetensförsörjning Förskola” i syfte att motarbeta aktuella och framtida personal- och kompetensbehov. Utifrån detta framkom intresset att berika Malmö Stads projekt med såväl teori som empiri för att bland annat avgö