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Självomhändertagande: En explorativ studie av självomhändertagande hos kvinnliga studenter inom vårdrelaterade utbildningar

Självomhändertagande; hur man tar hand om sig i vardagen, i utmanande situationer, i ett framtidsperspektiv samt i ett självbildbildsperspektiv, undersöktes hos kvinnliga studenter inom vårdrelaterade utbildningar vid Lunds universitet. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder användes i studien. Ett stickprov bestående av 123 kvinnor fyllde i en för studien konstruerad enkät gällande självomhändSelf-care; how you take care of yourself in everyday life, in challenging situations, in a long-term as well as in a self-image perspective, was studied in regards to female students at health profession educations at Lund University. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the study. A sample of 123 women responded to a questionnaire regarding self-care designed for the purpose of

APD-planen för ett ökat logistikmedvetenade - en rapport om hur en byggarbetsplats kan effektiviseras

Bakgrund: Samhällsbyggandet har kritiserats för bristande konkurrens, kvalitet, effektivitet och kompetens. För att effektivisera byggprocessen och sänka byggkostnaderna krävs medvetenhet om logistiken och dess påverkan på en byggarbetsplats. Andra företeelser som påverkar kostnader och effektivitet på byggarbetsplatser är samverkan, kommunikation och planering. En av de planer som tas fram för en

International governmental organizations aren´t "Swiss" enough

Switzerland has a tradition of holding a political resistance to international governmental organizations. Under the last decades there has been three referendums regarding whether Switzerland should enter the EU or not, with a view of this I will examine those years. The aim of this essay is to explore if there is a discourse regarding national identity in the Swiss media concerning the EU member

Normative South Africa? A study of the norms that the EU aspires to extend to South Africa

The EU has a legacy of being a normative power. They also have a history of cooperating with developing countries trying to promote these normative ideals. This cooperation is for example guided by the promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law to mention a few. The study aims to investigate this characteristica concerning the EU’s relations with South Africa. South Africa is a quite

En insats för fred - En fallstudie av fredsbevarande insatser i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo

Demokratiska Republiken Kongo är ett land med en synnerligen blodig historia med upprepade övergrepp, krig och interna etniska motsättningar. Det senaste kriget där både interna och externa aktörer stred är formellt avslutat sedan 2003 men väpnade konflikter pågår fortfarande i delar av landet. Över fem miljoner människor beräknas hittills ha omkommit och miljontals lever som internflyktingar. Båd

Riskanalys av Trelleborgs hamn och rangerbangård

This report is a risk analysis of the harbour area in Trelleborg, Sweden. The purpose is to provide basic data for decision- making concerning the harbour neighbourhood. The conclusions are based on calculations and computer simulations concerning the chemical spread in case of an incident.

Brandteknisk riskanalys av Kungsbacka trästad

The report presents a quantitative riskanalysis of historical wooden buildings in Kungsbacka, Sweden. The risk is shown as the expected cost per year for the insurance companies. Five firesafety strategies are analysed using the same method. These are systematic firesafety work, systematic firesafety work with education of the occupants in the buildings, smokedetectors and fireextinguisher, automa

Jämförande analys av förebyggande metoder för skogsbränder

This report contains an analysis of the work conducted by the Swedish local authorities regarding the prevention of wild land fires. The results shows that information and prohibiting of lighting fires outdoor are effective methods to reduce the number of wild land fires provided that the guide lines issued from the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRV) are followed. Furthermore, the web applicatio

Environmental Taxation and its Effect on Green Innovation

In 1991, Michael Porter put forth the hypothesis that properly designed environmental regulation can induce innovation that offset the costs of such regulation. Porter’s view has been as much welcomed by environmentalists as it has been contested by economists. The hypothesis raises the question if environmental regulation can be a determinant for innovation in general and green innovation in part

Effektivisering av ledtiden till kund på Trelleborg Industri AB

Titel: Effektivisering av ledtiden till kund på Trelleborg Industri AB Författare: Rickard Gullberg Hedi Younis Handledare: Henrik Hansson Rahnboy, Quality & Improvement Manager, Trelleborg Engineered Fabrics Johan Lundin, Doktorand, TeknL, Teknisk logistik, Lunds Tekniska Hög-skola Problemformulering: Trelleborg AB är en global industrikoncern som är världsledande inom till-verkning av gummip

På neutral mark? - En studie om flöjtpedagogers tankar kring genus i musik- och kulturskolan

Studien syftar till att undersöka den ojämna könsfördelningen bland flöjtstudenter i musik- och kulturskolan, samt vilka faktorer som skapar och upprätthåller denna fördelning. Fyra flöjtpedagoger berättar om sina perspektiv på valet av instrument. Vidare beskrivs elevunderlaget ur ett lärarperspektiv. Pedagogerna resonerar kring värdet av en jämnare könsfördelning. De diskuterar även hur de självThis study aims to examine the uneven gender distribution amongst flute students in the municipal music schools, and the factors that create and maintain this distribution. It describes, from the flute teacher’s perspective, factors significant in creating and maintaining this distribution. Furthermore the student basis is described from the flute teacher’s perspective. The teachers discuss the va

Soil Loss Estimation Based on the USLE/GIS Approach Through Small Catchments - A Minor Field Study in Tunisia

A USLE/GIS approach was applied to estimate soil loss for the two catchments ‘Mrichet’ and ‘Sadine2’ in the semi-arid Tunisian Dorsal. The approach is inspired by the doctoral thesis ‘Water erosion modeling using fractal rainfall disaggregation – A study in semiarid Tunisia’ by Dr. Sihem Jebari. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was applied to predict soil loss magnitude and Geographic Infor

The Bunkers Convention - Selected aspects of the liability and compensation regime for bunkers pollution damage

The adoption of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001 plugs a gap in the otherwise comprehensive international liability and compensation regime for ship-source pollution. Although liability for bunkers pollution from tankers was partially regulated by other civil liability regimes, bunker spills pollution from other types of vessels was left uncovere

Arbetsrätt i praktiken

This essay will explore the challenges which can occur for consultants employed by a staffing company while being placed at the same host company for a longer period of time. These challenges occur due to the fact that the Swedish Labour Law is not framed for the three party relationship between employer, consultant and host company which an employment at a staffing company creates. Hiring of pers