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Structural analysis of slender glass panel subjected to static and impact loading

Slender glass panels are widely used as storefronts and indoor separating walls in shopping malls and public buildings. To ensure that the design and construction is technically safe for general use and that it meets current and accepted technical standards, in-situ testing is required by the building administrator or authorities. A case study was performed of an indoor glass lantern in a public b

Data Consistency of the Burning Velocity Measurements Using the Heat Flux Method: Syngas Flames

This work is aimed at presenting a comparison and detailed analysis of the existing experimental data of laminar burning velocities obtained for syngas flames using the heat flux method. The consistency of these data is essential in the development, validation, and optimization of combustion mechanisms. The core of the approach is the evaluation of any variability or inconsistency among the data o

Mediterranean diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort

Background:The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been proposed as a means for cancer prevention, but little evidence has been accrued regarding its potential to prevent pancreatic cancer. We investigated the association between the adherence to the MD and pancreatic cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort.Methods:Over half a million participants

Den svenska Phillipskurvan är internationell – vad betyder detta för Riksbanken?

Phillipskurvan, dvs sambandet mellan inflation och arbetslöshet, är central i den penningpolitiska debatten. Högre arbetslöshet förutsätts vara kopplad till lägre inflation. Det är mot denna bakgrund som Sune Karlsson och Pär Österholm (2020) gett sig ut på jakt efter den svenska Phillipskurvan i första numret av Ekonomisk Debatt 2020. I sin jakt har Karlsson och Österholm enbart utgått från svens

Kollektivt ansvar, kollektiva handlingar och storskaliga problem

Det verkar rimligt att anta att du endast är moraliskt ansvarig för något om du har åstadkommit detta genom dina handlingar. Utan en handling, inget moraliskt ansvar. Om vi antar att samma sak gäller kollektivt ansvar, så måste vi dra slutsatsen att vi som bidrar till problem som den globala uppvärmningen, utfiskningen, etc. inte är kollektivt ansvariga för dessa problem. Vi som exempelvis bidrar

Av kärlek och plikt : Att bli familjehem till ett barnbarn, syskon eller syskonbarn

I denna avhandling står släktinghemsföräldrar i fokus och stor vikt har lagts vidderas erfarenheter av att ta hand om ett släktingbarn, något som sällanuppmärksammas i forskning kring släktingplacering. Det övergripande syftet med studien har varit att utifrån ett livsloppsperspektiv och med familjeteoretiska begrepp analysera vad det kan innebära att ta hand om en familjemedlems barn genom ett foThis dissertation focuses on kinship foster parents and their experiences caring for their kinship children, something that is rarely touched on in kinship care research. The primary purpose of this study is to, based on a life-course perspective and with family theoretical concepts, analyze what it might mean to take care of a family member’s child through a formal commitment such as a foster car

Evidence for phosphorylation and oligomeric assembly of presenilin 1

Pathogenic mutations in presenilin 1 (PS1) are associated with ≃50% of early-onset familial Alzheimer disease. PS1 is endoproteolytically cleaved to yield a 30-kDa N-terminal fragment (NTF) and an 18-kDa C-terminal fragment (CTF). Using COS7 cells transfected with human PS1, we have found that phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and forskolin increase the state of phosphorylation of serine residues of the hu

Cellular and molecular basis of beta-amyloid precursor protein metabolism.

In molecular neurobiology, perhaps no molecule has been as thoroughly examined as Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP). In the years since the cDNA encoding beta-APP was cloned, the protein has been the subject of unparalleled scrutiny on all levels. From molecular genetics and cellular biology to neuroanatomy and epidemiology, no scientific discipline has been left unexplored - a